Anonymous love

Anonymous love

by pervyplagarist

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This is a string of many correspondences between a former professor and myself. It started out as a harmless little distraction for myself, to break up the day. It became so much more, so unapologetically.

The Doll Maker's Daughter at Christmas

The Doll Maker's Daughter at Christmas

by ID Johnson

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ID Johnson creates characters you'll want to have as your best friends with antagonists you'll love to hate. Her love for all things princess-y compelled her to write her first medieval romance at fifteen, and she hasn't stopped writing since. Now, her plots are a little more complex, her topics a little more mature, and her romances often more intense, but she's never lost the love she felt the first moment she breathed life into a character over twenty years ago. If you love feisty paranormal …

General's poisonous flower

General's poisonous flower

by Era

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His chest glistened with water droplets dribbling down the glowing bronze skin. Resting, his strong muscular back against the rocks on the lake side, head lulled backwards, onyx eyes closed in utter salvation."Your spying on me is utterly useless young tulip." Ink eyes opened, resting upon my little frame making me freeze."What are you thinking? You have got this one away." He offered his eyes watching my each and every movement like a hawk."I am a prisoner sire, I have heard stori…

Ghostly Fragance

Ghostly Fragance

by RosminCos

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Chen Fangsu escaped away from danger, away from the home she grew up in. With her new life in the capital with the last remaining member of her family, her grandpa, she happily works as the owner of her grandpa’s store. Unknowingly she is involved in an extremely dangerous situation that could cost her everything.

Prey to the evil enemy king

Prey to the evil enemy king

by SelaraChan

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19 year old queen Cherura is to be executed for treason by her own brother who wants her throne as her people turn against her. After a twist of fate she finds herself safe from his clutches. To enact her revenge she sets her sights on the enemy clan.But the enemy king comes to her and plans to team up with her against her brother! Cherura agrees and hopes to unite the Animaliari Kingdom against her brother. Will she succeed or be killed before doing so?-romance, action, historical, adventure, f…

Daily Satsangs Bhavasamathi Dharshan

Daily Satsangs Bhavasamathi Dharshan

by skunpr

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by Krustycaramel

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"ONCE UPON A TIME!" Every princess story starts with a lie but mine starts with RULES! I break the rules and I try not to be caught breaking them... DEAR DIARY! Princess Sultan writes... Kleopatra Sultan was the princess of King Horus Sultan and Queen Hatsheput Sultan in the kingdom of Egypt. The Princess is given two choices, marry the lieutenant commander or remain in the palace for the rest of her life. Kleopatra is an ambitious girl, she dreams of becoming the queen and ruler of Egypt,…

The Crimson Bed

The Crimson Bed

by Loretta Proctor

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Two artists, Fred and Henry, immersed in the Pre-Raphaelite art movement, with its yearning for romantic escape from the materialism of Victorian society. Two men deeply in love with their beautiful models. But every heart hides a secret and both couples have put certain shameful events behind them, events that, if exposed, could threaten their blissful new life. The Crimson Bed, a family heirloom passed down through the female blood line since Elizabethan times, brings with it ancestral secr…



by maha2008

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The Sun Princess And The Ice King

The Sun Princess And The Ice King

by Alisen_95

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It was uncomfortably quiet in the room. King Ulric still did not look up from his papers. She didn't know what was expected of her. Should she sit down? Should she stay where she was? She decided on the latter for the time being and quietly waited for the king to say something first.For a while nothing happened and Lyana even thought he had forgotten her. Suddenly he put the pen aside and looked at her. She winced slightly because she hadn't expected it and indicated a slight curtsy. "You wanted…

Cinderella and Prince Charles

Cinderella and Prince Charles

by Acton_Bell

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Cinderella has been demoted to maidservant while her father is away. Can her new friend, Charles, help her survive all the crazy adventures she finds herself getting into?This book is complete!Based on the Anime TV series (Which is where I got the cover picture)

The Baron and his Lady

The Baron and his Lady

by RaeySam

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Penthurst Manor had not been occupied for a very long time. Stories about the previous Baron circulated all around. Some say he sold his soul to the devil, while others said he became the devil himself and still walked the earth.Archeologist Patrick Neville had been drawn to the said stories. For almost 9 years he dedicated himself to solve the Baron's disappearance. Following a torn journal, he unearthed the Baron's residence.Kristania 'Krista' Vinna Neville was jumping between her Mom's place …



by IAm_DeenArfat0220

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The Book of Esther

The Book of Esther

by Dali098

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The Book of Esther tells a story of the deliverance of the Jewish people. We are shown a Persian emperor, Ahasuerus (loosely based on Xerxes, 485–464 B.C.), who makes momentous decisions for trivial reasons, and his wicked minister, Haman, who takes advantage of the king’s compliance to pursue a personal vendetta against the Jews by having a royal decree issued ordering their destruction. The threat is averted by two Jews, Esther and Mordecai. Their influence and intervention allow the Jews to t…



by Mithra_MA


The saga of an immortal who was cursed to die from thousand invisible arrows. To lift the curse and thus attain her goddess-ship she reincarnated as a human but was caught in the cage of love and betrayal.This is her ballad that narrates her love and life; her curse and redemption

Throne of blood & thorns

Throne of blood & thorns

by Bebo_Elnadi

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“The one you don’t have feelings for will be the one you fall for. But the one you think you adored once will be the one you will hate with your soul. Beware of the sweet honey that will blind your judgment, but follow the scent of flowers. They will be the answer to your hunch. And remember, you are nothing but a pawn to these up high, so keep your eyes open and your mouth shut.”When Akila, a normal young girl, is kidnapped to have an offspring in order to provide an heir for her king, she is t…

Realm of the Chosen

Realm of the Chosen

by Bella Moondragon

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Why choose just one if she can have them all?Princess Katrinetta is about to embark on her Choosing, a time when every province in Yewforia will select one man to send to Castle Wrenbrook where he will have the opportunity to show his value to the beautiful, intelligent woman who will someday rule the realm. Katrinetta is tasked with the duty of choosing just one man to spend the rest of her life with.In the realm of Yewforia, a man’s highest honor is to please a noblewoman. When that woman happ…

Love is War (LIW)

Love is War (LIW)

by supkei

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Love can sometimes kill you.

Henan Zhong: Three Wooers, The Bride Is Not Ready Yet

Henan Zhong: Three Wooers, The Bride Is Not Ready Yet

by _Sha


With a different identity, she has entered in the enemy Kingdom. She wanted to bring back Wan Hu Shang. The Crown Prince is ignorant about her real name and identity. He invited her to live in his Palace for a month and celebrate the Event of Winter since she saved his life from the angry crowd of wild sambars. The time comes and she is able to reach Wan Hu and free him but she herself got trapped by the enemy and fell in his personal prison. Will she be able to free herself and reach her father…

His Judas Bride

His Judas Bride

by Shehanne Moore

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When not cuddling inn signs in her beloved Scottish mountains alongside Mr Shey, Shehanne Moore writes dark and smexy historical romance, featuring bad boys who need a bad girl to sort them out. She firmly believes everyone deserves a little love, forgiveness and a second chance in life. Shehanne caused general apoplexy when she penned her first story, The Hore House Mystery—aged seven. From there she progressed to writing plays for her classmates, stories for her classmates, plays for real, co…