A Cold Bowl of Revenge, Please!

A Cold Bowl of Revenge, Please!

by XiaoYuFu

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No one in this world has a specific definition of what is good or bad, but everyone knows that the division between good and bad is just paper-thin.Lui Nian was a genius scientist that was able to find the cures of uncountable diseases that plagued humanity since long before she was born, but what was her reward?Untold amounts of wealth?NoUnbelievable fame?NeitherThen what was it?The hate of the whole world by the hands of Xinguang Laboratories since she did not want to do what they wanted her t…



by Flameryder88

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"I look in the mirror, and I don't even know who is staring back. A soldier? A kid? An experiment? A scientist? I don't know who I am. I just know what is expected of me." -NightStormEarth died in 2146. With its death came silence between all its daughter planets. In the time of silence, each planet grew independent, developing its own way of living. When communications returned, the inhabitants of each planet refused to change and work under one government. This mindset changed in 2235, durin…

Claiming the Throne

Claiming the Throne

by Dumebi2

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The story of three Tyrannosaurs as they learn about the world behind them and their attempts to survive in a human-dominated world.

The Trial of Eden

The Trial of Eden

by mont3j

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Alaine Chesney thinks her life is already perfect the way it is, but her thinking goes 180 degrees after her house is consumed by fire. As her house needs reconstruction, she used up her hard-earned savings. To quickly regain her loss, she applies for a part-time job which she fortunately earned. She opted for a taxi for a ride back home which unexpectedly turned into a marriage proposal date with the taxi driver that she naturally rejected. A week later, as she prepares for her new part-time wo…

Reincarnated. Long Live the Conqueror!

Reincarnated. Long Live the Conqueror!

by Mia_Chang

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Entwined in the inescapable red thread of destiny, Lyra, a military genius, died at the hands of her own lover. Hurt, heartbroken and betrayed, when Lyra opens her eyes again in a different world as the infant Princess Lotus she vows that in this life she'll live only for herself. However her plans to be an idle and spoiled princess for the rest of her days doesn't quite seem to fit with what fate has in store. Something big is brewing on the edges of her new reality and calls to her from the sh…

Sci-Fi And Daffodils

Sci-Fi And Daffodils

by Bitter_Cynicism_13

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Life's cruel then you die... Then you find yourself In a harem game?!°°°Kokoro Tetsuki was a nineteen year old runaway. On the run from neglectful parents, an asshole-ish older brother, and a terrible home and social life.Truth be told, she had came to the conclusion that running away was a terrible idea. She almost could say it was worse out on her own as she had no where to go. But if Kokoro was anything, she was stubborn, so she refused to go crawling back to her family and give them the sati…

The Rise Of Akaisha Morningstar

The Rise Of Akaisha Morningstar

by Kataya_Moon

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What happens when the person you've been seeking revenge on actually gave you superpowers? What's a girl to do then? Meet Akaisha Morningstar, 28 year old assistant to newswoman, Mahima Blake. Akaisha has a dark past that many people dont know about. She's on a quest to find the man that kept her prisoner for two years in her youth. Will she find him? or will he find her and activate the powers lying dormant inside her.A/N: If you'd like to read another book written by me check out I've Loved Yo…

The Colors of Life and Love.

The Colors of Life and Love.

by pianonut814

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Most people wander through their station in life, never questioning what is around them. When an ordinary botany student finds herself hundreds of years in the future, she is surrounded by an evolved humankind. In a cataclysmic event, our environment changed in a manner in which humankind could not survive on its own, and plants held the answer. Our evolved descendants rule the planet Earth, but the only way they can continue, is to come together with the humans, only time is running out.

The Multi-Faceted Beauty

The Multi-Faceted Beauty

by MadWhite

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CHAPTER UPDATE SCHEDULE:Every FRIDAY @ 22:00 P.M (Hawaii-Aleutian Standard Time)Ares (Pronunciation: eh·ruhs)* * *She's someone who can't feel anything.Love. Fear. Sorrow. Envy. Joy. Anxiety. Pain. Greed. Hate. It was all the things that made a person HUMAN. Yet, she can't seem to grasp the concept of these emotions that should have come easy to HUMANS.From birth, she was conceived in darkness and received no maternal love from her biological parents. The world never knew of her birth nor the pa…

Till Sickness Comes

Till Sickness Comes

by Imagine_Kayla

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A new epidemic has struck the state of Georgia when an attempt to eradicate the rabies virus goes awry. Taryn Choi must navigate her home town, now under quarantine, all the while trying to manage the slowly developing symptoms of a disease that doesn't quite seem to have the same effects on her.

Midnight Chaos

Midnight Chaos

by Noblessed

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Ivy was living a nice life until one day she got hit on the head and collapsed. After waking up, she found herself somewhere else, somewhere more sinister, more dangerous. She walks around a dark mansion and finds all types of monsters and ghosts but somehow survives. After some time she finds another person within the mansion named Dimitri. They team up and try to find the reason they are in the mansion and try to leave.



by Master_Sentinel

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Superheroes are a common day occurrence in the Nation of Superia, but one stands apart from them all. While there is no law that prevents a secret identity, the inconvenience of managing two personalities has caused the practice to fall out of fashion. With hundreds of heroes walking, flying, and teleporting across every city in the nation, supervillians are forced to operate in hushed tones from the dead of night. Any attempt on a superhero's loved ones would be suicidal. There simply is no rea…

Störung der Gehirnwelle

Störung der Gehirnwelle

by Sakakibara_Ryoichi

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Set in Zurich, Switzerland, 1898. Gretchen Gottschalk is a gifted mathematical prodigy, currently studying theoretical physics in ETH Zurich. Despite her gift, she is unsure on how to put her mathematical ability into use in her field. Luckily, her academic advisor assigned her to someone who is willing to do a joint research. However, this person is ill-rumored and is said too genius to be sane. What kind of things will they discover?

The Abyssal Freeloader

The Abyssal Freeloader

by Monthyl

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It's been four years after the abyssals attacked Okinawa, my home island. I am already 19 years old and currently awaiting for my draft notice. I was sitting on a small mono-bloc facing the ocean near my apartment, calmly wasting my afternoon. I did not expect at that time that I could meet something that was bundled inside a seaweed bundle. What I saw was...



by For_my_dal

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Anne woke up having a bad headache. With her powers to predict the future she avoided most of the situations that were dangerous for her in the past. Knowing what is coming she started preparing. But who would have known she caught the eye of a certain black-bellied person...

Windy city time for revenge

Windy city time for revenge

by Rashida_Carter_6220

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even in the windy city has secret and no one is talking

Life as a System Isn't Easy

Life as a System Isn't Easy

by Poro_Cult

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We've all heard the story of the system users. Some get trolled, some get scammed, some have to slave away, but you know, the life of a system isn't easy either!

It's Not A Cinderella Story

It's Not A Cinderella Story

by PrettyWitch

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Life can't ever be the same, the moment, some truths unfold and leave one completely devastated. Elle Carter is not your average teen with high dreams in a world where your existence is just like the pawn of a chessboard. By day, she's a med student, schooling at the most prestigious legendary med school of New York City; but at night she's an avowed revenge girl who swears to end the line of the overpowering robot royalty. ***"Don't worry about me. Just go; run like you've never before so that …



by Kendall0513

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Kate knew one thing for sure; she wanted to find a cure.Max knew one thing for sure; he was supposed to be dead two years ago. ••• When Princess Kate and Prince Joseph are forced to leave the safety of their castle, they are faced with an ever growing number of problems. A virus, infamously known as the Spider-Virus, was lethal. Within ten days of contact, the host would be at the hands of death. However, that wasn't the worst part. At the concerning rate of infection, the inhabitants of the U…

The Choosing

The Choosing

by Phoenixbird1313

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The Town has already enforced and shoved the rules down everybody's throats. Evelyn Harley had always obeyed in fear of punishment if she didn't. That is, until she noticed something about that seemed wrong when she visited the outside world for the first time. Sure, The Town had order, but no freedom to go with it. So what's more important? Fighting for your life every day or actually having a life to live? Is this even real life after all?