Lamia The A. I

"Initializing Information A. I Program Lamia in Normal Mode to Takeover,"

"Hello, I'm Lamia, I was built by The Ancients, I have been assigned to instruct you and tell you of certain things, you both have been chosen for a test, because of your special genes.

Ancients are the foundation of this world and they who have singled out certain individuals like yourself for the test.

"The test opened the moment you got in the apartment and passed through 'Stage 1', because you had the genes to hold the power inserted through an injection into your body and a chip to reinforce that power.

If you two were not capable enough to control that power, the chip would have wiped out that power and, I would send you back into your world.

"World outside has been overrun by 'unknown forces', The Ancients need the young blood to lead humanity to prosperity again and evolve into a deadly force to attack back."

Both Morinu and Chen Feng were dumbfounded to find out their world 'Earth' was invaded by aliens and became pale in shock confused and worried about their friends and thought about the unknown power inside of them that was pointed out by 'Lamia'.

"To secure you two and the others like you,"

" We had to inspire a curiosity in your mind and make you to come in the safe-house."

"You're one of the many survivors who have joined the Ancient Apartment and have been updated about the situation after getting through the Stage 1.

Those who did not clear the Stage 1 have been sent back to your chaotic world because they lacked the qualities and intelligence to lead your race."

"You both will be assessed on many things until you can clear the Ancient Apartment.

Passing the test will cause your return and bring your race to glory and endure against the challenges you will face while opposing the outside forces."

They both considered the complications and the situation they were in, yet they still wished to learn more.

They could only get , 'Normal Information', for now and had to use their brains and concentrate on the things they heard.

It was very hard for them to adopt to this new reality but since they couldn"t change the reality, they were in they might just as well accept it altogether.

Both were also concerned about their many friends who had looked out for them and supported them in their life.

Alas! they couldn't get out of here so they had to deal with the things as they were.

After learning the information about the current situation, both were ready to bear this big challenge and become heroes, at least that's what they hoped they would grow into.

"Morinu, do you think we can get through this." Said Chen Feng frowning and pondering about all the information.

Morinu was thinking the same thing and suggested, "We will make it together don't bother about it anymore, since we have reached at this stage and got through the hardships in the first test, we will just have to do it all again."

After making sense of their situation, they watched around the entire room and noticed two conjoined beds side by side, a table and two chairs and attach washroom inside this white room.

While examining their new living quarters and making sure everything was ok, they peered at one side and saw three doors.

these three doors had different patterns carved on them, the doors stood side by side and suggested three different things.

The first door served as the "Survival Hall", the place to connect with the other individuals who became caught in this safe-house and to appease their hunger.

*Survival Hall*

'you can connect with other survivors here and purchase food to feed yourself'

The door in the middle was like a market where they could spend their S-Points to purchase items and tools, the items could be used for themselves and gained as necessary stuff which comprised of clothes, shoes, glasses etc...

The tools would protect them throughout the journey and they could purchase anything deemed to be a tool and weapons of all kinds that were deadly but expensive...

*Item Shop*

'you can purchase various tools and get unique items'

The last door which was the one on the right side was deemed to be used to enter "Stage 2", since they had already completed "Stage 1", they could go in it anytime they wished and proceed further in their long journey and test of survival.

*Stage 2*

'you can proceed further by going in the Stage 2'

After peering at the ancient doors they got in the survival hall to eat food and drink water. The moment they arrived through the door, what came before them was a huge hall with tables and chairs all around in the same antique style as the three doors.

there was an abundant number of survivors in the hall and when Morinu and Chen Feng entered through the door. Everyone peered at the two of them and whispered with each other staring at them after a minute passed everyone went back to gossiping with each other and ignored them.

"Sam, what should we do now?"


"you need to get it together John!"


"Hey! Xiu Mei look two more got through."

Chen Feng and Morinu were examining all the survivors while roaming between the tables, the others were sitting on their chairs and looking at them when the two of them crossed by their tables.

After roaming for sometime Chen Feng stopped and glanced at one particular table while frowning and walked to their table.

Morinu also accompanied him and looked at the table and realized the reason Chen Feng went that way, all the individuals resting on that table were Chinese and were talking with each other in Chinese while peeking at the two.

The group had three girls and one youngster, the ladies were all lovely and stood out amongst everyone in the hall and the boy looked very nervous and timid.

Chen Feng walked up in front of them and asked, "Hey! Do you guys know where to purchase the food"

The young woman sitting on the middle of the two girls glanced at Morinu and Chen Feng with her gorgeous brown eyes and her cute expressions and looked gorgeous with big perky breasts, slender legs and snow white skin and after hearing them asking her.

she peeked at Chen Feng again and lowered her head, smiled and explained to him with her gentle tone, "Yes, make a left from here and you'll encounter a bunch of stalls with foodstuff and drinks placed at them, purchase them with S-Points."

Morinu first glanced at the young woman and her companions, looking at her shy expressions hearing her so gentle tone and her eyes that were limpid and her beauty was softened by an air of indolence and languor, he was enthralled by it.

The expressions on his face almost betrayed his thoughts, but he maintained his calm and composure.

They were amazed and scared the first time they entered the apartment but this young woman was smiling and providing them directions with so much confidence they became impressed.

After looking at her for a while he answered her this time and thanked her and introduced himself and Chen Feng, "Thanks, my name is Morinu, and he's my brother Chen Feng"

Chen Feng was looking at the expressions on Morinu and grinned knowing his brother was fascinated by the young woman, even though he too was affected by the young woman but, he was not interested in her and rooted for his brother.

Xiu Mei stared at him and Chen Feng, after that pointing at herself and the two girls and the youngster who also glanced at them and told them, "My name is Xiu Mei, my little brother Lin Wang, that's Xiao Ling and Shu Ting."

All of them exchanged greetings and sat together after chatting with each other for a while they became acquainted and communicated with the confidence no longer embarrassed or uneasy.

Chen Feng and Morinu thought they had found reliable individuals to journey together and since they were all Chinese, it was settled. And since they found each other here, it must have been fate that drew them together.