
Chatting for a while, Morinu and Chen Feng said goodbye to Xiu Mei and her group and went to buy food.

"Chen, what do you think about Xiu Mei?"

Morinu was intrigued with Xiu Mei's powerful confidence and cautious attitude that differed from everyone inside the Survival Hall. He was curious to see whether Chen had any opinion towards her.

Chen Feng was walking behind Morinu, glancing around the hall absentmindedly, when he thought he heard Morinu speak to him. "Sorry, did you say something?"


They both soon found the stalls and saw a lot of foodstuffs and drinks were placed on them and bought fast food and water.

"Congratulations, Survivor Morinu and Survivor Chen Feng for purchasing our special enhanced food with evolution liquid from our stalls you have spent 200 S-Points,"


+50 Increased E-Points!

+50 Increased E-Points!

Both were soon flooded with Interface notifications because the food they ate was special food for survivors which enhanced their evolution, besides getting E-Points from clearing Stage 1, they could get them by eating food and drink beverages in survivor hall, the more expensive the food and drinks the more Points they could obtain.

After asking the Interface about the food the Interface notified them they could only eat food on meal times and get snacks on specific times if they ate a lot after meal times they might get a drop in E-Points.

"This is good stuff, it's tasty too" Said Chen Feng while stuffing the burger in his mouth.

Morinu, who was also munching on his sandwich, glanced at him eating so fast and grinned and added, "At least, we won't die as dried up corpses"

Both stared at each other and laughed so hard that the survivors thinking about which food to buy thought, "These guys have become hysterical by eating this food, is it poisoned or something?"

Soon Xiu Mei and her group also showed up and looked at them laughing while Xiao Ming the girl with the ponytail and petite figure who was Lin Wang's high school friend asked them, "Are you guys ok?"

Both glanced at this petite beauty and responded in unison, "We're ok!" while they were struggling to control their embarrassment, being stared by so many people reminded them they were not alone.

Lin Wang was a very mischievous and smart boy but sometimes he was also timid when he was in presence of his big sister he always behaved well, when he saw them both laughing he murmured, "These guys are stupid."

While what he said was in a low voice, the people still heard him and chuckled.

Xiu Mei glared at him, that glare made him shudder, reminding him of that one time when he mocked her hairstyle and got beaten till he bled and apologized to Morinu and Chen Feng, "Sorry! Big brothers."

"Haha! It's ok,"

"Don't bother about it little bro."

Soon the group moved to find an empty table and sat while having useless banter and discussing about their plan to enter "Stage 2" soon.

Shu Ting who was Xiu Mei's classmate in their university teased Morinu while looking at him because he kept stealing glances at Xiu Mei, "Morinu, are you impressed by our Xiu Mei?"

Which left Xiu Mei blushing and Morinu embarrassed while the others were staring at them.

Chen Feng was shaking his head from the side while 'sighing' because he was a serious guy and always acted more mature than his age, that's why everybody in the university called him 'little professor', glanced at them chatting and reminded them of their current situation, "Guys, we need to plan, when are we entering Stage 2?"

When they heard Chen Feng, everyone became serious and planned about when to enter "Stage 2" and decided to enter it after two days because everyone was still too weak to venture any further because of "Stage 1" which left them in a fatigued state.

There were a lot of groups of survivors that entered "Ancient Apartment" and passed "Stage 1", they were from different regions speaking various languages, everyone made groups and settled with their group because they knew this was a survival test, they would fight here and when they passed all stages after that fight 'The Outsiders' when they went out of here and protect their countries.

The world outside was different compared to these survivors who lived in a safe house which was safe until they journeyed ahead.

The people outside had created resistance forces to fight 'The Outsiders' but they were too weak compared to them but still used the nuclear missiles to blast their ships in space.

Their ships were mostly blasted in space while the ships that dropped on 'Earth' destroyed many countries and created havoc by spreading plagues on the entire planet and making almost everything on 'Earth' infected with chemical substances which appeared from the destroyed chunks of ships that fell on the planet.

Ancients controlled the situation at the time where the world was almost on the brink of being crushed and fought back together with resistance forces and gained a temporary cease fire.

On the outskirts of the China, in a private island there was a big mansion that was so beautiful and ancient that anyone that laid eyes upon it would exclaim with envy and admiration towards the individual who owned it.

Hurried footsteps sounded running inside the mansion with heavy breathing, the guy running inside was a young man in luxurious clothes.

Opening the door in front of him he yelled, "Grandpa! Where is my Grandpa hurry and tell me where is he?"

The servants were startled to see the young master so anxious and rushed to find the big master and soon one servant came back running towards the young man.

"Young master, the master is resting beside the lake and he called for you."

The young man dashed towards the lake and soon came beside it and looked at an old man relaxing on an antique chair staring at the water with mystical eyes, the old man looked to be about 60 years old but rather healthy and had a dignified aura to him that would cause anybody to look up to him.

This old man was the Ancient supervising over the China region and fighting the "Outsiders" and had a power comparable to a general. And his grandchild also had Ancient blood running through his veins and was deemed as his successor and future inheritor.

Without looking at the anxious young man the old man muttered in an Ancient voice, "Do not be anxious my child, tell me what is it that makes you so worried."

"Grandpa, those damn bastards destroyed three of our bases!"

"How many dead?"

"1540 dead and 300 injured, but many also ran away."

"What about those children?"

"Most of them are safe and got through the first test,"

"Tell me how many."

"85 to be exact, from all over the world."

"Well it's good for the time being, we require them to make it to the end so they can be the future leaders of this generation and those who can't cross this bridge can only blame their destiny."

"Grandpa, are you sure this will work?"

"Time will tell my child, now get a chair and play chess with me."

"Grandpa not again, I have never won anyway."

"Ha haha! One day you will."

But these things were unknown to the people living in the safe house, all they knew was that their planet was destroyed and the current situation was very different compared to their imagination and was escalating.

It was night time and soon everyone went to their specified rooms and closed the doors.

Morinu and Chen Feng were sleeping on their beds while staring at the ceiling of the white room and chatting about the Stage 2.

"Chen, do you think we should stay here for a few more days?"

"Our situation is not that good, we have to move out anyway because then we would lack S-Points essential for our survival and you know that."

"All right if you say so then so be it."

"We'll also talk to Xiu Mei and the others about this tomorrow now let's sleep."

They kept staring at the ceiling and having a normal conversation and making plans about "Stage 2" and soon slept.

They knew that this was going to be tough and dangerous but this adventure would lead them to discover countless new things that were not discovered previously and it will be filled with dangers and rewards alike.