Striking a Deal

After a calming himself down manager Woo looked at miss Luanne and said through spiritual message "Miss Luanne although I would love to gift this to you I'm afraid I will have to go back on my word, this is too great of an opportunity for our pill guild. If we could obtain this medicine the amount of income we could get from it would be seen throughout the entire pill guild and the benefit of getting on such an amazing pill masters good side isn't something that can usually be obtained so easily I hope you don't take offence"

Replying back to manager Woo Luanne said "Manager Woo I am also from the pill guild I understand where you are coming from, I believe that we should make sure the news doesn't spread right now before things get out of hand" luckily no more customers were in the store when they where testing the elixir.

"Everyone, I hope that nobody spreads news about this matter as it is extremely sensitive to our pill guild, this could bring great prosperity to the pill guild, so long as nobody leaks any information you shall be rewarded with 1 gold a month each I will also personally refine one pill for each of you if you provide the materials" Declared manager Woo.

Hearing such a promise everybody's eyes lit up with excitement, after all, it was rare to receive such a promise from a pill refiner even the lowest level one, normally you would have to pay an exorbitant price to get a pill master to refine for you even if you had all the ingredients.

After making sure everyone was happy and paid manager Woo and miss Luanne went into the back to talk out a deal with Ren. "I can give this spirit herb to you as part of the deal, however, I wonder how much healing elixir your master would be able to provide each month?" said Woo

"I'm not sure, but I have 8 more phials right here make an offer of how much of a cut you want"

"Ok well the lowest we could go is 15% of the sale price and I hope that you come to me first whenever your master makes more of this healing elixir"

Agreeing to the cost Ren took the spirit herb, it was called a life vine and it was another one of the main ingredients he needed to refine the qi gathering pill, all he needed now was the 10-year-old ginseng and he could begin the refinement once he started cultivating.

A couple days later after the pill house announce that they would be selling their new heavenly elixir by auctioning it and it would be starting at 5000 gold, hearing this all the big clans where shocked after all you would have your starting price at an auction high enough so you don't suffer any loses if the elixir was as strong as they said it was the benefits of obtaining it would be huge.

The streets outside the shop was bustling with activity, everyone who had a large backing was there to try to obtain the elixir so their clans pill master could study it for inspiration and to try to recreate the elixir, the normal healing pills would usually cost upwards of 100,000 gold each let alone normal cultivators it was hard enough to purchase for the big clans after all such a cost would eventually add up for an items that could be used once.

"Hello everyone, I'm sure you are waiting for the auction to start so lets begin the starting price is 5000 per phial and we will be selling 7 phials, all you need to do is to drop it into a bath and get into it and it will heal any wound that isn't involving your organs"

Very quickly the price started to rise, eventually reaching 11,000 gold after waiting for a few seconds nobody else placed a bid. 30 minutes later all 7 phials had been sold for 82,000 gold, although everyone was interested in the elixir however to use it you needed to be in a bath so it wasn't suitable when in battle reducing the price compared to a healing pill, after all, it could be a lifesaving trump card in battle.

Manager Woo kept one for himself and working out the cost per phial and removing the pill shops cut Ren was left with about 80,000 gold. Buying as many materials and some extra random spirit herbs so that manager Woo couldn't replicate the elixir he headed back to start concocting them.

"Ren we're rich!" said Damon after seeing how much money Ren returned with.

Thinking to himself that he had enough money to move closer to the centre of the city, Ren decided not to bother with it for the time being he might as well stay here for the remainder of the time he had paid for.

The next day Ren went to one of the most famous information brokers in the city after finding out it from manager Woo when he was dropping off some elixir.

He learnt that spirit crystals, which is what he needed to check his spirit roots and find out what cultivation method to use, where fairly rare in the city, however, there would be an auction in half a year where 20 would be up for sale and they would be starting at 250,000 gold each they also mentioned that one had to have an invite to be able to attend the auction.

He also paid for some information about spacial rings and if there would be any at the auction finding out that there wouldn't be he was disappointed however he found out that the last one that was auctioned was 9,000,000 gold and it was the smallest size you could obtain.

Heading back to the pill shop he asked manager Woo if he had an invitation to the massive auction in 6 months, finding out that he doesn't Ren felt disappointing.

"Ren, I can tell you that miss Luanne is guaranteed to have a balcony room in the auction because she is the pill guild master's granddaughter"

Hearing this surprised Ren a bit after all people with such backing could end up being extremely arrogant and conceited however when he met her she was extremely polite, it seemed that this pill master family where brought up well and didn't let the power go to their heads.