Moving House and Giving Gifts

A month later Ren was racking his brain about what his "master" could gift to Luanne as repayment if she took him to the auction.

Deciding that he would give her a pill recipe for an upgraded qi replenishing pill that would also help you when breaking through as it would keep your qi from running out and stopping your breakthrough, if she asked for something in return.

But if she didn't ask for anything he would give her a fire controlling technique to improve the quality of material refinement when making pills that he had created when he was a pill refiner it would also help the pill be solidified.

Checking his savings Ren discovered that the room that he stored his money in had crates stacked with gold bills adding up to 20,000,000 or more.

Walking over to the servant quarters he knocked on the door, opening it up Matt said: "Hello young master, what can I do for you?" Just a week ago Matt asked to become a follower of Ren after all the youngster had given him nothing but shocks since he had been working for him, although Ren was a little hesitant he decided he would allow him to as he was planning to stay in the city until he reached the saint realm so having someone who could help him wouldn't be too bad of a thing.

Hearing how he addressed him Ren couldn't help but shake his head, "I thought I've been telling you to not call me young master Matt, anyway I've just checked how much gold we have and have decided to buy a house closer to the city so let's go and have a look"

Going into the centre of the city Matt, Damon and Renato headed to an estate agent telling him they were looking for a place to stay and had 15,000,000 gold to spend, the estate agent was a little shocked that these people had so much money after all they looked like they were country bumpkins.

Going through all the properties that they had they finally settled on one of them that had 10 acres of land with the house in the middle of it, after working out the price of 14,750,000 gold pieces the two contracts where drawn up and they headed back to their old house with some guards to bring the money back to the estate agents.

Taking away the money after signing the contracts the two had a toast of wine and headed their separate ways. knowing that he was leaving soon he headed to the pill house to talk to manager Woo.

"Manager Woo I'm heading into the city centre soon as I have just obtained a new house there so I'm not going to be able to travel down here to make the elixir"

"Youngster it just so happens that I was about to talk to you when we next met about something similar I have been promoted because of my meritorious deed of obtaining the selling rights to the elixir that you created and I would be heading into the inner city pill guild" replied manager Woo obviously excited as it seemed it was difficult to obtain such a spot.

"Good that makes things more convenient. I'm willing to give you the pill formula and instructions on how to create it if you promise to never expose it to anyone under a blood oath, and I will also give your pill guild the rights to 40% of the profits provided you have some people deliver my share of the profit to me and I want a large spacial ring from your pill guild as compensation for the extra percentage of the sales"

"Youngster I can't guarantee anything about the spacial ring but I can send a request to the higher ups I will also tell them the deal, but I will swear a blood oath right now if the deal goes through"

After Woo swore the blood oath that would cause someone's meridians and cultivation to instantly start to collapse because of the laws of the heavenly qi, Ren gave him the instruction and materials needed to concocted the elixir and the location to his new house.

Although many believed the blood oath to be a myth, Ren knew it was true, However, when people swore such an oath it was still mostly upheld because of the stigma it had behind it.

Arriving back home Ren gave Matt 100,000 gold pieces to go buy a better carriage and some stronger horses he also told him to gift the horses to anyone he wanted to.

Once Matt returned with a large luxury carriage and four young and strong horses they started to pack everything into the carriage, after packing everything away they moved into the new house although the journey was a few hours long Ren and Damon didn't mind it because the carriage was so comfortable.

Arriving at the new house Damon was even more excited than the last time they rented the house running around looking for the biggest room. "Matt go pick a room, once you have moved all our belongings into the house," said Ren.

"Ok young master" he replied eagerly, shaking his head Ren was about to reprimand him for calling him his young master once again but he had already left the house to collect their belongings.

"Hmmm maybe I should give Matt a cultivation technique although it cant be a heaven-defying one because he doesn't have my complete trust yet I will still give him a decent one after all I don't want my followers to be weak," thought Ren.

After all their belongings where in the house and the Horses were in the stables and the carriage was stored away Matt came back in the house.

"Matt come here, I have been thinking about it and I have decided to give you a cultivation technique. But first I need you to answer a couple questions, Have you cultivated before?"

"Young master truth be told my talent is very low I have cultivated before but I have been stuck in qi gathering tier 9 for 5 years now and I don't see any hope of progressing so I went to make some money by becoming a driver for people although I could have become a spirit herb farmer for a big clan I didn't like how they treat the people who work for them"

"Ok, show me your cultivation method" Replied Ren with some seriousness in his tone

Although a bit hesitant Matt took out his technique, scanning it Ren found so many flaws in it so he corrected them and handed the technique back to Matt.

After looking through what Ren wrote Matt was shocked because he had studied this technique for years and knew that there where these flaws in it but he didn't know how to correct them but looking at Rens correction he became enlightened feeling that he was about to breakthrough he rushed outside to face his tribulation.

As the clouds started to darken a lightning bolt suddenly fell out of the sky as it headed straight for Matt, Gathering all his qi matt struck out at the lightning weakening it however it still smashed against his body. Seeing the massive wound on his chest Matt couldn't care less at this moment in time because he had just broken through the shackles that had been holding him back for years.

Running up to Ren and kowtowing on the floor whilst his blood was leaking from his chest he declared "Young master although I may be weak I promise that no matter what order you give I will do my utmost to complete it"

Chucking him a healing elixir Ren casually told him not to worry about such trivial things and to go heal his wound and to diligently cultivate after he finished his daily tasks.