Preparing To Cultivate

Knowing that all he had to do was wait for the auction before he could start cultivating Ren became restless once again so he started to meditate and think about what he could do whilst he was waiting to occupy some time and also not just be a waste of time.

Coming up with a rough plan he started to plan it even more in depth, First he would teach Damon and Matt if he chose to listen, the fundamentals of cultivating and he would also teach them about blacksmithing so he could create their own weapon when he was strong enough, and all the different kinds of spirit and saint herbs so if they went out exploring they wouldn't miss out on any opportunities he also thought it would be a good idea to teach them about all the spirit and saint beasts that where in the general area based on the surroundings that he knew about so far.

He also decided that he would see how many batches of ingredients he could prepare to create qi gathering pills and maybe even qi refinement pills.

After calling the two into the hall he told them his plan to teach them, although Matt was slightly hesitant about learning from someone who had not even started cultivating yet he thought about the technique that Ren edited so easily that helped him to archive a breakthrough, something he found impossible after years of trying.

Why not try to broaden one's horizons when you have the option, after all, what would he lose but time but if his past accomplishment were anything to be based on he could have huge gains.

Just an hour later Damon seemed to be trying very hard to keep focused noticing this Ren decided to stop teaching so Damon could retain all the information, however, Matt was mesmerised with what he had just learnt, in fact, he even thought that what he had just learnt would benefit him for his lifetime although it was just talking about the role of the body in cultivating, the information could benefit all cultivation levels.

After finishing the lesson Ren decided to head to the closest pill shops, telling Matt to saddle up a horse for him to ride into the town closest to his house telling Matt to cultivate and not to worry about taking him, he also told him that if Damon wanted to go out or do something that he could grab some money from the safe.

Arriving in the town Ren was impressed with how grand the pill shops where compared to where he was living before thinking to himself that you could see the so-called class difference when you moved closer to the centre of the city however you wouldn't find any sort of kindness you would find in the poor areas where everyone tried to help each other survive, out here it was a dog eat dog world for the resources and all the power.

Although it looked more beautiful in these areas that were just the surface underneath it was more grimy and disgusting than the poor areas could ever be, people would backstab each other to progress further in their cultivation. He didn't doubt it one bit that more shady people lived in these areas than in the outskirts of the city.

Arriving at the pill shop he was about to walk in when he saw someone try to pick someone's pocket, noticing this he picked up a pebble and flicked it straight at the pickpocket's hand.

"Ouch, damn what the hell was that?" hearing this the person who was about to get robbed turned around and caught the pickpocket pull his hand back, checking his pockets and seeing nothing missing the person turned around and walked away although they suspected the pickpocket nothing got stolen so they couldn't be bothered to call over a guard and deal with all of it.

In one of his past lives Ren was someone who was famed for stealing even from the strongest cultivators he had once stolen the celestial princes' storage ring, seeing what was inside he knew he was screwed because it was her fathers ring it had gone missing after he had been killed it caused an uproar in the celestial kingdom after all the later part of the cultivation method that supported the kingdom was held in it, the first part was taught to all the imperial family only the strongest heir would be able to take over the throne.

Knowing that he was done for if she found him he had to hide for the rest of his life however he did leave a mark in the world, he had accepted a young disciple from a rural village to carry on his legacy.

"I wonder if these are even real memories or if they are just dreams? well, no matter what they are after testing the healing elixir it definitely follows the universal laws there is no doubt about that. I wonder if Robin passed on the legacy?" coming out from his thoughts Ren decided that this pickpocket had caught his attention and he would teach him some tricks because he was bored.

Walking up to the pickpocket he took his money pouch and dagger and then wrapped his arm around him, "If you're going to pick someone's pockets you should be more careful, look behind you how could you have missed a guard that was right there?"

"Damn it who are you brat?" trying to grab his dagger he was shocked it wasn't in his sheath.

Fiddling with the dagger Ren said with a chuckle "you looking for this? or how about your money pouch? haha, you know you're not very good at this"

"What! how did you do that? I didn't even notice at all give it back or ill go get that guard" he said with some hostility in his tone after all he didn't know who Ren was so he was just being cautious.

"Want to learn? I just happen to be bored and have nothing better to do until I saw you attempting to be sneaky but being so obvious" he said casually.

"Really? wait! is this a trick? what do you want?" said the pickpocket with all kinds of questions on his mind and really wanting to learn more methods he could keep his thoughts straight.

"Look there is a restaurant over there, I'm going for something to eat you can join me and learn something or you can keep doing what you're doing until you're caught"

"You know that meals over there cost a fortune can you even afford it?" said the pickpocket

Ignoring him Ren walked to the door where a middle-aged man was standing at the door, pulling out a gold note worth 1000 pieces he told the middle-aged fella to get him a good table seeing this the man scoffed hearing this Ren was a little surprised after all he thought that would be enough to get a good table.

"Hey kid you better pull out your life savings if you want to get a good table," said the pickpocket after catching up.

Hearing this Ren got a little-pissed off he pulled out a few notes worth 50,000 gold and handed it to the man, "Is this enough?" he said with an angry tone in his voice.

"Ah sorry young customer, ill take you to the best table we have available."

"Come on then don't just stand there, oh yeah whats your name?" Ren said to the pickpocket.

Walking up to the third floor they where escorted to a lovely table although there was a lot of people up there the restaurant was massive and it seemed like there were sound restrictions placed around each table, "I guess this is why its worth so much to eat here but the food better be good" said Ren casually hearing this the middle-aged man was slightly confused then a thought flashed through his mind, could this fella have never heard of our restaurant before?

"Here is your menu, when you're ready to order just put your order into this screen and someone will deliver it to you, you can also choose if you want the food to have cultivation benefits," said the middle age man before bowing and leaving.

"You a cultivator? oh yeah you haven't told me your name yet" said Ren to the pickpocket

"My name is Frank Adams, and do you think someone like me is a cultivator?" he replied defensively.

Writing down a somewhat trash technique for progressing, however, it was a good technique to refine your control over qi. "Here you go its just a trash technique I found a while ago you need to have spirit qi to be able to be good at stealing, however, what you really want to be is a con man that's where the big money is at," Ren said whilst scanning through the menu.

"WHAT! IS THIS REALLY FOR ME?! NO WAY THIS HAS TO BE A TRICK" saying this Frank looked a little bit ridiculous because he was still stuffing the paper into his pocket.