Cooking Skills

"Look your luck could be considered good because I have nothing better to do than mess around and teach you some stuff, but if you keep questioning me your going to piss me off and if you do that... well, you might as well just leave right now if you're going to keep doing that" Ren said in an aggressive tone sending shivers down Franks back.

"S-s-sorry, I won't do it again. But I have no idea what a con man is or how to do it?" replied Frank in a somewhat scared tone, he didn't know why but this kid scared him just then.

"We will discuss that in a bit, first let's order some food it better be good looking at these prices"

Typing in his order of fresh lava crab, tenderloin and fried chips made with a wine sauce and their best wine thinking that he hadn't had a good drink in a long time. Seeing his order Frank was truly shocked it added up to 300,000 gold, "ill just have whatever you want to buy me" he said casually.

"Fuck it then I'll just order two of each item" Ren could finally relax his nature a bit around this guy because it was likely that they would never meet each other again in their lifetimes so he could act like an adult, after all, if he was to do that in front of people who he might see more often they might think he's possessed or something.

Hearing this Frank was just about to object when Ren ordered saying he didn't want the food to be for cultivators after all his body might explode if it was too rich in qi. Someone came by collecting the money which was 500,000 because he only bought one bottle of wine to share because there was no way his body could handle a bottle to himself.

20 minutes later a beautiful young lady carrying their food on a platter came in causing Frank to go blank after all it was rare to see such a beauty. Ren was different he just thought that the power behind the shop was quite strong to be able to make such a woman become a waiter, tipping her 25,000 gold Ren started to dig in just before she left letting out a disappointed sigh.

"Young customer is something wrong?" the young waitress said, after all the rule of the restaurant was to keep the people who could afford to eat in the top floor happy as they would usually be the most powerful/rich people in the city.

"Hmm, yeah the food. I thought at this cost it might be good but it seems its just average, you can leave" said Ren in an unhappy tone, after all, he just paid 500,000 gold when he could have easily whipped this together himself for a fraction of the price but he couldn't be bothered today.

Leaving after hearing this, she thought she should go tell the chef and manager about the fella's remark after all perhaps the chef made a mistake or he was just causing trouble in which case she should tell the manager first.

"Manager Albert, a customer just complained about his meal saying it was average and he seemed disappointed," said the young waitress whilst showing Albert Ren's order.

Seeing it a frown appeared on his face these meals would be prepared by some of the best chefs that their restaurant had as it was one of their most expensive meals you could order.

Going into the kitchen Albert asked who cooked the meal and after he finished listing of the meal a middle-aged man walked out. "Ah, Tristan it was you" Albert cursed in his mind after all this was one of the chefs with the worst tempers but he was only second to their top chef.

"Manager Albert could it be the customer wants to thank me personally? you should already know I hate such tedious things" shouted out Tristan in a tone that sounded like he was irritated.

Albert didn't want to do it but in the end, he told him that somebody complained about the food not being good enough, hearing that Tristan started to get furious thinking to himself which bastard didn't like his cooking. "Take me to their table so we can see whats wrong"

Just as he was finishing his meal Frank's eyes where shinning he had never had such great food before in his life, however, Ren calling it average stuck in his mind, was he just conning the restaurant or did he really find the food average?

Gulping down his glass of wine Ren said Frank could keep the rest as he didn't like it. He had taught Frank most of the key points to being a con man while they where eating, the main one being "Never drop the con, die with the lie"

Just as he was preparing to leave the sound formation opened up and two men walked in. "Which one of you called my cooking average?" said Tristan through gritted teeth although he would blow up in front of employees of the restaurant he wouldn't dare do it in front of the customers he wasn't a fool.

"Me, why do you think otherwise? Let me tell you the tenderloin wasn't anywhere near as tender as it could have been, the crab tasted far too fishy the only acceptable food was the chips but you'd have to be a goddamn moron to cook them wrong..."

Meanwhile, at Ren's house, Damon was panicking because his chips were currently on fire and he couldn't put them out, "Damn I guess I should leave all the cooking to Ren, I'm no good at it" Damon said after Matt had suffocated the fire with his Qi.

"Listen here you little shit!" Tristan shouted out however just as he was about to continue a thunderous roar entered his ears.

"ENOUGH! sorry young customer his attitude just then was unacceptable he only acted that way because he was very passionate about cooking" said Albert trying to save the situation after all if the news were to spread that they treated their customers like this after a little criticism they would lose loads of business.

"I guess any random dregs can get a job as a chef these days, no harm was done" Ren said sarcastically

"I've had enough, if you think it's so bad then tell me how it could be better!" said Tristan fuming, although Albert stopped him before after hearing the reply he got he was pissed off.

"Why do I care? it's not like I'll be eating here again"

"Fine! If you can improve this dish then ill become your servant!"

"I guess you could make some food for my horses daily, alright then" passing him a piece of paper he just wrote on Ren continued saying "Follow this method using your qi to tenderise the tenderloin steak, as for the crab its even easier cook it for 1 minute less and then when its cooked stuff it into a pot of ice to immediately cool it down"

Seeing the tenderising method Tristan's jaw almost hit the floor because this was something he had learnt of before from his teacher but he couldn't perfect it and it would destroy the inside of the meat into more of a paste, if this could actually work then his gains would be great and his cooking would raise another level.

Suddenly he thought about the bet he just made and his eyes widened thinking "SHIT, I might have just messed up"

Going to the kitchen he started to cook the food following the methods although he could self-sabotage so the food didn't taste as good but he wouldn't do that because of how passionate he was about cooking after cooking it and taking it back to the table Ren tried it all nodding.

"That's more like it, this would have been more acceptable than that other stuff you served me"

After he took a bite everyone else took a bite and couldn't believe how tender the steak was, and how fresh the crab tasted.

Knowing he lost the bet he still tried to salvage it a little bit "I suppose I should call you master from now on, however, I hope you won't make me do such things as feeding horses and I also hope I could learn from you on how to properly cook, even though I was an asshole it was just because of my belief in my cooking skills"

Hearing such a heartfelt speech Ren was a little taken back "Alright fine I just so happen to be bored lately, go buy a horse then meet me by the stable on the north side of the street"

"Albert I hope my leaving doesn't leave to much of a gap in the kitchen staff but I obviously can't go back on my word, as for my month's wage just take it as my apology for leaving"

After leaving the store he bade farewell to Frank although he seemed decent he was still just a random thief he met on the street there was no need to talk about bringing him into his inner circle just buying him a meal was fortune enough for him let alone what he taught him.

Going towards the pill shop Ren spent 25 minutes buying all the ingredients he needed to refine at least 50 qi gathering pills, although he had saved the spirit herbs he found when he was hunting he realised that he should have sold them to make enough money to buy the ingredients to make the elixir earlier he underestimated the profit it could bring severely.

Heading to his horse he met Tristan and the two of them headed back to his house, introducing him to Matt and Damon he went in the kitchen because he smelt burning, seeing the burnt chips in the bin he shook his head and went to his room.