Arriving At The Auction

"Finally the day of the auction, Matt go and store all the gold notes into my storage ring. Damon you can stay here Tristan is working on a new dish so you can taste test it for him" Chucking the ring to Matt, Ren sat down to start eating some food.

"YES, I love his cooking," Damon said excitedly.

Setting up the horses Matt was about to get Ren when he walked out of the house himself, "Matt when we return from the auction I'm going to need you to activate a formation for me"

"Young master so long as you set it up I doubt I will have any problem activating it," Matt said full confidence.

Over the past 6 months leading up to the auction Matt had finally understood how unfathomable Ren truly was, for a 9 year old to be able to teach him everything he had until now well lets just say if he told anyone that he could now assemble a simple formation or even refine the lowest tier pill nobody would believe him after all just to understand the basics of these arts would take years of learning. It had also made him even more curious about this teacher of Ren's to be able to teach such a young kid all of this was almost more unbelievable.

Arriving at Luanne's mansion they where met by a guard that welcomed them in, arriving at the front of the house they where greeted by an old butler, "Hello young sir Miss Luanne will be with you shortly she is just getting ready to leave" he said with a respect full tone after all if he didn't he was sure his master would punish him after the strict rules that had been handed down since Ren's last visit.

Walking into the dining hall Ren noticed that in the fruit basket there were two low tier saint fruits, seeing this he giggled to himself, after all, they must have just been put there for his visit, perhaps Luanne was still hoping his master might show up.

Helping himself Matt started to eat the spirit fruits, as he took a bite he realised that he had made a mistake as qi started to surge through his body. Putting the saint fruit into the spacial ring he started to refine the energy before it hurt his meridians or even worse his dantian.

"Walking down the stairs and into the room Luanne, dressed in a beautiful dress started talking "Ren, its lovely to see you again how have you been?"

"Miss Luanne you look lovely today, I feel like I have underdressed. My master sends his thanks for helping me get into the auction" Replied Ren with a flattering tone.

"Speaking of your master Ren, well its a little bit shameless of me but I thought it wouldn't hurt to ask. I've come across a problem with the flame essence pill, it seems to keep exploding when I add the last ingredient in this order and I was hoping he could lend some assistance" she said with a crimson blossom on her cheeks while handing Ren a piece of paper.

Ren was a bit confused after opening up the piece of paper, well she is either good at acting or the state of pill refining in this city is truly disappointing he thought to himself.

"Well, there is no need to bother my master with this Miss Luanne I can answer your question. What you are doing wrong is, well the order of the ingredients isn't wrong if you where in the saint realm because you could suppress the reaction of these two ingredients, however, I'm assuming you haven't reached it yet so what you should do is add a cooling agent here, although it may make the finished pill slightly weaker it will stop the explosion"

"I see, I would not have thought it was a problem with my cultivation. Well once I return from the auction I will use you method Ren"

Behind the bookshelf in the guest room was a secret room, sitting in it was an old man currently contemplating something.

"Amazing, it took me years after reaching saint gathering before I discovered that I could add a cooling agent to suppress the reaction so the younger generation could refine the pill. How strange it doesn't seem like the child has started cultivating yet I wonder why his master hasn't given him a cultivation technique. Could it be because he wants him to choose his own based on the knowledge he teaches him, that could explain why he was so smart yet hasn't started his cultivation, but his master should know that this could make him lag behind the over young genius in the city. How strange perhaps I just can't fathom the thoughts of such a master"

Arriving at a ginormous building Ren was impressed with the layout of the building in all of Phoenix city this must be one of the grandest buildings, although he could conjure up much more grand buildings he was impressed none the less that such a backwards place could have such a building.

Just as they were about to get out an attendant arrived, "Miss Luanne its a pleasure to see you once again, you look radiant as always" the young man said while bowing slightly.

"A gentleman as always Benedict what room will we be in today?" she replied coyly

"If I had it my way it would be room 1 but unfortunately its occupied miss Luanne so I hope you're not offended but you will have to have room 2 today, my apologies"

Looking towards Ren and seeing that he didn't seem to care whatsoever she replied "That's fine Benedict although I am curious who could be in room 1"

Arriving in their room Benedict said "Miss Luanne, this has to be a secret that I told you but its actually the city lord himself I think he must be here for the tier 5 saint herb"

Hearing that it was the city lord Luanne was slightly shocked, it was said that the city lord was in seclusion to break through to Saint transformation. Him coming here for the saint herb could be because he failed to break through.