Fools A Bunch of Fools

Wow, what a bunch of idiots, whoever would auction such an item is truly clueless about what it is otherwise they would have never thought of showing it to others let alone selling it.

"Everyone first off all I would like to warn you that we can not verify 100% that what the original owner of this item claimed is true, however, we can state the facts for you to decide yourself what you believe" declared the auctioneer.

"The owner claims that their family has been in possession of this item for 1000+ years, we have done some checks and discovered that the family has indeed been around for at least 1000 years so its possible for them to have passed it down from generation to generation. They have stated that they will only except gold for this item and the starting price is set at 1,000,000 gold, we will now start the bidding"

1,000,000 gold... just gold I can't believe it, this kind of item could have caused a bloodbath if people were to learn just what it was. Placing his bid Ren decided to pay 2,500,000 gold to scare people off if he put too much they might realise that its a treasure but if he just placed a simple bid someone else might end up bidding just out of curiosity.

Luanne was now confused thinking why on earth would he bid on this piece of junk, you could find many families that have been around for 1000 of years in this city and buy some old junk unless this is something amazing considering even a tier 5 saint herb couldn't get him to bid what else could it be?

"Ren, what is this? could it be some hidden treasure?" asked Luanne sounding intrigued

"This? I have no idea I just though my master could use it as a paperweight and if it was truly something passed down for that long they wouldn't have sold it unless they where desperate for money so why not help them out after all its just some gold" he replied shrugging hoping that she wouldn't catch on to such a lie.

"Well I suppose so, it's not like 2,500,000 is much for you anyway"

Ren was secretly howling inside right now who would have believed he would obtain a miniature world first he obtained the rebirth fruit that could even clean your spirit roots to be the purest in all of the universe he obtained a secret world and he hadn't even started cultivating yet.

Nobody else placed a bid so he soon was greeted by an attendant of the auction house knocking on the door to deliver the item, as he passed the gold to the attendant he received the mini world and told Matt to store it in the ring.

After waiting until the end this time in case there was another priceless treasure, however, he was bound to be disappointed, but it was all worth it, in the end, to obtain the qi crystals to use a formation to check his spiritual roots and obtaining a mini world what else could he desire right now.

Heading back he arrived at miss Luanne's house and got into his carriage and told Matt to head back home. Arriving home he started to set everything up that he needed to start cultivating.

"Matt crushes up these 10 qi crystals, you will have to exert your full strength when you do otherwise you won't even leave a dent in them" requested Ren.

5 hours later Matt was exhausted he had used all his strength just to crush 1 most of the time spent crushing them was actually spent recovering his spirit energy.

Ren had already prepared the five elemental cores of tier 9 spirit beasts at no small cost to himself they had cost him a small fortune each, setting up a pentagram with the qi crystal dust he put Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal and Water tier 9 spirit beast cores at one point each although it was a weak version of the formation it would be strong enough for him to check his spirit root quality and what elements it was more in tune with.

After sitting down in a lotus position he told Matt to inject some qi into the centre of the formation, soon a reaction started to happen and he slowly entered a deep state going into his own mind and body.

Sensing his spirit roots he was amazed at how lucky he truly was, perfectly balanced 5 elemental roots and they where completely pure which could be attributed to the rebirth fruit, "So five elements that are in perfect balance with one another, there is only one cultivation technique the 5 elemental seal it would seal a portion of the element in the body to keep the balance in truth anyone could use this method however very few would get the true benefits from it, he had obtained it in a past life when he had unbalanced poor spirit roots and it helped him become extremely powerful once he had obtained multiple elemental treasures to boost the weak elements he became unrivalled, however this time he was starting off with balanced elements so he wouldn't be handicapped by it.

Once he decided what he was going to do he started to cultivate absorbing as much qi as he could, suddenly in phoenix city a strange phenomenon happened it seemed like time froze for a second.

All over the city, some old mummy-like figures opened their eyes that were filled with shock.

"What the hell was that? It seems like I was in seclusion for too long I need to go and see what my descendants have been doing and try to find out if that is the fortune I have been waiting for all along" said a mummy like man as he got up, his bones creaking, grabbing his cane he started to walk out of his tomb-like location.

Just as some people were gathering in the moon clan for what seemed to be a special meeting an old man walked through a stone door at the back of the grand hall. As soon as everyone saw the man they all dropped to the floor and bowed their heads down saying "Greeting Ancestor"

"Get up, there is no point in bowing to one who will soon be dead," he said chuckling. "It seems some changes have happened in this hall, I remember back in my day it was much more plain and simple. It had none of this pointless gold and silver all over the place," he said as all the gold and silver started to peel off the walls and all the statues flew down into one big pile that started to melt.