The Meeting Of Old Monsters

Currently all the great families and clans in Phoenix city were keeping their ears and eyes open about strange occurrences that spread, the older teen members of these clans and families were currently on missions to temper themselves outside of the city walls with strict instructions that if they where to find some treasure they could bring it to their ancestor and become their personal disciple .

Currently, in the city lords grand hall, the main seat at the end of the table was occupied by the city protector and the current city lord was sitting next to him.

"Cedric, send an invite to the Moon, Sun and Star clan's telling them that I will be holding a feast tomorrow. Also, check the records of whoever has an expert at God gathering or Saint transformation and send them an invite as well"

"Yes, city protector Kahn, I'll send my most trusted subordinates to send the message to the clans, I will also have someone check the records right now," Cedric replied in earnest.

After the meeting concluded the city protector and the city lord stayed behind, "Master what has caused you to come out of seclusion this time could you have sensed trouble will be coming to the city?" inquired Cedric with worry in his voice.

Sighing Kahn started to speak "Either great fortune or destruction will befall the city I can only hope it's the latter, I just hope the youngsters don't let greed get the better of them,"

After a moment of thought he started to speak again "Make sure you put your most trusted city guards on the border and make sure that everyone who leaves has to go through extra checks and explain their reason for leaving the city, I don't want a single person to be able to leave without at least getting their name"

Noticing the serious face on his masters face Cedric new this was serious, looks like I need to start preparing the next generation, I better make sure the academy has some better rewards for the yearly competition.

Sitting in his room cultivating Ren was clueless about the undercurrents in the city, after one day he had barely made any progress after activating his spirit roots. This was something that confused him greatly, with his pure five elemental spirit roots and the amount of qi he has been gathering he should be cultivating at an extreme rate.

The next day he started to get frustrated because he couldn't find out the reason even after searching all his memories, not knowing what to do he checked his dantian after searching his body he froze, "What the fuck is this? It looks like a black hole" just moments later he started to absorb as much qi as he could. Watching it all get sucked into the black hole like thing in his dantian he was even more confused and frustrated right now, there was nothing about this in his memories. After hours of absorbing qi, he didn't even see a reaction from the suction force other than it absorbing 90% of the qi.

Currently in the city lords grand hall there was a bunch of old people sat around a table with the city protector sat at the end of the table. "Everyone can I have your attention please" requested the city protector, hearing this everyone stopped chatting to each other showing how well respected or feared the city protector seemed to be.

"I am sure you all know why I gathered you here today, being the strongest experts of the city all 54 of you would have felt the strange phenomenon yesterday indicating that there seems to be a formidable treasure that has formed in our city. I will say this now, you are all residents of this city and its been your home for your lifetime and I'm sure to reach this stage in your cultivation you're not fools. I will not accept any of you leaking the fact that a treasure has formed in or around the city, if I find that you intend to I will send you to your grave. Right now all that is out the way enjoy the feast"

Hearing his speech a few people in the meeting felt their spines tingle because they were thinking about going out to neighbouring kingdoms and sects to tell them about there being a treasure so they could guarantee themselves some treasures as a reward for the information.

The meeting ended without much fuss, it was unclear whether it was because the experts were scared of offending Kahn or if they were just being polite, but even old rivals and enemies kept to themselves.