Shameless Old Man

"I guess I should start refining some pills then," Ren thought as he headed out by himself on one of the horses he kept. Thinking it through he headed towards the pill guild because they would have a better idea of where he could get a pill furnace from.

Appearing before a grand building Ren walked in. Although it was only a single story building it was large and had multiple places to buy herbs from at the front of the guild, it looked like it was different factions that owned the herb stores.

Reflecting on the idea that it was different factions Ren checked each store to see their prices and to find out if he could sell or trade a couple of the saint water herbs and fruits he had so he could balance the god herb he was growing.

He was bound to be disappointed just 10 minutes later he learnt that it was very rare for the saint herbs, even low tiered ones, to be kept in the store for long as they would be sold very quickly and only for qi stones.

Leaving the last store Ren went up to one of the attendants and asked about where he could get a furnace from,

"We only rent cauldrons rooms where you can use the ones that the pill guild owns at a price of 1 million gold an hour, even then, the person who is going to be using the cauldron has to come themselves as there are only a few rooms available so the time your rent would start as soon as its paid for,"

"Well I'm here to use the room so, what room can I use?"

Hearing the reply from a youngster the attendant was about to berate him when she was interrupted by someone behind them.

"Ren if I'm right it's your first time coming to our humble pill guild, it just so happens that my grandfather was hoping to meet you. Would you be able to spare some time to come and have a talk?"

Turning around Ren saw Luanne and so did the attendant who nearly threw up hearing what her idol miss Luanne was saying, after all, she was about to scold someone who miss Luanne showed respect to and her grandfather the guild leader even wanted to talk with. If she had said what she was planning to, she could have lost her job and would have made a bad impression to such a great figure.

"Ah miss Luanne, its lovely to see you as always. Actually, I was about to go and refine some pills but I suppose I can go and talk to your grandfather first," Hearing such a reply the attendant almost passed out, the guild master who every young pill refiner and even a lot of the older ones would do anything to be able to have him want to talk to them. But this kid seems to act like its inconvenient, and he even acts like it's him doing the guild master a favour!

If things couldn't get any crazier her idol just had to reply in an extremely happy tone. "Great, follow me I'll lead you there now,"

Once they left the attendants that weren't dealing with customers started to discuss who Ren could be after hearing loads of different theories such as an illegitimate son of the guild master, one the young genius from the city, they settled on the fact that it must be some genius from one of the neighbouring the city because even the greatest genius from their city couldn't get their esteemed guild master to be hoping to meet them.

As the two arrived at a grand door Luanne opened the door but as soon as they entered they heard the sound of someone coughing and the smell of burning. Heading towards the refining room Luanne opened the door only to see her grandfather covered in soot.

"Ah grandaughter of mine, you've caught me at a bad time hahaha. I was just experimenting with some different recipes. Whats wrong?" Walking out of the room the old guild master caught sight of Ren, "Ah youngster its nice to see you, is your master around I would love to have a chat with him?" he said stretching his neck looking outside the door.

"Oh, guild master knows about me I'm flattered," said Ren questioningly.

"Truth be told youngster I told my granddaughter to ask the question about the flame pill as she told me you had an impressive master, I hope he wouldn't be offended by my behaviour"

"Don't worry about it my master doesn't care about such trifling things"

"That relieves me, so what brings you down here youngster could it be your master needs some herbs or fruits? Just tell me what he needs and I'll do my best to do it for him" said the guild master with a fawning tone making his granddaughters face scrunch up she had never seen him flatter someone so much.

"He left the city last week he told me that I have to become strong before I can come find him to learn from him again, only the gods know what that means..." Ren said shaking his head hoping that they would stop linking everything he does to his master, he also hoped that once they heard this they would do their best to support him.

"I'm actually here because I was wondering where I could get a cauldron from but they seem to be rare in the city, I should have asked my master for one before he left the city"

Even though he was a pill master the guild master was none the less a cultivation genius and thus was at the meeting with the city protector and made him wonder if Ren's master was looking for the treasure, and then his thoughts led him to think that perhaps his master was the one who created the treasure coming to this point he wondered how strong Ren's master was.

"Ah I see, well its true that they aren't common in the city as only one person is able to refine pill cauldrons in the city and the pill guild can only get him to refine 3 cauldrons a year for us, if it wasn't for the fact that someone saved his grandfather years ago he wouldn't do this for us as he would charge an astronomical sum just for 1 all we have to do is supply the materials even then it still costs us 500 qi stones per cauldron," replied the guild master

"Actually if you want to obtain one of them there are 3 ways, the 1st is that the most promising upcoming refiners can enter a pill competition we hold every year just paying for the ingredients supplied the winner can obtain one of the cauldrons. The 2nd way is that we give whoever has the biggest contribution to the pill guild from materials to pill recipes that we haven't already obtained. However only members of our pill guild can use the 3rd method and that is to use points that we give to bid for the last cauldron at the end of the year however it's mostly the people who have been in the guild for years that win it as they save them up."

"I see well then I'll just go and rent the cauldron room the other methods are too troublesome for me right now," hearing this John the guild master was a little lost he was hoping that Ren would ask about donating an amazing pill recipe for a cauldron and he was going to ask for more too please the other elders in the guild as an excuse to obtain more benefits.