Pill Refinement

Heading back to the front of the pill guild and paying the attendant to use the cauldron for 2 hours. After Ren paid he headed into the cauldron room and started to create the qi gathering pill.

Purifying the herbs he had, using the bare flame controlled by his qi, Ren then put the purified ingredients into the cauldron and started to absorb some more qi from his surroundings as he was currently only qi gathering 1 he had a limited amount of qi to use it took all of his just to purify one set of ingredients.

Gathing as much qi as he could in 5 minutes he started the refinement prosses for creating the pill and turning it into the congealed form, after refining the pills he opened the cauldron and took a look at them before a frown appeared on his face.

[Shit looks like after today I need to get my cultivation state higher so that I can refine a good set of pills for me and Damon, I guess I'll use these ones for now even though the effects won't be as good]

Spending 15 minutes gathering more qi he had enough to start refining more qi gathering pills, the next batch was better than the last but were still lacking slightly, But for now, it didn't matter too much. So long as he could reach qi gathering 3 he should be able to make a perfect batch of qi gathering pills.

Once his time was up Ren walked out with 4 sets of 9 qi gathering pills, deciding that he would give one of the best ones to Damon and keep one for himself he would get Matt to sell them at an auction house for qi stones in hopes that he could use them for his cultivation provided that the stone tablet didn't absorb all of the qi from them.

Arriving home he gave Damon a set of pills and told him if he needed more just to ask and he would give him some then he headed over towards Matt's room.

"Matt, I have some qi gathering pills here that I want you to sell at an auction with a starting price of 1 qi stone it has 9 pills and they can be easily absorbed by people in the qi gathering stage. Tell them that its effects don't pale in comparison to the ones made by other pill refiners at all, in fact, they might even be more effective for people in such a low stage," Hearing his young master commands Matt was just about to leave the house and go find a good auction house that wasn't shady.

"Oh and try to make sure you're not followed back it would be kind of inconvenient if some people knew that the pills where coming from here it could cause a disaster, actually head towards miss Luanne's home and give her this before you head back here," Ren said before he left handing him a piece of paper containing a few saint herbs on it with a note asking if she where to find any of them or has them already he would buy them off her for a reasonable price, also hoping that it could cause anyone that followed him to think that it was miss Luanne who gave him the pills to sell.

Once everything was done Ren started to pop pills, Finding out that the stone tablet didn't get any of the benefits from pills Ren was happy and he started to cultivate like crazy using one qi gathering pills every day.

A week later there was a commotion about an auction house claiming that they had qi gathering pills that were more effective than normal qi gathering pills sold by anyone else and the starting price was 1 qi stone for a set of 8 pills as the auction house's pill expert had taken one of them for the auction houses cut so he could study it.

Once the auction started multiple items where up for sale but one caught the eye of Ren who happened to be there to find out how much his pills would sell for, the auctioneer said it was a material like gold but much lighter than gold and it was said to be found in an extremely deep mine surrounded by gold but Ren knew much more than them. This was actually the main material needed to refine spacial rings.

Bidding on it the price soon reached 1,000,000 as many people thought it was just a strange new type of gold they wouldn't end up paying much more than that seeing that nobody else was going to bid Ren placed a 1,500,000 gold bid and ended up winning another bargain.

[Looks like I should head to secluded places when I leave this city because they always undersell such great items]

Once the auction had ended Matt went and collected the 40 qi stones that the pills sold for although many pills didn't sell for qi stones the ones that healed you and helped you cultivate sold for loads of them, although this batch of qi gathering pills did sell for a lot more than it would have normally Ren didn't really mind once he reached qi gathering 3 he could refine the pills easily and make a fortune that he could cultivate using or even get more amazing deals from these clueless people.