Close Call

"Master come and taste this quick, I spent all my savings to buy some land and paid one of the best animal breeders in the city to breed some animals which I invested a fortune into to get them to become spirit animals. This is a spirit chicken sandwich with fresh lettuce and tomatoes that I've been growing in the back garden, it has also got a drizzle of some spicy sauce I created." [Oh god, I hope he likes it this one sandwich cost me 20,000,000 gold to make, although I suppose the price will start to drop once more animals are bred and sold]

Taking a bite Ren savoured it he had to admit to himself that Tristan really was a skilled chef he just lacked the necessary teachings to make the perfect cuisine. "Not bad I'm impressed at how far your skills have come, you even managed to retain the qi in such a low levelled spirit animal."

Hearing this Tristan's face lit up when suddenly Ren continued to talk "Alright now you've got most of the basics down here is what I want you to do, I'll give you a list of ingredients and I want you to make a dish using them all with nothing else extra, here is 1,000,000 gold that should be more than enough to buy a few sets of ingredients to experiment with. And here is the list, let's make it more interesting if you can't make something impressive and delicious enough you can head back to the restaurant"

Beads of sweat appeared on Tristan's back, although he enjoyed his time at the restaurant it couldn't even come close to the knowledge he had gained from Ren. Who would have thought that such a young kid could have such great skills in everything he did. "I won't let you down master"

Now he was at qi gathering 9 Ren started to cultivate madly so he could breakthrough as quickly as possible soon he felt that his breakthrough was about to happen gathering as much qi as he could and making it flow through his body he started to use a method that would help his qi become more dense to help him easily pass the lightning tribulation.

Running outside so his house didn't get destroyed the lightning clouds started to accumulate above his head, sitting down he started gathering even more qi slowly grinding it down to the purest essence he could with his current cultivation. Seeing that the lightning was about to strike he started to cover his body using the dense qi.

Bang, a bright light hit him sending Ren rolling spitting out blood. BOOOM suddenly the thunder followed, however, Ren had already passed out. Waking up in the pitch black of night Ren looked confused. [What kind of fucking tribulation was that! if I didn't spend hours using the method to create pure qi I would have been killed]

Checking his body Ren had a few broken ribs suddenly a warm sensation filled his body as he used his qi to hold his arm in place so it could heal correctly it would also only take a week or two because of the qi, however, he would have to make a pill to fully strengthen it or spend days trying to use his qi from doing the same which could be spent cultivating it was a no-brainer. Heading back to his room Ren created a cast to hold his arm straight so the bone wouldn't slip out of place and started to cultivate.

Absorbing qi at a faster rate didn't seem to affect how much the stone tablet stole as it was still taking about 20% of it annoying the life out off Ren. [Will this endless pit stop stealing my qi it's slowing down my progress so much]

"Hahahaha, baldy looks like you can't hold on for much longer. We've been here for so long I've grown fond of you, tell you what, if you release the seal now the benevolent me will let you live out the rest of your life."

"Buddha is wise, I follow only his will"

"Hahaha your so-called Buddha is already long dead baldy why do you think we are in this situation I guess we can wait until you die before I'm free"

Two weeks later in the vast forest Damon was walking around hoping to find a good spot to relax he had already collected most of the beast cores Ren challenged him to get all he had to do now was find some more tier 1 spirit beasts.

The hair on his neck stood up, Swinging around Damon gathered as much qi around his fist as he could and swung as hard as he could behind him slamming straight into the cheekbone of the ferocious Sabertooth that just jumped at him trying to bite his neck slamming it into a tree causing the tree to collapse.

ROAR! The sabertooth let out a frantic roar. It was a tier 4 spirit beast one that Damon knew he wouldn't be able to escape from, but knowing this it allowed him to calm down and think clearly.

Over the past two weeks, Damon had encountered many dangerous situations almost losing his life in the first fight, which is also when he understood the law of nature. Only the strong survive. Although he hadn't expected to be snuck up on by a sabertooth he grabbed the spirit dagger from his leg he didn't have the luxury to check if anyone was around as his life was now on the line.

Gripping the spirit dagger Damon charged at the sabertooth diving out of the way of its mouth exchanging a blow with its claw taking a deep cut into his arm but cutting straight through to the bone of the sabertooth leg joint almost detaching it from this single attack Damon came of better luckily but now wasn't the time to become relaxed he had used up most of his qi infusing it into the spirit dagger.

Howling in rage the sabertooth charged at Damon although it's leg was almost detached it didn't slow it down jumping at Damon's throat he ducked down whilst slicing through its stomach covering himself in blood and viscera causing him to feel nauseous, although he had already killed spirit beast none of the fights had been as gory as this one. Although it ended in two moves not many would be able to pull it off with his strength it could all lead down to Ren's teaching and Damon remaining calm.

Seeing nothing but fury in the sabertooth eyes whilst it was still clinging to life Damon felt shivers down his spine although he didn't think it could still attack he made sure he backed off as he washed all the blood off his body and changing in to another set of clothes he burnt the others knowing exaution would soon kick in once his adrenilin ran out he walked over to the sabertooth cutting through its throat making sure it was dead and storing it into his storage ring he climed up into a massive tree and layed down in a comfortable possition before he fell asleep.

Waking up Damon started to stretch in the tree although it wasn't massive it had a large enough platform for him to sleep and stretch on, peaking over the edge to check for any more spirit beasts and seeing none Damon started to climb back down.

A cultivators body would naturally absorb qi but it was at such a slow rate that it was barely noticeable compared to how much one could store in their dantian. Absorbing qi to fully replenish his dantian Damon suddenly realised that the bottleneck he was facing before he left had suddenly cleared very soon he realised he was about to breakthrough. As the clouds gathered and darkened he remembered what Ren told him and he started to gather as much qi to flow through every part of his body.

Very suddenly the lightning struck out hitting him on the left side of his neck scarring him all the way down to his waist in a lightning shape, only feeling slight ache Damon thought it was only natural, however, others would think he was a madman.

[Wow my body feels even stronger, it looks like Ren was right as always. The lightning really did refine my muscles, how strange]

Infusing qi in his legs to run faster Damon was about to run back to the city to tell Ren about his breakthrough, starting running, he suddenly he flew straight into a tree in front of him crashing straight through it. [What the heck! What was that? Do I just not have control over my strength yet?]