The Rampaging Elements

[Now I'm strong enough I could start Refining some healing pills to sell, That way I might be able to get my hands on some spirit stones to really speed up my cultivation and potentially fully materialize the stone tablet]

Thinking of what pill to refine Ren started to browse the city over the next couple of days looking for the most easily obtainable and renewable ingredients that he could use. Looking around for the past 2 days he discovered that one of the main ingredients he would have to use was controlled by the star clan.

Although it's natural effects would help people healing their wounds it would only be as effective as the elixir Ren created, but a lot of pill masters used it as an ingredient in their healing pills which wasted lots of expensive herbs and even some saint herbs causing the price to be exorbitant.

[The pill masters, if they could even be called that, in this city are all wasting such precious herbs just to craft healing pills which are probably just as effective as the one I'm planning to make. To waste even saint herbs to refine such a shitty pill, I wonder how crazy they will if they saw the ingredients needed for my healing pill.]

Thinking like this Ren decided to do the guild master a favour by working out a deal with the guild master offering them 20% of the sale revenue that way he wouldn't have to go through the effort of refining it himself and he could sit back and earn the money easily whilst also improving the quality of the pill refiners in the city at least somewhat.

Knock, Knock. [I thought I told them not to disturb me already, what could have happened for them to let someone come and disturb us...]

Feeling like there was someone looking at him Ren started to look around soon he realised that there was somebody using their spirit sense to look at him causing his forehead to start perspiring.

[I didn't know there was somebody so strong in the city who the hell is it and why are they looking at me!]

"Why is there a kid disturbing us John?" Hearing his guest mention a kid John felt sweat start to drip down his back he knew that the man in front of him was strong but he didn't realise he was strong enough to be able to know whats behind a closed door.

[Could he be in the God transformation stage! I thought that was a myth that people at this stage could use their spirit to probe into material things such as houses or mountains. If that's the case who the hell are these people...]

"Sorry Esteemed guest, I told the attendants not to let anyone through. There is only one child who I can think of who would be let through by the attendants. If you don't mind I think it would be in your best interest to let him in as his master exceeds me in medical skills and refining pills so he may be the person you're looking for?" Replying in a shaky tone John was nervous that the man wouldn't approve of his request.

"Fine but If your wrong I wonder how you're going to appease my anger for wasting my time?"

[FUCK FUCK FUCK, What have I done. Please Youngster, please be able to get a hold of your master otherwise I'm done for] Opening up the door John welcomed Ren "Come in come in"

"Guild master why do you look so nervous, don't worry I know I am great but you can relax around me" Just as he finished speaking Ren heard someone giggling, turning his head Ren caught sight of a beautiful young lady.

"Ah, guild master why didn't you tell me you had such a lovely young lady as a guest?"

[FUCK KID YOU'RE GOING TO GET ME KILLED!!!!!!!] looking at the two guests John was in a panic but seeing that the two didn't seem angry he let out a sigh of relief.

"Youngster Ren, actually I have a request for you" Trying to hold back his anger John prayed that he would help him out of his situation.

"What is it guild master? Hmm, I see the little Lady seems to have symptoms of two elements going berserk inside her dantian. If I'm not wrong it looks to be water and fire elements fighting against each other," Looking at the two guest Ren asked with a serious expression on his face, hearing this the guild master was shocked

[I couldn't tell anything from her appearance but he discerned everything with one look? It seems his master had truly passed on all his medical and pill refining skills]

"Oh little one you're able to tell this much just from looking at my daughter, I can only imagine how great your master is. How about this, I will accept any request you master asks if he can heal my daughter even if he asks me to follow him for the rest of my years" Hearing this Ren was moved, meeting someone who would use the rest of their life as the price to heal his daughter, such love could rarely be obtained in the cultivation worlds.

"Father you can't! I won't let you do such a thing for me!" With tears dripping down her cheeks the little girl protested.

"Well I can't get my master to come but provided you can get all the materials I need I'll be able to calm down the beserk elements but calming them completely will rely on if your daughter can become strong enough to control them,"

"Little one I've requested all the top pill masters that I could find whilst traveling looking for a cure and none have been able to do anything for my daughter, if you can prove to me right now that you'll be able to cure her I'll do whatever is needed and give you anything you want."

Writing on a piece of paper Ren started talking. "Ok, guild master John I hope to borrow your pill cauldron room and also I'm going to need these ingredients, I hope you can gather them for me. What I'm about to refine is an extremely weak version of the pill that she needs and it will become ineffective within a year or two after that only luck will decide if she dies or not, it's up to whether or not you can gather the ingredients or not."