
An hour later Ren walked out of the Cauldron room heavily sweating carrying a glass bottle with 12 pills in it, he had managed to refine 2 sets of pills from 5 sets of ingredients exhausting himself in the process. [Im hoping I'll be able to get some good benefits for this otherwise I would Rather not exhaust myself so severely to refine enough pills for a year]

"These are enough for, Sorry I don't know your name?" Ren said.

Replying to him the young girl said "It's Anna"

"Well Anna, these are enough for you to keep the elements calm for a year try, take one a month. Right after you have taken it you will be able to cultivate for half a month without affecting the elements however you must stop once the time is up otherwise the elements will become even more berserk,"

Taking the pill bottle Anna opened it and was assaulted by a fragrant smell causing everyone but Ren to be shocked. These seemed to be perfect pills only by using 90% of the pill essence can one refine a perfect pill. Quickly taking a pill and sealing the bottle Anna felt something spread into her dantian almost smothering each of the elements causing them to stop reacting to each other and try to get rid of the medicinal effects.

"Dad, it really has stopped them! Thank you" Slightly bowing to Ren tears started to drop to the ground from Anna's eyes. She had been facing this problem for 5 years causing her father to take her on a journey around the continent trying to find someone who could help her causing him great amounts of stress. Knowing that she now had a chance to solve her problem and help her dad relax she couldn't help crying.

"Don't worry about it, now let's talk about the ingredients you need to get. The one that will probably cause you the most trouble is a god herb called the spirit calming wood. It 100% necessary for this to help calm the elements for at least 10 years, at most 100 years depending on the age/quality. If you don't have it then 10 years would be the most that the pill will be able to calm the elements for if you're lucky" After listing out the rest of the ingredients which included 15 saint herbs and fruits Ren started to talk about his cost.

"Now about the cost of this treatment, I don't mind if you can't gather them straight away. I'm assuming that you'll keep your word from the way you act so ill get straight to the point. I want 25 saint herbs or fruit trees of each of the core elements, all of them need to be at least tier 3. What do you think is this an acceptable price?"

Hearing such an exorbitant price John almost passed out, it was considered great fortune if one could obtain a tier 3 saint herb in the city most of the ones sold would be tier 1, but for Ren to be asking for 125 tier 3 herbs and fruits what kind of madness had struck him. Just as John was thinking things couldn't get any crazier, "Fine it's a deal, however, I will be getting the ingredients needed for my daughter first"

"Ok, If you need more pills just come back and bring the ingredients needed for the weaker pill and ill refine them for you but like I said they will only work for a few years any more and you'll be affecting how well the real pill will work."

Once everything was sorted out between them the man took Anna hand and disappeared from sight. Slumping into his chair John finally felt like he could breathe properly again, knowing that he couldn't let anything happen to Ren otherwise that man would come back and wipe out the city to quell his anger he decided he would request a meeting with the city protector to discuss what they could do to protect him.

"Ren, how come you came here today? don't tell me you already knew that they were here and decided to cause me to have a heart attack?"

"No, meeting them was just an added bonus. Actually, the reason I'm here is that I wanted to discuss a business deal with you"

Telling John what he wanted to do and the amount of the profits the pill guild would get John was ecstatic, a healing pill that would match up with the best ones in the city but would cost less than half the price was something he could only dream about. The amount of profit made from the pills would fund the pill guild in developing new students into pill masters, it was something he couldn't and wouldn't turn down.

Getting John to sign a contract Ren stored it into his special ring and then gave John the recipe and told him the best way to refine it and also gave him some pointers in removing the essence using a bare flame without burning 80% of it in the flame, instead of using the heat of the cauldron to slowly remove it. Once he finished learning John bowed down deeply to Ren, What he had just taught him would benefit the whole pill guild for the rest of its existence.

[I didn't understand how much of a monster Ren's master is, to be able to teach Ren everything he knows at such a young age truly unbeliveable]