"NEXT" Ren walked up to the booth and put his hand on the age testing crystal, soon a cool feeling spread through his body soon the middle-aged man that was recording the results started to ask Ren a few questions. "Name?" "Ren" "Here is your id, don't lose it, you won't be able to get another one and you won't be able to get into the academy exam" After marking the Id with Ren's name the man snapped it into half and handed one half to Ren.

Receiving the id token Ren stored it in his storage ring and waited for Damon, once Damon got his id the duo looked around for somewhere to grab something to eat and drink.

Looking around Ren caught sight of some people coming out of a tea house with a satisfied expression on their faces, seeing this Ren and Damon headed in, seeing the two walk in a young attendant walked over to them and asked what room they would like to drink in telling them the cost of each room.

Going to the top room at the cost of 1 qi stone Ren decided to pay it. Although for some it might not be affordable, for Ren right now it was nothing. Going up to the top floor Ren and Damon sat down and had a look at the menu seeing some cakes Damon got exited although Ren and Tristan would cook meals he never made sweet snacks like cakes and cookies.

"Can I order anything Ren?"

"Yeah" Making their order the attendant walked off to sort out the order.

Giving them their order the attendant was about to walk off when Ren chucked her a qi stone as a tip because she prepared the order quickly. [250 qi stones for the tea, hopefully it lives up to the cost]

Taking a sip of the tea Ren almost spat it out [What shit is this? They actually charged my 250 qi stones for this garbage, Damn I thought they would charge qi stones because they used it to nourish the tea tree they have not to rip people off] Even though the tea had some qi infused in it and was considered a delicacy by others in the city, Ren had obtained the memories of his past lives although his taste buds weren't as refined as his past life's he still didn't enjoy such a low tier tea.

[I should probably grow some tea, maybe I'll wait until I find a suitable species to cultivate into something special then everyone around the world would come and beg for some. Hahaha]

Waiting for Damon to eat the Sweet treats they both left the store. Coming over to clean up the table the attendant saw a cup of tea that had been barely touched and then she picked up the teapot and it felt that it also hadn't been touched, she could hardly believe herself. Even members of the large clans would drink all of the tea even if they could afford to leave some they wouldn't waste such a good tea, who would have thought that some kid would have wasted it.

After leaving the tea house they went home and started to cultivate before the exam the next day, soon the sun started to rise and hit Ren on his face. Seeing that a whole night had passed Ren started to wash up and get dressed in some new clothes, went downstairs and aked Tristan to make some breakfast for him and Damon.

Eating the breakfast Damon could hardly contain his excitement for taking the exam, he wanted to know how he compared to other people his age. "Tristan I love your cooked breakfast, the bacon tastes so nice"

As they were walking towards the academy to tack the exam, there were people talking about the exam, the people taking it and some rumours surrounding the people taking the exam. One that Ren kept hearing was about a young girl from one of the big clans called Jessica, People were talking about how she had broken through to the qi refining tier last year.

[Hopefully, there are some strong people for me to fight in the competition at the end of the year otherwise it's going to be boring having to inevitably fight against Damon, actually that will probably happen anyway if there aren't any surprises]

Arriving at the academy Ren was surprised at how many people there was, he was interested in what the exam could be about. Walking up to people Ren asked them what they knew about the exam and what it is about. Soon he learnt that there were different parts of the exam, one was there would be an exam testing what you know about cultivating and martial arts techniques once the teachers grade this exam they would put you into different groups and they would be assined a teacher. They would be taught some stuff about cultivating and some martial arts, then the next day you will come back and be tested on what you learnt.

"Everyone you will all be asked to present your id, if anyone cannot show their id they will be kicked out of the academy, once you are let in head towards a seat and you will be given a test after everyone has taken a seat"

After 10 minutes Ren and Damon were finaly into the academy exam room taking a seat the two waited for the rest of the examinees to sit down so they could get their tests.