Taking The Exam

After everyone had sat down, the teachers started to hand out the tests. Some people tried to open up the test only to not be able to even lift up a page, looking at the test papers Ren understood that the test was locked up by a low-level formation.

[Interesting this must be one of the tests for the exam, perhaps this will actually be fun]

Cracking the formation and flipping the paper Ren caught the attention of an old man watching over the exam, just as one of the invigilators caught sight of Ren flipping through the exam they were going to go and tell him off for cheating when the old man moved his hand indicating for them not to do anything about it.

Reading through the first questions on the exam Ren was nothing more than disappointed, [And here I thought that it might actually be fun what the hell is this crap? How boring...]

'What 5 elements do spirit roots form from?' 'Are you aware of your own spirit roots elements?' 'What are the elements your spirit roots are formed from?' 'When breaking through in your cultivation what method would you use to face the lightning tribulation and how will this affect you afterwards?'.

Answering the questions with ease other than the question about what his spirit roots were formed from in which he wrote "None of your business", Ren started to flip through the exam papers and answer all the questions which he deemed acceptable to answer.

Once the teachers unsealed the exam papers everyone started to flip over to the first page and answer the questions. Seeing the questions Damon also found it fairly easily, considering he had been taught by Ren he would, of course, be miles above the rest of the masses in his knowledge about cultivation and anything in between.

After 10 minutes Ren had answered at least 100 questions and finished the exam, looking around he was wondering how far everyone else had progressed, seeing that nobody else had finished he started to cultivate and wait for everyone else to finish. After another 20 minutes, Damon finished the exam closed it and then looked around and saw that Ren was cultivating so he decided he might as well also cultivate.

Seeing Ren and Damon start cultivating the old man was even more curious about the two, he had originally come to see how well Jessica would do in the exam and see if he should take her as his personal student, every year he would take one student from the new group of students.

"Find out what their names are and where they come from before the exam is over I want as much information as possible, also I'll mark their exam oh and that young girl Jessica's exam"

"I'll get right on it principle Tony" Quickly leaving the teacher next to the old man found out Ren and Damon's names and then went to the most famous information brokers place.

"Boss Henry, why are you here isn't the exam today I thought you would be with the principle?"

"Well something came up so I'm here, tell me all you know about two people called Ren and Damon, they're 10 years old I suspect they're from one of the three clans"

Spending 30 minutes doing all he could to find everything about Ren and Damon the underling of Henry started to panic, "How is this possible we have nothing about them"

"Really? Why do I fund you to keep doing this then?" Henry's tone took a nosedive, he was angry with the fact that he had been tasked by the principle to find out everything about the two youngsters probably because of the fact he controlled most of the information brokers around the city.

Returning to the exam hall Henry walked up to the principal telling him that he couldn't find out anything about the two, "Interesting, I wonder which power could raise such diligent youngsters, just going from the fact that they don't waste any free time, by cultivating, it must be one of the 3 clans... Don't worry about it Henry if even you couldn't find anything out about them I guess I'll just ask them after the exam"

Once two hours were up, everyone's exam suddenly sealed itself repelling everyone pens who was still writing from marking the page. Suddenly all the exams started to move by themselves amazing some of the youngsters, clearly, they had no idea about formations.

Collecting 3 exam papers the principal went into the back room, soon every teacher had a stack of exam papers.

"Everyone, the exam is now over. Don't worry if you feel like you didn't do very well, this exam was just to test your knowledge about cultivation. Tomorrow will be the real test so come rested an ready to do your best and prove your worth to the academy, you can now leave but make sure you're here at 10am tomorrow, if you're not you will be disqualified. When you arrive there will be boards that will have assigned groups written on them, find your name and head towards the teacher's whos group you're in"

At night the principal was sipping on tea reading Ren's exam paper, suddenly he spat out his tea as it poured out his nose and went everywhere. If any of the teachers saw this scene their jaws would hit the floor, who would think the dignified principal would cause such a mess.

["None of your business" Hahaha what a little shit, how the hell can you be taught if you don't tell us your strongest elements]