Teaching The Teacher

The next day Damon and Ren headed to the academy to take the skill part of the test and find out what kind of fighting techniques they are going to teach them.

After reaching the boards that showed each group Ren and Damon started to look for their names.

"Ren look over here I found them, we're in the same group but there is only one other person with us" Looking at the list there was indeed only one other name with them, it was the girl he heard about called Jessica.

Heading towards the location it said their teacher would be the two arrived and saw a girl cultivating silently in a corner of the room, opening her eyes she scanned them. [These are the people in my group?] "What clan are you from?" she asked in an unfriendly tone.

Hearing her tone Ren ignored her, if someone isn't going to show someone they just met with respect then they can get treated the same. Noticing that Ren ignored her Damon followed suit, sitting down the two started cultivating. "Hey, bastards I'm talking to you!"

Just as Ren opened his eyes and was about to reply to her someone started lightly coughing twice shocking Ren slightly. [I hadn't even noticed him come in, looks like we're looked highly upon if they have asked such a powerful figure to teach us some martial arts.]

"Now now youngsters that's enough, I won't be teaching you cultivation techniques as you clearly have your own already. I will be teaching you a martial arts technique that I found when I was a youngster, throughout all my time studying it I couldn't master it so I thought I'd test your affinity with it." Taking out a golden piece of paper with instructions written on it Ren couldn't contain his shock although this showed a technique the real treasure was the piece of paper it was on.

[No wonder the old man hadn't mastered the technique it's a heaven grade skill, not martial arts, even then he hasn't understood the truth behind what he has] This type of paper was actually something that could store information but you would have to destroy the top layer to reveal the truth behind it. [Using this type of technique to protect whatever information they were hiding, how interesting. How should I handle this...]

"Sorry old man I don't know who you are but we need to have a private talk" Turning her head towards him Jessica was shocked, [How does this bastard not know who the principal of the academy is?]

"Oh? Alright then we can have a private conversation but you only have 2 minutes to explain what it is you need to talk about, however, if I'm not satisfied by it you will be banned from entering the academy, what do you think?" Replying to the old man Ren answered simply shocking the old man and Jessica. "Ok"

Going into the room next door and sealing it with his qi the principal introduced himself to Ren.

"Well principal Tony, I'm not really surprised you haven't mastered this martial art because it's actually a heaven grade skill"

Hearing that Tony was shocked, who would have thought this kid could instantly catch his interest. Going over all the practice he had using the heaven grade skill he slowly started to understand what the kid meant, although he had been using qi whilst using the skill he hadn't been using it correctly causing its effectiveness to drop drastically.

Any kind of fighting method or skill that uses qi was graded from mortal then diety then heaven, the rarity of heaven grade skills was fairly high although Ren had quite a few from his memories he couldn't get the most out of them because he hadn't reached a high enough level yet.

"How do you know its a heaven grade skill?" Although he was now 90% sure Ren was right Tony still didn't understand how the child knew about such a skill.

"My master taught me some and this one looks like snakeskin, you should be able to slip out and deflects attacks from others using this" teaching Tony some ways to use it Ren was still thinking of ways to get a hold of the paper.

"Look I'll be honest with you Principal, I need this paper. You should have already learnt the technique by heart so what will it cost to sell it to me?" Hearing the question Tony was confused.

"I guess you can just have it for teaching me the truth behind the skill but I do have one request for you and that's to meet your master" [If I can meet someone who taught heaven grade skills to a child I might have a chance to breakthrough to the god realm]

"Sorry my master left the city ages ago and he told me that I have to find him if I want to see him again. If you don't mind telling me what level has your cultivation reached and how many people are there that would be considered stronger than you in the city?"

Replying to Ren's question Tony told him that he was considered one of the strongest experts in the city the only people stronger than he might be the ancestors of the three clans, and the top expert in the city was the city protector.

[So he is at the peak of Saint transformation, I suppose if the information on the paper is important then I will refine a pill to help him breakthrough to the God gathering realm]

Half an hour had past and the two suddenly walked out of the room, at this point Jessica was shocked [Just who is this bastard that he can cause a smile to appear on the principals face like that?]