
Chang Guan was still trying to get past the border. He had just left the cave he had spent the night in and continued sneaking his way through the border.

To get past, he had to move up over the mountain and forwards towards the Black Desert region.

He chose to go the path of least altitude but more distance. This was mainly because he knew he had no chance against the powerful ferocious beasts living at the top of the mountains.

"Chance, 3811435, 11275, 16, 7, Against"

With nothing better to do, Chang Guan played word links.

As he walked through the forest, nothing happened. Absolutely nothing. In fact, it was so quiet that the only thing Chang Guan could hear was his own breathing and footsteps.


It truly was eerie. Chang Guan instantly activated his Rotation Intent, lowering his R/s even lower. He could feel everything in his surroundings. He could feel everything but still, nothing.

Chang Guan continued moving in his alarmed state, afraid for anything that might happen. But no matter how careful he moved, he couldn't sense the source of this uncomfortable feeling.

Time passed, and in the blink of an eye, an hour had passed. As Chang Guan had gotten further away from his starting position, the eerie feeling had disappeared. Causing him to breathe a sigh of relief.

With him no longer being under the threat of whatever caused the eerie feeling, Chang Guan had lessened his usage of the Rotation Intent.

He did this because using the Rotation Intent drained his mental strength and he didn't want to use it without reason.

Suddenly Chang Guan's eyes narrowed. A small distance from him, he was able to sense a group of powerful lifeforms. Well, they were relatively powerful. This strength was easily nothing compared to Chang Guan, but rather safe than sorry.

Chang Guan used the Cloaking Tactic and instantly vanished from view. The beasts, who had yet to sense Chang Guan's presence, were completely unprepared for combat, and were not alert, not noticing as Chang Guan crept closer.


Chang Guan threw his throwing knives. His target was the 4 large wolves with a single horn jutting out from their heads.

Each knife was thrown with the Misdirect Knife Tactic and aimed towards the vitals of the beasts.

The knives were so swift and hidden that even in death the mutated wolves had no idea what had struck them.

The power and accuracy coming from the knives were attributed to the practice Chang Guan had performed in his mind's room.


The 4 wolves fell to the ground, each impaled through their neck with a knife.

Having Learned from his first meeting with the Yin-Yang Serpent, he armed himself with a new set of knives and slowly sneaked towards the wolves. He was ready to strike at any time.

Fortunately, the wolves were not faking their deaths and he managed to safely retrieve his knives and their carcasses.

Chang Guan continued his movement towards the Black Desert region, with nothing of interest being found on the way. Chang Guan was now remarkably close to entering the said region.

Chang Guan looked up at the darkening sky while fiddling with his dragon pendant. Based on the light, or rather the lack of thereof, Chang Guan was able to determine the time was quite late, about 10 o'clock in the afternoon.

Chang Guan casually searched his surroundings, finding a small area on a nearby tree. Chang Guan leaped into the air, landing on this precise area.

At this point, he had given up making food for himself. He had tried numerous times excluding the first time, but he just couldn't seem to get the taste right.

Chang Guan scanned his surroundings once more, confirming there was nothing in the surrounding area, before finally laying down and closing his eyelids.

Now being shrouded in complete darkness, Chang Guan attempted philosophizing about life. He thought about why and how life happened, but the more he thought, the more he became confused.

Eventually, he decided to just screw it and count upwards from zero until he finally fell asleep.

`1,587,007. 1,587,008. 1,587,009. 1,587,010. *Sigh*´

After a while, Chang Guan released a mental sigh. Usually, he would fall asleep the moment his head hit the pillow, but today, he just couldn't fall asleep. even after having counted past 1.5 million, he would not fall asleep.

Chang Guan took this rare opportunity to think about the world.

Eastern Continent. That is where Chang Guan lived. According to a map left by his ancestor, there were a total of four Continents on the planet. They were, the aforementioned Eastern Continent, focused mainly on cultivation.

To the north was the Holy Continent. This was a religious continent where the main combat forces were priests who were gifted power from their worshipped God.

To the west was the Western Continent. This was a continent mainly focused on science, working out the laws and creating machines to use and exploit them.

And finally, to the south lay the Dark Continent. Not much is known about it, but apparently, it is inhabited by humans conjuring shamanic power. It seems they got their power from certain symbols, forming a sort of alphabet.

Chang Guan had only read about them from his ancestor's notes, but they sounded interesting. This forged a desire for Chang Guan to go and see those places. Well, if he could get his revenge first, that is.


Suddenly, Chang Guan felt tired. He was glad that he could finally sleep, and as his consciousness was fading, his face revealed a sly smile.