Unknown future and New Hope?

In her sleep, Li yu have a dream that there is someone who staying beside her. That person assist her in her bad condition but she cannot see the person face. When Li yu try to grab that person, slowly the person fade away and leave Li yu alone.

She feel that the darkness cover her and she cannot feel anyone presence. Li Yu suddenly wake up from her sleep with sweat all over her face. It is a terrifying dream where she live alone in the dark without the ability to get out from it. Like living in dark cage with no one, no sound and nothing.

She start to hate the dark with no light and colors. She hate how she need to wait until the bandage around her eyes can be open. She hate the uncertainty of the result of her cornea surgery. It has been 30 days since the operations finished.

Right now, she didn't know her own condition. What she know is that she was too shocked after the accident. She has been unable to communicate with the others, like a person without a soul. Until two weeks passed after the medical treatment then she started to face the reality and able to respond to the doctor questions. At later time, she found that she get two surgery, for her eyes and left hand. At that time, Li yu feeling was so bad that she start to berserk and get a few injection to make her calm.

She didn't know how she pass the exactly 30 days. But now she start to have a clear mind after make up her mind and think through over the things.

There are a lot of variable that make her worry about her life and future. The unknown life after calamity. She worried if she will be able to see the light again or not. She also worried about the unknown world outside of this hospital room. She worried about how the people will treat her with her disfigured appearance. Will people treat her like a normal person or look down at her disability. Can she still act normally like most people do? How about her study and her classmates? Can the world accept her with her poor condition now? How can she keep herself well while she is left alone without her parents support?


Li yu train of thought suddenly stop when she hear someone is opening the door. Somehow she get scared easily when she feel the presence of other people. Maybe staying without the sight make her become paranoid and slowly it's develop into the hatred for dark. Li yu calm herself and wait for the other person to speak first.

"Ehem... Excuse me. Sorry for disturbing you. I am your doctor. Don't worry. Right now I am going to check you up like the usual routine. Now tell me what do you feel right now?" The old man wearing a white robe looking at Li Yu tense body and note every little movement she made and note it down.

Hearing that it is just the doctor, Li yu become more relaxed and said "I think these few days I can manage my mental from breaking down. But I feel everything else need to be improve. The bandage still wrapped my eyes and the dark sight slowly turn me crazy. I can't stay any longer in this darkness. Moreover my left hand didn't stop throbbing. I think you should check if something wrong after you cut it. And when can I start to see the light again? It's been a month already."

The doctor note her psychology state and agitate words. It's usual for the patient to have trauma after a big change in her life. The doctor try to smooth Li yu emotions and said "Don't worry, tomorrow you can take off the wrapped. The prediction said that it is a success operation and you will be able to see again. But there is a need for the eyes to adapt and cannot be force. Let us the expert take care of your eyes tomorrow. Try to rest your eyes tonight. And about your hand, I'll give you medicine to soothing the throb pain away. It's evening now, and we bring your lunch. Finish it and later we will let you use the

IPod to entertain you. I already update the most popular music in it."

"Hum.. Thank you doctor. Then I won't keep your time. " Li yu take her foods and IPod then start to take care herself. Music is the only thing that make her feel she is still alive. On the other side, she start to lose her big appetite and eat less. Maybe it's because the food make her remember about her mom's cooking. That's why she eat less and less every day.

She pass her dinner and stay listening to cheerful songs to make her worry away. Slowly she sleap and the next morning comes.

Li yu can't be more patience anymore. Today is the day to see if her sight will come back or not. The doctor already doing his duty and slowly losen up the wrap around her eyes.

Doctor: "Li yu, try to close your eyes first and then slowly adapt to the light. Blink your eyes several time before open it up."

Li yu: "I understand doctor."

Li yu slowly open her eyes.. She feel a bright light coming to her eyes. She start to blink her eyes a few times to get use of the light. Slowly she can see hazy pictures. Then after focusing her eyes, she can see a white blanket in her hands. Li yu dazely look at the white color then she excitedly look around the room.

She finally can use her eyes again. A grin escape from her lips and then she start to laugh.

Looking at the happy face, the doctor nod and said : "Litlle girl, it's your first time express such a happy face. Now take a rest and close you eyes. Don't exhausted yourself too much. You still have a long life and can enjoy beautiful sight slowly. By the way, now that you already get back your sight again, I add a few routine to therapy your muscle so you need to practice walking and move your body. I also add consultation for emotional therapy. Now get more spirit and don't skip your meal. You need more energy for your muscle therapy. Alright that's all. I'm leaving then. "

The doctor then turn and go to the door. Before the doctor go out of the room, Li yu said softly "Doctor, thank you very much"

"Kekeke.... It's my duty after all. No sweat. " The doctor said with a chuckle and then leave the room.

Li yu looking at the closed door and make a vow. Whatever the conditions, since she can see the light after the dark, she will strive and work hard for herself. Although she can not restore her conditions to before, but she can at least try and make up her short coming with technology and her effort.

Li yu with a new hope staring at the bright blue sky outside her window.

The unknown future, here I come!