Following Brian and his four companions, half of Court 1 had come to a courtyard about the size of a football stadium back in the Days of Depression. Everyone was quite confused on why they were brought here. There was nothing special here, at all. But then, Akbar started casting.
Just at the moment he finished a very complex movement, something he learnt from the libraries in Caesar's mind, walls of flames started rising up around everyone. Startled, people tried to rush out, only to be stopped by the other four members, now assigned to each side of the flaming cage.
They all started shouting, "Let us out!"
At this moment, the cage of fire had finished being constructed and the four people rushed back to the side of Akbar. Around 15 people instantly burnt to a crisp, leaving behind not even their bones. This scene scared everyone present.
Before half of Court 1 cold rush at them, Brian spoke up, "Sorry for the inconvenience. It's just that we needed to make sure. This cage you are within is the Cage of Hell. You may not believe me, but we were testing you. Those that lied and had bad intentions were all burnt. According to the rules, anyone who touches the edges would all burn to a crisp. But also, you need to not know what is going on. Enough of that, let's move on. Now, how many are left?"
After a quick head count, he found out that he was perfectly left with 30 people.
"Hmmmm... Less than I predicted, but it's enough. Ok, guys! Time for the truth! We haven't really been truthful with you. Or more like we haven't told you everything, since we have been truthful. Our goal is to create a world, or more if time allows it. Yes, I know it seems impossible, but you guys were the first step! Now, following our previous sorting, please choose your teacher, or potential World Leader!"
The ambition of the five geniuses shocked the rest of their small group to the extreme. But then they thought a little more about it. They were the best of the best in the best institution. If anyone was qualified to have this dream, it was them.
This, along with the fact that they could be a founding member of a whole motherf***ing world was enough to convince them.
The next scene that occurred was actually extremely hilarious. It was like going down a market in the Days of Depression. The five geniuses were all boasting about their jobs and abilities, trying to rope in the others. This lightened the atmosphere, as the five geniuses had planned, and made everyone feel more comfortable, moving on from those deaths that happened.
And so, they all separated, joining their chosen faction. The end spread was actually very similar to Brian's predictions.
Akbar, who was in charge of everything elemental and magic-like undoubtedly had the most, numbering at 10, a whole one third of the whole group. But then, this was withing expectations.
3 people chose to become civil servants and politicians, joining Daisuke. These people were key to the creation of a functioning society. You needed these people to take one for the team, to manage logistics, forgoing their own development. Brian was very proud of these people and admired them for their team spirit and far-sight.
Caesar had successfully roped in 5 hunters, creating a solid base for a successful intelligence-gathering group and hunters. These people would relay important information about enemies and allies alike during the later stages of Brian's plan.
All those who were semi-bloodthirsty and had a slight inclination to fighting, those brutes, all joined William. Of course, they weren't all going to stay as all brawn no brain. William was going to drill into them so hard that they would think that death would be a relief. He was going to make the special and black ops teams as well as the elites of infantry. His troops numbered 8.
The remaining four virtual class people were all taken by Brian. this number surprised him. He had thought that there would only be 1 or 2 people who had a virtual class, but he had finally found a group that he could relate to. This made him ecstatic. He had big plans for his group. He was going to make them the best of the best.
He already had a name for his group, something he had gotten from Akbar. Something quite popular in the Days of Depression were computers and video games. In these days, there was an unknown element in all of them, and that is what he was going to call his group. He was giong to make the hackers of the 24th century.