I really am a cultivator!!! Trust me...

(Please read Synopsis before reading!!)

Raindrops covered the edge of the window as the wind howled mercilessly. The roaring thunder disrupted Shen Long from his intense reading session, causing him to glance at his alarm clock. It was already 1 o'clock in the morning. Looking at his pile of homework, he was debating whether to finish his assignments due tomorrow or to continue reading his newly picked-up light novel.

To do or not to do? That was the question. Expected for Shen Long, he chose to continue reading. "Worst case scenario, I will just go to detention after-school and read my light novel there. It's not like I haven't done it before or anything." Shen Long mused to himself.

He crawled to his bed as he reached to turn off the lights. Instead of lying down, he sat in a cross-legged position; one hand holding his phone, one scratching his head. Shen Long furrowed his brows as he muttered to himself. However, his expression suddenly changed, his eyes brimmed with confidence. Shen Long was actually doing his daily routine - following a Qi cultivation manual from a light novel.

"Today's the 90th day and this is the 90th novel I have tried. It is definitely going to work this time. I have a premonition that this will be the one. I know for a fact that I, Shen Long, have great potential and was born to embark on the journey of cultivation! As the saying goes,"90th time's a charm!" He consoled himself and followed the cultivation manual closely.

"1.Step into a traditional narrow horse stance position, hands at sides.

2. Breath in and bring palms together and disperse after three breath's worth of time.

... "

Suddenly, a strand of Qi suddenly appeared in his upper abdomen. It was really faint, but it was actually there! He immediately continued to repeat the routine, hoping to strengthen the tiny strand of his Qi. He was ecstatic and shocked that this manual actually worked. Even though he had always "felt" that he was fated to become a cultivator, he was never wholeheartedly convinced himself. "Cultivating" from light novel manuals were just methods he used to calm himself down before sleeping, similar to meditating.

After repeating the routine for a few times, he uncontrollably stopped his training. He was absolutely exhausted, though there wasn't a single drop of sweat on his forehead. His body, however, immediately collapsed as he fell back onto his bed.

"It's all worth it!! Hahahaha! It actually worked! I told you, I was born to become a cultivator!! 90th's time is a charm!!" He said excitedly while making random noises. According to the manual, he should be able to use his Qi to move small subjects, achieving the so-called telekinesis. Focusing all his attention to the pencil, the pencil started floating in mid air, moving in Shen Long's direction.

"Woo-hoo! Yeah!!! YESSSS!" was repeatedly heard in the house until Shen Long's door was blasted open.

"Wow!!! It must be some supreme beings who are coming to congratulate me. He must be a Patriarch from some well-known sects in the heaven! Wow! I, Shen Long, surely am capable and amazing!" He rushed towards the door despite his legs shivered violently, barely able to support him.

"Long-er! What the f*** are you doing!? I have work tomorrow and do you expect me to sleep when you are screaming like this at 2 am?" Shen Chun, his father, said angrily.

"Ehh? Where is the deva Patriarch who is coming to get me into their sect?" He asked innocently, like a child.

"Patriarch? I am your bloody father! Get out of your room right now!"

Shen Long was shocked as he hesitantly walked out the room. "Whatever. I will just explain to him why I was screaming. After all, he must be really proud of me 'cause I am now a godly cultivator." His eyes were filled with joy as he imagined his father's reaction.

As Shen Long followed his father out to the living room, he suddenly stopped and started speaking.

"Father. Don't feel too proud of your son even though I really am amazing. Today, I have established my first strand of Qi in my body. Your son, me, is now a cultivator! According to the light novel manual, I am now in the first stage of Qi Condensation!" He excitedly explained the whole process in his arrogant and confident tone.

His father's face was written with shock while Shen Long was feeling extremely proud.

"I knew Father would be proud of me. I really am too amazing. Don't tell me I have talent in becoming a master diviner as well?" He thought while chuckling to himself.

"Qu-er! Quickly come here! I think our son is ill! He was randomly laughing while spouting bullshi*! He said he is a cultivator or something! He even thought I am a patriarch from the heavens!" Father exclaimed hurriedly and he continued to stare at Shen Long, feeling extremely worried.

"I AM NOT ILL! I SAID, I AM NOW A CULTIVATOR! You know? Cultivators in the ancient times? The ones that can fly and fight? I am now one of them! I can prove to you if you don't really believe me. Look carefully! You shall be honoured because you're the first person to witness my great skills. I am going to lift up that chair with my Qi! Watch closely!!" That being said, he immediately extended his right arm while his eyes stared at the chair.

And nothing happened.

"Mother! Hurry up! He really is ill! He just said he could lift up a chair... then he started growling while staring at the object!! Should we call the ambulance, or should we just drive him to the hospital!?"

Shen Long's face was ashen and his agitation grew. He explained the entire incident again and again to his parents but their faces only grew more and more worried.

"Why is this happening to me!?? I swear I used my inner Qi earlier on and I could lift up a pen effortlessly! This shouldn't be happening! WHY!???"

Shen Long continued to persuade his parents for the next few hours but they did not believe a single word of his. Disappointed, he went back to his room and started packing up for school as it was almost 7am.

"I can't believe why my Qi isn't working! Why aren't they listening to me? I have explained the whole thing five freaking times already and yet they looked even more confused than before!" He continued to ponder this issue as he rode his bike to his school, Hanwu Academy.

Hanwu Academy was located in the middle of Beijing City, surrounded by hundreds and hundreds of tall skyscrapers. As one of the world's most prestigious high schools, the campus of the academy was beautiful. The buildings are built with the best technology and material. The entire school is covered by a gigantic ball made of Titanium, almost like a domed city.

Shen Long's classroom is on the third floor, and it resembled a normal classroom. However, looking closely, you could see that the crafting of every furniture were perfect. Everything was put in order, and his classmates quietly talked among themselves. Shen Long walked in as usual, shirts untucked and top-button undone.

"Zhang Hong!! Let me tell you some great news! Your brother, I, is now a cultivator!" He yelled and everyone stared at him. The initial quiet and peaceful atmosphere was completely destroyed by his high-pitched voice.

The entire class fell into laughters while Shen Long, again, tried to explain the whole cultivation process and attempted to lift up objects again. And... Of course, it didn't work.

Shen Long was now utterly disappointed as no one trusted a single word of his. However, the tragedy didn't end here for Shen Long.

"Where is your homework!?" The teacher yelled in an extremely grave and angry tone.

Shen Long, of course, explained to him how he was cultivating last night, and hence he didn't have time to complete his homework. The teacher almost spat out his water and then joined in the laughter of his fellow classmates.

"But I really am a cultivator... Trust me!"