I have unparalleled talents for cultivation!!!

This news of Shen Long becoming a cultivator had spread to other classes as well. Shen Long became the laughing stock of the entire school, and his reputation was growing steadily though not in a good way.

Shen Long received much more attention than he used to have; people would nod to Shen Long as they walked past him, and Shen Long would return a BIG smile back to them. He seemed to have no clue why people were behaving like this.

"I never knew I am so popular in my school! It must have been my Qi. I can feel my elegant and noble aura. Being a cultivator surely is different!" Shen Long hummed a tune as he walked towards the school gate.

"Big Bro Long! Where have you been the entire day? My friends said you made up a really good excuse for not doing your homework this morning by calling yourself a cultiva.. cultivator?" Song Wang'er said as she stared into Shen Long's eyes.

Shen Long blushed as his eyes looked away from Wang'er's cute red-brown eyes.

"Your Big Bro is not joking. I really am a cultivator now! It's not an excuse for not completing my homework! Isn't your big bro awesome?"

"Haha! Big Bro Long, your sense of humour really is great! That's why we are great friends! I am going home now! See you tomorrow ~" Wang'er chuckled and walked towards the bus station.

Shen Long was dissatisfied and instantly heartbroken. "Little Sister... I don't want to be just friends with you... I am lonely... How could you friendzone me just like this?"

He seemed to have completely ignored the fact that even his Junior Sister didn't believe that he was now a cultivator.

"Whatever. A cultivator like me is destined to have lots of setbacks. Sucess doesn't come through hard work... Eventually, she will fall for me. After all, I am now a cultivator!! Then when she confesses her love to me, I will act coldly before I say yes! My plan is too flawless. O Heavens... Why did you make me so intelligent and handsome?" Shen Long, by now, had completely forgotten about people not believing his identity as a cultivator.

Shen Long was completely immersed in his own fantasy, and he paid no attention to the surroundings as he rode his bike back home. His lips are slightly curled, while his saliva started dripping onto his white shirt.

The day passed quickly after he reached home. Shen Long lied on his bed, swiping on his phone and reading the new light novel chapters that came out.


"Long-er! I scheduled a doctor's appointment for you. It's time to go! Mum and I know that you have been under great stress recently because of the exams. I am really sorry for shouting at you last night as I forgot about your exams. Being a teenager these days surely is tough..."Father's voice was gentle as he came through the door.

"Father, I really am not ill... I can prove to you that I actually am a cultivator. My strand of Qi is too small and that's why I couldn't use it this morning. Let me show you now!" Shen Long said as he, again, pointed at the key on the table.

The key was actually floating though it was vibrating unsteadily. Shen Long's face was resolute as his Qi was constantly being drained. After roughly 3 breaths' time, the key suddenly crashed onto the table.

"O Heavens.. Did the key just float? That's complete bullshit. I think I need to see an eye doctor today... Maybe I'm the one under great stress." Father gasped as his breathing became louder.

"I have told you 5 times already this morning!! Your son, the number one cultivator under the Heavens, can now utilise Qi. Lifting up a key like that is way too easy for me. I was just... em... pretending this morning when I failed to lift a chair." Shen Long said in a confident manner while his legs shook intensely.

Shen Long re-explained everything to his father and watched him, perplexed. After an hour, Shen Chun had moreorless understood the whole incident though he became even more worried.

"Long-er, you can absolutely not reveal this to anyone else. Otherwise, the government may capture you to perform some experiments. Only when you are strong enough to evade these dangers, you can reveal your identity as a... cultivator." Father said in an extremely serious tone.

Shen Long could feel his dad's sincerity and hurriedly nodded. "I guess I will listen to Father... for now. After all, I am still too weak. I won't tell anyone about my cultivation level until I reach the Third Level of Qi Condensation!"

Shen Long was completely immersed in the light novel's manual despite it was brief and short. There were about 5 lines at most and those were all simple Qi Breathing Exercise. After all, it was a light novel and the focus was on the MC, not the Qi manual.

At Shen Long's pace, he would completely master this Qi Exercise in 5 days. It would at most get him to the Second Level of Qi Condensation and by then, he would need to find a new manual.

A laughter could be heard at 2 am! (again!! *Hi readers, say goodbye to Dad's sleep!)

"I am such a genius. I have unparalleled talents for cultivation!!! It has only been a single day and I am already in the Second Level of Qi Condensation! I haven't experienced a single bottleneck!! People always say they need some medicinal pills for a breakthrough to the next Cultivation Level. It seems like I, Shen Long, really am just a genius at cultivation!" Shen Long shouted loudly, disregarding the time.

"Long-errrrr... Please have mercy on your father. I barely had any sleep last night already... Please, almighty cultivator, spare your father..." Shen Chun whimpered like a ghost.

Shen Long immediately shut up and apologized to his Father. Shen Long was not tired at all, despite his Qi was constantly drained. A cultivator at Early Stages of Qi Condensation could last for 3-5 days without sleep as their Qi can be replenished by the essence of the heavens.

"I will not be able to cultivate this manual anymore. It seems like manuals from light novels really are too short and brief. Oh Heavens... Am I really going to be stuck on the Second Level of Qi Condensation?" Shen Long contemplated as the Sun began to rise.

"This kid really has potential. As long as he breakthrough to a Saint, I will personally take him in as my disciple." An unknown being, watching him from far, far away, said.

"Are you serious? You haven't taken in a single disciple for almost 3000 years now! This guy really is not that talented. Reaching Second Level of Qi Condensation at the age of 16 is barely an achievement!" Another mysterious being sneered coldly.

"After all, he is from Earth. I would have helped my descendants long ago if I could. The laws of the World really is a pain. I cannot project my image down to Earth despite I'm now a Celestial Immortal." This being was actually from Earth, who was once a mortal like Shen Long.

"There isn't even a single manual back in your homeland. He can either reach Sainthood through grasping a Dao or establishing his Qi Foundation. Wait. How did he cultivate Qi without a manual?"

"That's why I said this kid has potential. I can barely sense his Qi but he really cultivated Qi somehow. I only managed to become an immortal after witnessing my parents being murdered, which allowed me to grasp the Dao of Death."

"Let's wait until he becomes a Saint, Daoist Fireblade. Only then we would be able to use our divine sense to speak to him. No point worrying now. Let's drink!" Daoist Darkflame said.

"Let's drink! Hopefully, he wouldn't disappoint me. Earth. I really miss home!" Daoist Fireblade replied with nostalgia in his voice.

Meanwhile, Shen Long was staring at his pile of homework again while muttering quietly.

"I really don't want to do it..."

Luckily, the barrier of the World's Laws blocked out what Shen Long said. Otherwise, Daoist Fireblade would have definitely coughed out blood.