How do I leave Earth!?

"Shen Long, don't be so shocked. Let me introduce myself. I am Daoist Fireblade who was once a cultivator like you on Earth. Stop looking around! Listen to my words clearly as I will only say it once." Daoist Fireblade said commandingly as he was a celestial immortal after all.

"The laws of the world have barred my entry to Earth and I am barely using my divine sense to speak to you. It drains my spiritual energy to speak for long, so I will just be short and clear. I, Daoist Fireblade, am willing to take you as a disciple as we are both from Earth." His tone was serious yet Shen Long could feel his sincerity.

"If you are determined to walk a different path from other mortals, then follow me and I shall guide you to breakthrough the shackles of mortality. You don't have to decide right now, I will remain near Earth; you just need to send me a spiritual message and I will instruct you on how to leave Earth." The voice transmission was over and Shen Long was dumbfounded.

"What the fuck was that!?? There is actually other cultivators in this universe!? If he is willing to take me as disciple, doesn't that mean I am still extremely weak? I thought I was the only cultivator and I'm unparalleled in this world..." Shen Long thought after hearing Daoist Fireblade's message.

Shen Long actually was not wrong. He was the only cultivator on Earth and he's basically unparalleled in this world. However, the Zanghu universe consisted of millions and millions of planets, and cultivators were not rare at all.

Theoretically, Shen Long was not the first cultivator as Daoist Fireblade was. However, his entry was declined by the laws of the world as his cultivation was too high. Even though he was born from the essence of Earth, his presence was too strong for Earth to support it. However, Shen Long could help Daoist Fireblade to re-enter Earth once the essence of Earth was strengthened.

The process was relatively simple. Either Shen Long bound the world- Earth - to himself, or he could breakthrough to Demigod in Earth, using the essence of Earth. However, Shen Long, of course, was not aware of any of this.

(To clarify: The essence of the world, the essence of the universe are two different things.

-The essence of the world is for individual worlds, like Earth; the essence of the universe is like karmic luck and the Daos. Understanding the laws of the world is equal to grasping the Dao; Daoist Fireblade cannot enter the world because the essence of the world bans him from entering.)

Shen Long had always dreamt of becoming a cultivator. Fighting? Slaughtering? Being above everyone else? Shen Long loved all this. He, however, was still debating as he did not want to leave everything behind and start his cultivation journey. A cultivator could live for an extremely long time, but his parents and friends couldn't.

However, becoming a cultivator was always his dream. He also understood that these chances rarely would come, and thus he decided to speak with his parents beforehand.

"Father... Would you support me if I dedicate my life to become a cultivator?" Shen Long politely asked his father as well as explained what Daoist Fireblade told him earlier.

Shen Chun repeatedly nodded and he was inwardly extremely impressed.

"My son... It's up to you. Your mother and I will always support your decision. It's your LIFE, not ours. Of course, we will miss you, but you can always return to visit right? Why don't you ask your master if you'd be able to come back and visit?" Shen Chun suggested in a sincere tone.

"Thank you, Father. I will definitely return if I have the opportunity to. For the sake of chasing my dream, I will definitely go out and cultivate. I will become the universe's number 1 cultivator and make you proud! I will go ask Master now!" Shen Long said, his eyes flickered with determination.

At this moment, he suddenly realized... he didn't know how to use his spiritual energy to channel divine messages...

"Wait... HOW DO I USE MY SPIRITUAL ENERGY??? HOW AM I SUPPOSED TO REPLY TO DAOIST FIREBLADE!??? WAIT WAIT!?? HE TOLD ME TO REPLY IN 10 DAYS!??? IS THIS A TEST FOR ME!??" Shen Long was agitated as he was clueless. Using spiritual energy to send a message? That's an impossible task for the current Shen Long.


"Did I sound too harsh and serious?? What if Shen Long thinks that I'm not sincere enough... I just wanted to show him my prowess as a celestial immortal... I really want him as a disciple... His talent for cultivation is really unparalleled... I could have been instantly famous as well as helping my hometown to produce a talent... Why is he not replying!?!?? Daoist Fireblade also began to grow agitated.

Yet he was not willing to lower his head to transmit more message to Shen Long. He would lose too much face, and he, just like Shen Long, treasures his face a lot.

Shen Long immediately started cultivating, to attempt to stabilize his Qi. He also attempted to use his spiritual energy, guiding the energy through his abdomen then to his mouth. It didn't really work though his Qi was slowly being refined.

"What the hell... How can one use their spiritual power to communicate spiritually!???? I am NOT gonna buy the manual online again! Maybe I will read some light novels... Hopefully some talk about how to use your spiritual energy..."

Shen Long went through multiple novels, all about cultivation but they never describe how to use their spiritual power, nor did he find any more manuals. Shen Long was almost crazy by now...

"Am I really doomed to stay on Earth? I guess it's not that bad... After all... I am the only cultivator right now and I basically wield enough power to control this world. I can probably be the next president if I want to... It's not like guns and bullets can harm my physical body..." Shen Long thought about the pros and cons of staying on Earth.

"After all... I don't really have a choice, do I... I will just try my best to transmit messages, using my spiritual power - but if I can't... then I guess it's fate that Earth is now under MY control!!! I GUESS THAT IS NOT BAD AS WELL!!" Shen Long smiled as he sat in his cross-legged position.

Despite Shen Long didn't mind staying on Earth, he still tried his best to decipher the "Magic" behind spiritual communication. He researched about sound waves, using his knowledge from school and conducted a few, minor experiments.

"So if wavelength is inversely proportional to frequency... and our audible range is 20Hz to 20,000Hz... What if spiritual energy is just like gamma rays!?? If the sound waves are travelling as energy matter instead of waves, then that basically is "spiritual communication"!" Shen Long continued to prove his theory.

Despite Shen Long couldn't socialize and act normally, his brain actually worked perfectly fine though it may seem unbelievable. Shen Long, after all, was from Hanwu Academy - one of the top schools in China. His knowledge and creativity were top notch.

"I GET IT NOW! So I just need to produce super high-frequency waves, that are almost like pure energy. Easy! I am such a genius!!!" Shen Long continued to brag as he attempted to produce super low wavelength sounds from his throat.

"Ahem. Ahem. Ahem..." Repeated noises of him trying to produce a super low-sound could be heard around the house.

"I know how it works... but I still can't do it..." Shen Long was slightly disappointed...

"Do you need any medicine son?? Is your throat okay??" Mother said caringly.