A brand new Shen LONG!?

After repeated experiments and research, he figured out how to spiritually communicate. He had to compress his message into high-frequency waves, then channel his spiritual energy towards a direction. Only cultivators would be able to receive divine messages as the frequency is too high, like ultrasounds on Earth.

"I. AM A GENIUS!!! Now I just have to practise compressing my messages into sound waves... I still have 9 more days..." Shen Long thought as it was almost daytime again.

Quickly packed his bag and wore his school uniform, he grabbed the bread on the table and started eating it as he left the house.

As usual, he rode his bike to school; but this time, he caught sight of people walking past staring at him.

"Isn't that guy the cultivator on TV yesterday!?? He's wearing the uniform of Hanwu Academy as well!! Yeah!! It's definitely him!! His hair is exactly the same!! The guy yesterday also had long hair like a homeless!!!"

Luckily, Shen Long didn't hear what the crowd said. If he heard them comparing his K-pop hairstyle to a homeless, he would have coughed blood and beat the sh** out of them. He had always been proud of his hair despite his parents kept telling him to cut it.

Whispering of the crowd could be heard, but Shen Long ignored them and continued to swipe his phone. However, the noises had gradually gone louder and even more people started joining in the crowd.

"Are you the mighty cultivator, Shen Long!? Aiyo, I can't believe the country's number 1 cultivator lives in our neighbourhood!! Could you give me a signature? My 6 years old son really respected you and said your speech was so inspiring!! Please!?" A middle-aged auntie approached Shen Long as he stopped due to the traffic light.

Wasn't sure how to respond, he hesitantly nodded and signed on the woman's notebook. The women stared at the signature, shock was written onto her face.

Shen Long was caught off guard after seeing her facial expression. Trying to console her, Shen Long hurriedly said.

"You don't need to be that shocked! Signing for you is effortless! If you want more, I can sign for you!!"

"No… what kind of signature is that? That looks like a random scribble… did you really go to Hanwu Academy?? How can you handwriting be so… so… unique?" The auntie said in fragmented sentences as she did not want to offend Shen Long..

"Yeah! My teacher also says my signature is very unique! It's really cool right? I have always thought that it looks like a master calligraphy piece! Since you appreciate my signature, I will take a selfie with you!" Shen Long exclaimed while feeling extremely impressed.

The women was completely speechless, but them taking a selfie together attracted a lot of attention. People started rushing out onto the road, holding their phones to take a picture with Shen Long.

Shen Long was dumbfounded by the sudden changes of events but happiness overtook him. After all, he enjoyed being in the spotlight and acting heroically in front of the public.

Some requested a selfie, and their face was filled with admiration and happiness; some requested a signature, and they were completely speechless. Some were growling furiously as Shen Long's bike and the crowd blocked the entire road.

(Just to clarify, in some places, there are no bicycle lanes, and bikes ride on the road and they follow standard traffic rules applied for cars.)

After the crowd left, Shen Long started riding his bike to school again. The drivers of the cars behind him gave him a threatening stare as they drove past him. Shen Long was slightly afraid, but then he realised there was nothing they could do to him.

It wasn't long until Shen Long arrived at school. As usual, Shen Long parked his bike and walked up to his classroom. Normally, no one actually cared about him arriving school, but today was different.

Dafei enthusiastically shouted "Our Cultivator - Shen Long is here!! YOOOO!!!!" in his usual tone and cheers could be heard in the room. All his classmates rushed towards Shen Long and greeted him, and started showering him with praises.

Even the class goddess, Ye Yunqing, who was usually cold and distant walked up to Shen Long and smiled. This made Shen Long extremely proud and happy as he had never gotten that much attention before.

"Wow!! Even Yunqing is like this!! Seems like power really is everything! I guess the light novels are not wrong after all. This world only respects the strong. With power, everything is possible!!! Yunqing's smile is so beautiful!! If Wan'er and Yunqing both like me, who should I choose!? After all... I can only have one wife and one lover...." Shen Long was laughing and smiling towards his group of classmates.

Zhou Laoshi entered the room as lesson was about to start. Even his attitude changed as he smiled immediately towards Shen Long. Shen Long nodded continuously as he recalled

everything that happened today.

From a random student to a famous, well-respected person, nothing had changed besides his strength. Shen Long understood the importance of strength, and he was determined to climb to greater heights.

He had also completely made up his mind that he would follow Daoist Fireblade to cultivate. Now, he just needed to learn to communicate spiritually, and he was basically guaranteed to wield greater strength in the future.

Besides cultivating diligently, he had also decided to treasure the upcoming 9 days remaining. Once he left Earth, no one knew when he would return. He just wished to spend more time with his friends and classmates, and mainly his family.

Shen Long, after all, had an excellent relationship with his parents. Despite they always had small quarrels, no hatred was built up as they were just bantering. Shen Chun and Shen Long were more like friends even though he was Shen Long's father.

The school day quickly ended, and he saw Song Wan'er and chatted for a while before heading home again. Song Wan'er did not ask why Shen Chun he lied neither which saved a lot of effort.

After he got home, he practised compressing his soundwaves into pure energy waves. Although it was very tiring, he did not stop until his parents came home from work.

Shen Long greeted them and spoke with them for the entire night. His parents were both worried but were happy that Shen Long finally grew up.

After sending his parents to bed, Shen Long continued to cultivate and practise. This repeated for the entire week and Shen Long was now on the verge of succeeding though failing at the last, crucial stage.

Even his improvement stopped, and he was confident that it would work as long as he figured out the problem and solution. 2 more days until he had to give Daoist Fireblade a response.

Time was tickling but Shen Long did not feel pressurized. He was instead motivated to work hard, unlike the usual Shen Long. He spent the daytime with his family and friends; night time for cultivation and practise. Shen Long didn't even need to sleep anymore as he was able to replenish his energy through the essence of the World.

Daoist Fireblade, however, was super worried.

"8 days had passed already... Shen Long.... Shen Long... You better not make me lose face... I really can't afford to speak to you again... Please just respond and save me some face...."