Secret Art!

Time was passing steadily as the 10-day deadline draws closer. Shen Long was cultivating assiduously while everyone was asleep. He discovered the fun in cultivation, and he seemed to be immersed in every cultivation session.

Regardless of him succeeding to communicate spiritually, he had already made great progress. His spiritual power was stronger than ever, most importantly he sincerely wished to walk down the path of a cultivator. He wanted to be the strongest under the heavens, to be the one in control of everything, to be respected by everyone.

Shen Long was extremely close to the final stage of spiritual communication. He was confident of succeeding, but he wasn't sure when. He needed an enlightenment, but these chances rarely came. He needed some new insight in order to break through the bottleneck.

As today was Saturday, Shen Long's parents did not have to go to work. So, the trio decided to go hiking since the weather was really nice, which was rare in Beijing. After the hike, they went to a fancy Japanese restaurant as it was Shen Long's favourite.

Although his family wasn't rich, his parents were not stingy to Shen Long at all. They saved their best for Shen Long, and hence Shen Long deeply respected their parents. Shen Long felt a bit upset as it was likely that he would leave, but the grief immediately turned into motivation. His urge to get stronger and become immortal was greater than before.

His parents were almost 50 this year, and an average person only had a lifespan of 80 years; whereas Shen Long could live for almost 500 years. Shen Long did not wish to be alone and hence he wanted to go out and explore, to buy medicines to prolong their lifespan.

If he really could not succeed, he would have dedicated all his time to teach his parents the way of cultivation. However, the chance of success was minimal and using spiritual medicine would be way more efficient.

Decided to try his luck again, he continued to cultivate at night though he still hadn't succeeded. The problem still remained. His spiritual energy would always dissipate at the last moment, and he could not figure out why. He continued to practise but he had not improved at all.

After considering how important it was for him to go out and explore, he decided to remain home to attempt to breakthrough. Time was ticking away, and Shen Long had not moved at all for the entire day.

He was contemplating why he repeatedly failed, but he couldn't come to a conclusion. There were 5 more hours left until it was 12. Shen Long continued to experiment and practise, but it still didn't work.

Suddenly, his mobile phone rang and it disrupted Shen Long's cultivation. Shen Long led out an "Ahhh" sound as the sudden noise scared him. However, it suddenly gave him some new insight.

"I get it now! Before, I was slowly generating the energy wave with my spiritual energy, but it should have been way quicker! Only through speed, the soundwave would turn into a wave of energy! That's why..." Shen Long was ecstatic about this new insight and he could not wait to test his hypothesis out, however, he went to pick up the phone.

"I really need to thank the person who called me!! Let me guess who it is. Would it be Song Wan'er? The class goddess!?? Dafei!?? Who would call me at 7 pm on Sunday!?" Shen Long thought as he walked towards his desk.

It was a no-caller ID. Shen Long got even more excited. Would it be that my classmates wanted to give me a surprise call and decided to hide their phone number!??


"Hello Customer. Is your money tight? Do you need to borrow any money to buy a new car? If you do, we, Number 1 Bank, are hosting a promotion. You can enjoy a lower interest rate up to..."

Shen Long quickly ended the call and he was feeling extremely disappointed.

"Where's my Song Wang'er... Why does it have to be a freaking advertisement... Borrowing money? I will borrow your mother!!"

He quickly recovered and started condensing his spiritual energy quickly, to produce a spiritual message. This time, it actually worked! The energy wave was so fast that it could even penetrate walls. This was why Daoist Fireblade could speak to Shen Long despite he was thousands and thousands of miles away.

Shen Long continued using his spiritual energy to make more spiritual messages. Unfortunately, no one on Earth could actually receive the message as they were not cultivators.

Meanwhile, Daoist Fireblade was feeling slightly annoyed as every spiritual message was heard by him, and it lasted for a long time until it stopped. He also chose to listen to all of them as he thought Shen Long was willing to recognize him as his master. However, Shen Long's messages had no content, besides some random laughing noises...

Since there was still 4 hours before 12AM, hence Shen Long decided to spend his very last hours with his parents. They chatted and ate, and it wasn't long until Shen Long had to depart with them.

Shen Long's parents' eyes were watery as Shen Long entered his room. Shen Long himself also wept for a while, then calmed down and started channelling his spiritual message to Daoist Fireblade.

"I, Shen Long, greet Master! I am willing to follow Master's guidance and instructions in the future! Please teach me the way to leave Earth!" Shen Long sincerely said while kowtowing.

"Very well. I shall guide you to leave Earth. Listen closely."

"Summon all your power and chant this magic I'm about to impart to you. Because of the World Laws, I can only transmit to you a very small section of the manual, but it should grant you enough power to leave Earth." Daoist Fireblade said while Shen Long's brain was flooded with information.

He could see an unfathomable cultivator whose battle prowess was many times greater than Shen Long, and he was chanting a spell. He merged his Qi and spiritual energy together, as well as borrowing the power of the Dao, and it formed a chaotic spell. A black and blazing phoenix could be seen from his spell and everything in its way was reduced to nothing.

The Dao of Death was almost like the Dao of Fire, and that's how he got his Daoist name. His blade was like fire, vigorous and searing; unlike the Dao of Death at all. In reality, Daoist Fireblade was extremely close to mastering the second Dao, to become an Emperor, but he couldn't cross the final step.

Shen Long committed every movement and gesture to memory, and this transmission finished rapidly. Shen Long now had a rough idea on how to forcefully teleport out of Earth.

After stimulating the chant a few times in his head, he calmed himself down and started using the secret art. Shen Long was excited as all his energy - soul, spiritual and Qi - were starting to merge as one.