
Despite Shen Long's stomach was already full, Shen Long still feasted like a ravenous beast, clearing off the food on the table. Qingyu's cooking skills were excellent, which reminded him of his mother's cooking, not the chocolate rice of course. Shen Long preferred Qingyu's cooking more than the dining hall's. In terms of taste and appearance, the dining hall may be slightly better, but he couldn't feel the sincerity of the chef from the food. After all, the restaurant was a business and their primary concern was to earn money, plus the chefs were all hired. So naturally, the chef would not cook sincerely nor strive for perfection for every dish as that was extra effort.

After they finished eating, Shen Long wanted to do the dishes as he didn't wish to take advantage of Qingyu. However, Qingyu insisted on doing it herself. In the cultivation world, most household chores were done by women, which surprised Shen Long. Back on Earth, his father and he were responsible for all the chores besides cooking as his mother hated doing chores.

"Why is doing chores the responsibilities of women? Surely, other people in the family should do it as well… I guess I am lucky I am in the cultivation world now!" Shen Long thought to himself after learning this news. Although Shen Long thought it was slightly unfair for women, he was quite ecstatic, finding out that he would never have to do chores again.

"I guess I will make up for my future wife by doing other things." Shen Long deeply cared for the people around him. Shen Long was a fair and honest person. He wouldn't take advantages of people, and he strived for equality. Shen Long's personality might be quite bizarre, but he had good morals and values.

After a while, Shen Long started making his way back to his hut while the green ring was still in his possession. Shen Long felt slightly guilty and was determined to pay her back in the future. It was almost three o'clock in the afternoon, and Shen Long rushed home to start cultivating.

In the cultivation world, there were also clocks, though the design was slightly different. One full revolution was 24 hours, instead of the usual 12 on Earth. Despite that, Shen Long was still very impressed at these handcrafted mechanical clocks. This proved that cultivators were highly intelligent as well, almost as capable of humans from Earth. Cultivators, in fact, were even smarter than Earthlings, due to the fact that intelligence increases as a cultivator advanced.

As soon as Shen Long got home, he began his cultivation. Despite the first three levels of the [Moonlight Script of Nine Dragons] were for Qi Condensation cultivators, it still made him sweat crazily as the essence of the universe flushed into his body. After practising for three hours straight, his body was too tired to continue, and the body needed some time to convert the essence into Qi.

As the Guardian instructed him to only start cultivating the spiritual technique after refining his Qi, Shen Long had nothing to do right now. There were no light novels, no video games, no sports, and Shen Long was bored out of his mind. He chose to go to the dining hall again, as he had absolutely nothing to do.

"Hey Boss, can I order some roasted pork belly, grilled steak, steamed fish... He, once again, ordered a crazy amount of food, and he planned on calling Dazhong to eat with him again since he was too lonely without realizing there were no mobile phones in the cultivation world.

Never taught to use spiritual communication properly, he could not carry out private messaging. Instead, everyone in the area would hear him, which made it no different from a shout despite the coverage area was bigger. Thus, he gave up the thought of using spiritual communication and decided to eat alone.

As the food arrived, Shen Long decided to order a bottle of spiritual wine. Except for the normal properties of alcohol, this wine could also aid a cultivator to condense his/ her Qi and spiritual energy. He hesitated slightly before ordering as it was Shen Long's first time drinking alcohol. Back on Earth, he had never tasted alcohol before as the legal drinking age was 18. As a good student and child, he didn't violate the laws. But now on this planet, there were no laws and every cultivator seemed to drink. So he decided to, literally, give it a shot.

The wine was contained in a delicate, white glass bottle. The container was quite small, but the alcohol inside was extremely concentrated. As Shen Long gulped down his first sip of wine, he felt a burning sensation in his throat and it tasted extremely bitter. Although the aroma was quite nice, smelling fruity, its taste... not so much. At least, Shen Long did not enjoy it and instantly regretted it.

The alcohol he ordered was already one of the best wines they served in the hall, costing a whopping price of 3 spirit stones. He thought high-quality wines were meant to taste good as he saw everyone near him enjoying it. It was out of his expectations, and he felt bad as he just wasted three spirit stones.

What he didn't know was that the higher quality wine in this cultivation world just meant that the concentration was greater. So, the more expensive the wine, the more "bitter" and "burning" it would taste. Shen Long would probably have enjoyed the lower-quality ones more, but oh well. Mistakes were made.

Debating whether to give the wine to the people near him or to drink it all, he chose to just drink it, despite he hated the taste. The medicinal effect of the wine was very beneficial to his cultivation, and hence he forcefully drank the entire bottle. However, no signs of being drunk showed up onto his face.

As he finished his enormous meal, he decided to pay and leave. The food he ordered totalled only half a spirit stone, while the wine itself cost three. Shen Long was flabbergasted by the price of the wine, as it really was too expensive. Even though it was effective as a medicine, a proper, normal spiritual medicine was way cheaper. He reluctantly handed over the spirit stone while cursing inwardly.

"Why would you spend money on wine?! They are so freaking expensive and yet they taste like some bitter Chinese medicine. Even better, they burn your throat!!! That's 3 spirit stone wasted... I thought drinking alcohol would make us forget the bad stuff, yet this pissed me off even more and ruined my mood!" Shen Long thought to himself while heading to the library, hoping to meet some new friends.

As he was about to enter, the Guardian immediately spawned a clone and teleported in front of Shen Long. Shen Long was slightly shocked as he didn't expect the Guardian to care about him this much. He was deeply moved by the Guardian's action.

"No drunk people allowed in the library!" The Guardian shouted in an emotionless, and girlish tone, attracting attention from every cultivator nearby.

Shen Long's eyes were wide open while hurriedly explained himself.

"Senior, I'm not drunk!! I barely drank and I am alcohol-tolerant! I'm definitely not drunk! I can take a breathalyzer test or even a chemical test right now... I am innocent!!!" Shen Long shouted back while his body was forcefully teleported away from the library.

The teleportation was different from the one last time. Last time, the force was controlled, but this one caused Shen Long to almost vomit, while his robe was slightly torn because of the teleportation.

"I've warned you. Don't come near when you are drunk! I can definitely sense the alcohol from your body, don't try to bullshit me! I don't care if you are alcohol tolerant or not, if you drank alcohol, you are not allowed to enter!" The Guardian said mercilessly.

"What the hell... Alcohol is bullshit. Not just it costs so much and burns my throat, it even got me kicked out from the library! Now I understand why adults say drinking is bad..." Shen Long cried as he cursed even more furiously.