Genius Long!

After getting kicked out of the library, he decided to visit the mission hall since he had nothing to do anyway. It was still relatively early, only 7 pm, and there was no way that Shen Long would go to bed this early. Although Shen Long was well aware that he probably won't do any missions, he still decided to take a look. His main focus was to pass time and to hopefully make some few friends.

As expected, there were lots of cultivators, mostly dressed in red and orange robes, in the mission hall. They were all in groups of 3s and 4s, and there was hardly anyone like Shen Long who was by himself. This made Shen Long feel even more lonely as he continued to look for solo-cultivators.

After walking around the hall a couple times, he noticed a person walking towards the hall though his face was covered by a mask, and none of his skin was exposed. Shen Long caught the attention of this guy and grew slightly curious. Hence, he decided to walk towards him, to hopefully become friends with him, and also to test the water.

"Yo buddy! How is everything going? Are you scared of the Sun or something? Don't worry man, I am tanned as hell too! Plus, the sun had already set, so why are you dressing up like this? Let me introduce myself first. I am Shen Long, and I just came here recently. You want to become friends with me?" Shen Long straightforwardly asked, showcasing his personality.

The mysterious man did not respond and continued to walk towards the giant notice board. He paid no attention to Shen Long whatsoever, as his face remained unrevealed. This pissed off Shen Long as he hated those people who ignore others. There were two reasons for this. One was because such behaviour was extremely disrespectful, and also he was always ignored by girls in the past - so this triggered his painful memories back on Earth.

"Yo! You. Stop right here. If you don't want to become friends, just tell me alright!? Don't ignore me! Do you even know any manners!? I hope you know that Daoist Fireblade hates those who don't respect others, and you would be in serious trouble if I decide to tell him! You better apologize or at least give me a response!!!" Shen Long grew agitated as he stopped right in front of the cultivator in black robes.

Instead of stopping, the cultivator removed his mask partially and revealed his sharp, cold-blooded gaze. Shen Long was immediately startled as he started backing off. The cultivator's killing intent was so strong that even the cultivators nearby could feel it.

"Sorry, mighty cultivator. A small shrimp like me didn't know what's good for me and disturbed your day. Please forgive me if I have annoyed or disturbed you. I was just joking around. Haha. I know you must be a man of good manners and etiquette, it is me that doesn't know how to respect others. I will go immediately and enjoy your day, Sir." Shen Long let out some fake laughs to cover up his embarrassment while acting extremely sincere as he apologized immediately.

At moments like this, he didn't care about his face as he didn't want to lose his life. Even though his face was important, he treasured his life even more as he wished to fulfil his promise between him and his Master, as well as to protect his family and prolong their lifespan. Shen Long started walking back to the crowd, to hide from the mysterious cultivator.

Shen Long continued to stall in the area, hoping to see cultivators like him who travelled alone. But he had learnt his lesson. He won't go out and approach those who looked extremely mysterious as that was the same as courting death. Now thinking back to the incident, sweat started dripping from his forehead.

"Why on Earth was he wearing a black robe? I don't recall Qingyu telling me about disciples in red robes, nor is he one of the guards that Master hired to protect us... I thought there are only 7 different coloured robes... Yet his one is black!?" Shen Long became even more scared as he recalled the scene of him meeting the cultivator.

Shen Long got even more scared as he thought back to the matter even more. Hence, he decided to ask Qingyu tomorrow as it was improper for a male to go to a female's house at night. However, he continued to wait in the area, hoping for some solo cultivators like him...

After the entire night of waiting, he didn't meet a single new friend, but at least it was now almost 11 o'clock. It was time for him to sleep, so another day ended. Today, he experienced the completely different side of the Guardian which shocked him greatly. However, he was still able to fall asleep quickly.

The Sun rose again, and the weather today was quite pleasant. There was barely any cloud and the sun streaks were high on the wall. However, the weather didn't change anything for Shen Long. He cultivated in the morning today, and his cultivation session ended at 11:00pm. He decided to start cultivating earlier because he hoped that he could cultivate again in the afternoon, so then he would have less free time.

Dazhong, again, was not in the dining hall again, probably cultivating at home. Shen Long was slightly tempted to visit Qingyu again, as he preferred Qingyu's cooking compared to the food in the hall. But he realised that it was improper and hence decided to just eat by himself.

However, after finishing lunch, just on his way back to his hut, he saw two cultivators arguing. He was immediately intrigued as he started watching on the side. They were both outer disciples, hence they were dressed in red. Disciple A was shouting as he claimed that Disciple B took his Qi medicine, and of course, Disciple B denied it.

Although it sounded fairly silly, Shen Long decided to stand there and watch. However, he was disappointed as they stopped arguing after coming to a consensus, where disciple B would compensate Disciple A's loss. Shen Long's movie time was now over, and his mundane lifestyle began again.

Thinking back to the light novels he read in the past, he remembered the main characters would typically challenge another disciple, concoct spirit medicine, host a store besides cultivation. He was desperate to come up with a plan as his boredom was driving him crazy.

Besides cultivation, he had nothing else to do. His insights towards any Daos were not improving, and he knew that he wouldn't suddenly get an enlightenment session. So he solely focused on finding something to do in his spare time.

Suddenly, his eyes were wide open as he thought of something.

"What didn't I think of this earlier!? I am a genius!! HA. HA! HA! HA! Call me Genius Long!"