New place

In the next morning, Richard who already packing his belonging, prepare to leave Mr. Steven's house that he already spend his time for many months after arrived in Hong Kong. In the front yard, he takes a pot of white rose, the flower that Mrs. And Mr. Steven loves most. He doesn't want this flower to become withered because no one taking care of it anymore.

Before left, Richard takes a look once again to the house and bowing as his last respect for Mr. Steven.

"Thanks for your care, Mr. Steven. I will not forget your kindness to me"

After giving his last respect, Richard walks to the bus stop to go to the Mr. Steven's friend place that mentioned before. The address that Mr. Steven gave to Richard actually quite far from Mr. Steven's house. Richard must change the bus line twice before he reaches that place. It's located near the city and in form of a small apartment building. Richard ring the bell door twice before an old man come from inside.

Richard: "Excuse me, is this the right address for Mr. Allan Tam?"

Old Man: "That would be me, young man"

Richard: "Pardon for my impoliteness, Mr. Allan, I come here by recommendation from Mr. Steven and I'm currently looking for a place to stay"

Mr. Allan: "Steven?....Ah, right. You are the boy that stays at his house. No wonder your face looks familiar. I remember saw you for a glance at Steven's funeral"

Richard: "My apology for not recognize you, sir"

Mr. Allah: "Hahaha…it's okay. There're too many people visit Steven's funeral. I understand you can't remember one by one of each guest's face. Please come in, Steven already told me about you"

Mr. Allan opens the door wider and invites Richard to come in. After Richard enters the house, Mr. Allan invites him to sit down on the chair in the living room.

Mr. Allan: "If you come here, that's mean Steven's son didn't let you stay there any longer, right?"

Richard: "Unfortunately, that's what happens, Sir"

Mr. Allan: "Don't worry son, Steven already ask me to provide one room for you if you had to move here. Do you want to see the room?"

Richard: "Yes sir, I also need to find a job later"

Mr. Allan: "But I must say, your room is located in the most rear part of this apartment which not many people like that kind of room"

Richard: "As long as I can use it to sleep and keep my belonging, that's enough, sir"

Mr. Allan: "Okay, let's go to your room"

Richard stands up and follows Mr. Allan heading to back side of the building. After they arrive at the room, Richard immediately knows why not many people want to rent that room. across the side of that room, there's a tall building that blocks the sun rays from entering that room, and the location itself in the most rear of the building which takes more time when someone wants to leave the apartment. But for Richard it doesn't matter, he only needs a place to sleep and put his belonging. He's already planning to work hard again and save some money before he can go to another country.

Richard: "It's alright Sir, besides, I will only use this room to sleep. I will use much of my time to work"

Mr. Allan: "Are you sure? But if you willing to take this room, I only charge you half from normal rent rate. If you want to move the better room, you must wait until there's a tenant move from here"

Richard: "Yes, no problem for me, sir. That's enough for me"

Mr. Allan: "If you said so, here's the room key. You can put your things first then come to my room to sign the paperwork. My room is the first room near the door"

Richard: "Yes sir, thank you"

Mr. Allan left Richard and go to his own room to prepare the paperwork while Richard opens the room's door to enter after putting the flower pot on the corner of the room.

When he already enters the room, it's a simple room with one small bed, one closet, one small table and two chairs inside the room. The air has the smell that all long unoccupied room had, dusty and stuffy. Richard put his bag on the closet then opens the small window in that room to change the air.

After that he leaves the room and go to Mr. Allan's room to finish the rent paperwork with Mr. Allan.