Work, work and work

After spending a night in his new places, Richard left his apartment first time in the morning to find a new job. This time he must look by his own effort because there's no longer recommended job from Mr. Steven anymore. Now Richard must find the job by his own effort, but it's not too hard to find either.

The night before, Richard already ask Mr. Allan where he can find the place that will hire foreign workers like him without asking any work permit etc. and like when Richard lives with Mr. Steven, the work available for people like him mostly rough works that not required a high degree of education like on construction sites, piers, market, cleaning services or some other similar sites. But Richard not complaining about the works he gets because he knows, without working permit, it's hard to find a better job in this foreign country.

What makes Richard can endure this hard works is sometimes he met some of his fellow countrymen in some working sites, which make him can speak in his mother language again. This also enables him to broaden his network and can exchange information about the job available in the future. Richard also met other people from different countries that work illegally in Hong Kong, some of them also already work in a few different countries before they work in Hong Kong. In his break time in work, Richard often asks them to tell him about the other countries they already visited. Richard wants to have some information first before he left Hong Kong to another country.

And time fly so fast, month by month passed and without realized it's already six month after Mr. Steven passed away and Richard already change his work several times. Currently, he works in a bar in a red light district in Hong Kong. It's a job that he gets by info from his former colleague in previous works. Actually, Richard feels uncomfortable working there with so close to the underground world. Well, in there Richard have seen gangster, prostitute, drug dealer, thugs, and other criminals get in and out at the bar he working on, but since the boss in the bar pay him good money, Richard suppress his worry and try to work there carefully, try not to offend this kind of dangerous people in slightest things.

Let's leave Richard with his works. Now, let's go to another place in Hong Kong, a place where wealthy people lives, in a luxurious condominium which only rich people can afford to have it.

"Still no news from the doctor, John?"

A middle-aged man asking his personal assistant that stands beside him.

"I'm sorry, Sir, the problem lies in young miss blood type. It's hard to find a suitable donor which have the same blood type with young miss"

The assistant called John, answer it carefully because his master asking him an important matter.

"In this wide world, is that really hard to find someone who has same blood type with my daughter?"

"Maybe there are some, Sir. But maybe they live far away from here. Once the organ ready it needs hours to deliver it here, and when it already arrive here, it probably already defect and unusable"

"She's still so young….how could she have to accept this kind of fate…if I have another child, maybe I will not feel this pain in my heart so deeply…is there still no news too from America or Japan?"

"I'm afraid no, Sir….but when they get the organ that suit with young miss blood type, they will contact us as soon as possible. We already offer them a big donation for their cooperation in searching this organ thou, impossible for them to refuse this kind of offer. Once they get the organ, we can send young miss there to start the treatment"

"Keep asking them, so they will search it intensively. We racing with time, there's no a minute should waste here. My daughter's life depends on it"

"I understand, Sir"

"You can leave now, I want to see my daughter"

"Yes, sir. Good night"

"Good night John"

After saying goodnight, John leaves his master on his own. When his assistant already not in his sight, that middle-aged man opens the door in front of him and enter the room.

It's a bedroom for a girl, and a girl around 14-15 years old is lying on the bed, resting. But when she sees who coming, her eyes open wide and she greet that middle-aged man


"Hello sweetheart, how do you feel? Do you still feel the pain?"

The middle-aged man sits in the bedside while holding the girl's hand. The girl shakes her head weakly

"No Papa, I'm feeling better now. Don't be sad like that…please?"

The girl tries to smile to cheer up her daddy.

The middle-aged man wants to shed his tears when he heard what his daughter said. Which parent that will not sad when he saw his daughter lying in the bed, fighting her disease and nothing he can do to lift the pain from his daughter. Only the smiles on his daughter's face that make him feel a bit consoled.

"Please be patient, dear, papa already searches the best doctor in the world to cure you. When you already well, you can go to school again and do like other girls usually do"

"It's alright papa, I can see papa every day is already a bless for me"

That middle-aged man almost cries again. Before her daughter illness detected, he so busy with his business and almost neglected his family. But when his daughter fallen ill and all medical treatment didn't make her better, she finally diagnosed has a fatal illness that needs organ transplantation, it's already late. He missed the time he should be spent with his daughter when she still healthy, now all he can do is accompany his daughter that lying weakly in her bed, fight with her illness.