My Family

My dad Chou Li was a hard worker. He worked to pay for the whole family's expenses. He was a laborer. And even though we weren't rich we had enough money to live a decent life. But one day while he was coming home he got into a car accident. When we found out my mom, Meng Li freaked out. She was so scared. Me and my sister comforted her. I said, "Everything's going to fine". If only that was the case. Maybe so many bad things wouldn't have happened. I was only 16 at the time and my sister was 12. Our dad died in the end. Mom wasn't willing to move a single inch. She didn't believe us at first. But after a while she started to accept it. I know now the only reason she accepted it was because she didn't want us to suffer anymore because of her. We left the hospital. We had an gloomy week. Though mom never showed it, she was very depressed. Over time it got so bad that we had to bring her to the doctor. She ended up going crazy. We knew she had gone through a lot. From then on my life took turn for the worse. While I was coming home from school I got a call telling me to rush to the nearby hospital. I found out that my mom and sister both died in a car accident. I later learned the how they died. Apparently my mom started walking when the light suddenly turned red. There was a car rushing at a very high speed which was about to hit mom. My sister rushed in, only to fail and get killed as well. We never found out what car it was though. All these bad incidents with cars left me scarred. I didn't want to ever get a car. After all the only reason I was forced to become who I am today is because of cars.

I had to get a part-time job for the weekdays. And a full time job for the weekends. It was tough. I just couldn't fit in the time for everything. My grades started to sharply drop. I used to be an average student with around a 90 in every class. But in the end all my classes i ended up getting in the 70s. My math teacher was shocked. After all I used to be her best student. She said that I was genuinely a genius. She knew i never studied yet i still got 100s across the board. When she investigated the matter, she found out about my situation and she said I should talk about my situation with the principal. Maybe the school could arrange something for me that would enable to continue my school life without suffering setbacks due to my current situation. I never tried because I knew it probably wouldn't help. I never attended college. I just couldn't afford it. It really hurt. I grew up with dreams of going to college and get a Ph.D. in Civil Engineering. I wanted to create an new world where there would be many famous building that were designed and built by me. I started to accept the harsh reality. I ended up getting an job. In the end up I got accepted into an game producing company called Rapid Games. I put my all into my job. After all I had nothing else anyway. I worked my way up to the position of head secretary of Rapid Games. I got so many promotions but the increase in my pay was so low. After becoming the head secretary my pay was only 200k yuan annually. And yeah based on the fact that I was all alone that money was enough to satisfy my current self. But I knew that there were other secretaries with a lower position than me that were paid way more than me. I tried talking too my boss but the would always say that if I brought the matter of my wage again I would be fired. I knew the took advantage of me because the knew I would never stand up for myself. But this was all in my past life. In this life I'm going to speak up and get an proper wage.

"Boss I would like to receive an proper wage. For a while now I have been feeling that my wage is too low." My boss, " I thought you understood last time. You have a great salary and I see no reason to increase it anymore." I said," I know but why does the second in head secretary get paid 250k yuan annually. I as the head lead should at least have 300k yuan annually. But then considering how low and hard I've been working for this job I think my pay should at least be 750k yuan annually." My boss," Hell no! Have you gone out of your mind. I know you've been working hard so I was going too increase it too 300k yuan annually soon. From now on your pay will be 300k annually." I responded," At least 750k annually." My boss," Ok, I'll make it 350k yuan annually." I said," I don't think you understand, at least 750k annually or I leave on my own accord." My boss," Alright, 450k annually hopefully you're satisfied now." I said," Alright final deal, 650k annually." My boss," Damn it! I'll make it 600k annually. You happy now you scammer." I said," Alright, it is a deal. It was great talking to you sir. I shall be taking my leave now." From today on I will be getting a appropriate wage. I will correct all my mistake from my previously life slowly and efficiently.

I went too my favorite restaurant and bought the most expensive wine and fish from there. I can't even imagine how it's going to taste like. I never had the money to spare to be able to order such expensive food. When the bill came i was crying in my head. The price was 2579 yuan. I never spent that much on a single take-home order before. I hope it's taste can match up to its price otherwise I would've truly lost a fortune. I went home and took out my best wine glass, bowl and chopsticks. I knew this night would be a special night, a very special night. I have to say the food is definitely worth it's price. It's just that I can't afford to eat it all the time.

It's about time I get back into Devil's Vengeance and destroy the Global Rankings. Last time I only managed to pull of 2nd place but I know this time I'm definitely going to become #1. Last time That bit*h Fan Ling ruined me and my guild at such a crucial time. Otherwise it would've been only a matter of time before I could've became #1 back than. Well this time I'm going to completely destroy him. I know everything he's going to do. It's going to be child's play fighting against Fan Ling now. This time I also need to ask out Wan Ling. (Wan Ling and Fan Ling are not related.) Last time I nearly lost her to Fan Ling. This time I'll make her mine and mine's only. As for Fan Ling's Guild Sazabo, I'm going to destroy their foundations and force that guild to cease to exist. No matter the price I'll make Fan Ling and his Guild face my wrath. After the suffering and humiliation they caused me in my previous life, there will be no letting go of anyone. Especially Fan Ling's father. If he thinks he's the only one who can raise a mafia group then he is absolutely mistaken. I'm going to create a mafia group that's at least 10 times better than his. I will completely destroy his mafia group so hard that he will surrender on his own accord. The only problems I face now are where I will get my funding and spare time to do all this. The funding is nearly impossible to gather with my connections and job. And as for the time, that's even less possible. I guess I'm going to have to take this slowly. Maybe by overthrowing the current head of Rapid Games I can step up and take the role as the new head. If I do manage to do that my funding issue will be reduced to a much smaller case. But how will I overthrow him. Do I force him to resign or do I just kill him right off the bat. I guess I can give some warnings and if he doesn't listen I can go in for the kill. At least then he can't blame me for not giving him a chance. Wow, I didn't realize it was already 11:29 PM. I guess it's about time I get to sleep.