The New Head

"I need to wear something that will make my boss unable to recognize me. I also need to make sure that my voice doesn't help him recognize me. Do I do it personally or do I do it indirectly. But what if he doesn't take it seriously? I guess I'll just have to do it personally. But how do I find his address? Wait, I should just follow him home tonight. I'll just get out of the office early saying that I have a important matter to handle. Then I put on my disguise and follow him home. Wait he has a car… Do I really have to get a car myself? Damn it. I'm going to be broke again. I guess since I'm going to make a lot of money this year, I should at least buy a decent car.

I went to the car dealership. I ended up wanting to buy the Ford Mustang. Dealer,"Sir I see you have taken an interest in this car, and I have to say this is one of our best cars and it is definitely worth the price."I responded," Yes. I would like to buy this car. May I know what is the price of this car?" Dealer said," Sir we have the best prices in this province. And I definitely will not scam you. The price for this Ford Mustang is 250k yuan." I was shocked. How can I afford such an car. Well I will be able to pay up after a few months. Well fu*k it. I need an good car anyway. I said to him," Sir that price is way too high. I definitely can't afford it. How about 150k?" He said," Sir now that is just too far. How about this. I'll make it 200k. That's the most I can do. Any less and we won't even be able to make a profit anymore." I said," Alright. Seeing your sincerity I'll make it 175k. I feel like it is a fair price. You can still make a profit and I can afford it." He said," Alright sir. How do you want to pay for it? Do you want to buy it all in cash? Or use our 36 month no interest plan?' I responded," I'll take the 36 month no interest plan." He said," Ok sir, come with me. You will need to sign some forms and you will be able to take this car home today." I said," Alright, let's go." After signing all the forms he handed me my car, and now I'm driving home.

Well I missed my work today. I'm going to have to make up an excuse for it tomorrow. (Alarm rings) Huh? What just happened? Oh, it's time to go work. I wonder what everyone will think of my new car. It's been so long since I've been working there, and now I finally bought a car. Oof, today's gonna be a good day. I get to work. I take the elevator to my floor. A fellow co-worker asked," Was that Ford Mustang you're car?" I responded," Yes it is. I bought it yesterday." He responded," Oh then congratulations. And also the boss was looking for you. He said once you come to tell you to meet him at his office." I said," Ok, sure. I'll go to him right now." I go to my boss's office. My boss said," Why were you absent yesterday?" I said," I'm sorry sir. I was buying a car, while I was doing it I lost track of time, and missed work. I am very sorry for yesterday sir." He said," At least you spoke the truth. Most people would just lie. Alright I'll forgive you this time. Next time you're going to miss work, at least give me a call so I know in advance." I said," Sure boss. I'll take my leave now." I went back to my office.

"Ah, it's time I leave work. I call my boss. I said," Sir I have an emergency matter to attend and I will need to leave right now." He said," Alright but if you this excuse again I'm not going to listen to it. Go to attend to your so-called emergency matter." I said," Thank you very much sir. I am very grateful for your understanding of my situation." I left the office. I went to a store and changed into a new outfit. I knew that the boss hasn't seen my new car yet so he won't recognize me. I went into my car and parked it a bit farther away from my company. I sat there listening to music while waiting for him. It's time. He should be getting into his car soon. My boss leaves the building and walks up to his car. He enters it and starts speeding towards his home. I follow him. I don't think he realizes I'm following him. My boss stops and seems to park his car. Ah, this must be his house. Well I should park my car too. I park my car then I go to my boss's house and try to get into the building without the cameras noticing me. It was hard, after all I haven't exercised for quite a while now. I finally entered the house. I know need to find which room he's in. After 5 minutes of searching I found him. He was having sex with a prostitute. Dam he didn't even take a shower. He's doing it right after work. This must be his second home, where he and his side chicks live. Oh well I don't have time for this, time to get the message across to him. I barged into the room. My boss said," Who the fuc*k are you? And how did you get into my house?" I took out a gun that I took from his house and put it on his head. I said," I'm the Grim Reaper. I'm giving you one chance. Give up you're position of Rapid Game's head and never get involved with that company again. Or I'll come back and actually kill you. This time it was just a warning. You have 24 hours." I broke the window and jumped out. It was easy. 2 floors is way too short. I left his place very happy.

From tomorrow on I will be the new head of Rapid Games. I took my car and went home. I ordered some Chinese food. I went to sleep.(Alarm rings) Huh? Oh, time to go to work. Today's going to be a very good day. I went to work. I entered the building and met one of my Co-workers. She said," Hello. You need to go the meeting room. Our boss has a big announcement and he is waiting for everyone to come before making it." I responded," Ok, I'll see you later then." I went to the announcement room. Today is the day I become the head of this Company. It's been so long, and it's finally time for me to take control this company. I entered the room and waited for everyone else to come.

Once everyone came our boss started his announcement. He said," As you all know today I have a big announcement. I will be retiring and leaving this company. And I know this may be a shock to most of you. But I have been wanting to retire for a while. But I did not want to leave the company that I built over so many decades. But now it is time, and I can no longer stop my urge to retire. From today on there will be a new head to this company. And today we will choose our new head. So everyone that wishes to compete for the position of the new head stand up." Me and a few others stood up. We each had to give a speech on why we should be the new head. My speech was," I have been working very hard and long for this company. I worked my way up from an apprentice to the head secretary. And now it is time for me to once again rise in status and become the new head. And you do not need to worry about anything. If it weren't for my capabilities I wouldn't be able to become the head secretary. And I feel that I am the most suited to take on the role of the next head of our company. Thank you." I won the vote.

I got 59% of the votes. The person with the second most votes had 23% of the votes. So yeah I dominated the votes. After the voting was complete my boss said," Congratulations Haeyon Li". I knew it was only a matter of time before you became the next head. Do you have anything to say now that you've become the next head?"I said," Yes. I would like to give my thanks to everyone who voted for me. I promise you I'll bring our company to the top, and no one will be able to shake our foundations. Thank you." I then sat down". The announcement was complete. Since I became the new head all my stuff was being moved from my old office to the previous boss's office. Today was a great day. I wonder how much money I will be making from now on. One of the staff came in. He said," Sir these are your files. These files show how much money you will be making annually, and other stuff you need to know about our company." I said," Oh, thank you." I took the files. Once he left I hurriedly opened the files, and looked for the part about my income. This year our company made 867,928,943 yuan. But the company's expenses including paying our employees was 830,959,771.32 yuan. In the end I get to keep 36,969,171.62 yuan. That's over 61 times more than what I used to make. Holy sh*t I'm going to be rich. I left for the company today really happy. With all this money not only could I pay up for my Ford Mustang I could even I buy a even more expensive car. And after that I could even buy myself a mansion. From now on my Life's going to completely change. I went to my favorite restaurant, and ordered the most expensive wine and fish once again. But this time the price didn't matter to me anymore. Even if I wanted to eat this everyday I would be able to afford it. Funding for my mafia group will also soon be possible now. I went home afterwards.