
"I woke up late today. I called my company and said that I was really sick, and could not attend till next week. Since I don't have nothing else to do, why don't I buy myself a new car. I went to the car dealership, and finished paying up for my Ford Mustang. I then went to a more reputable Dealership for a more expensive sports car. I found this really nice looking car. It was the Lamborghini Aventador S. It seemed quite expensive. But I'm the owner of Rapid Games, if I can't afford this car I would truly be a let down.

I called over an dealer. I asked," Hello sir, may I know what is the price of this Lamborghini Aventador S?" He said," Oh, I see you have taken an interest to this car. All I'm going to say is that this car is definitely worth your money, it costs 270k yuan." I said," Sir is there any way to reduce that price?" He said," Sir like I said before this car is definitely worth its price. And yes the price is quite high and no we cannot change that price of 270k yuan." I really want this car but at the same time it costs so damn much. I told him," Ok sir, I would like to purchase it." He said," Sure, cash or credit?" I said," I'll buy it with credit. And I would like to bring this car home today." He said," Definitely. Once you fill out some form and we verify your credit card we will arnage the car for you." After they made me sign some forms and verified my card they gave me the keys to the car and said that there is 12 month warranty on this car. Finally, I now have a expensive sports car. Now only thing I'm missing is an new house. No, I want a mansion. But wouldn't that cost way too much? Oh well it's time I call a real estate agent.

I called a really reputable real estate agency and they gave me the number to a top rated real estate agent. I called her and said," Hello, my name is Haeyon Li and I was really looking forward too buying a mansion." She said," I see, what is you're price range?" I said," Anything within 30-70 million yuan." She said," Oh, I actually have this really nice mansion that is only 65 million yuan. What time are you free?" I replied," Oh,I'm free all week." She said," That's great. How about we meet at this location at 8 am tomorrow. I'll text you the address." I said," Sure, have a great day." Oh that house sure does cost a lot. I make that much money in 2 years. I called my favorite restaurant and asked them to send over the food that I always get from them. And I gave them my information so that I can do it again later without having to go through so much trouble. I went to sleep.(Alarm rings) Ah, today I will be buying a mansion. I'm so excited yet so scared. Why do I feel like I'm gonna have trouble buying that mansion. Oh well, I'll just have to see what fate has in stored for me. I find the real estate agent. Oh boy is she hot. To be honest she's even better looking than Wan Ling. But I am a loyal man, at least I think I am... I said," Hello, is the mansion to the right the one you were talking about?" She said," Yes, it is. How about we check out the mansion now?' I said," Sure, let's go." She showed me all the different things in my house. And yeah the mansion is definitely worth it. The mansion has everything. I said to her," I really like this house and I'm quite eager to buy this house. And is their like any sort of way where I can slowly pay the price over a extended time?" She said," Yes there is. We have this 10 year plan but the interest rate is 5.49%." I said," Great I would like to get that 10 year plan." She said," So I have some papers that you have to sign and after that you can move in anytime you want. Here you go, just sign your name on all the x's." I said," Sure. Other than this is their anything else that I need to worry about?" She said," No, not at all. From today on this is your mansion. If you face any problems just call me, and I'll see what I can do for you. And also there are security cameras all around the house that you're going to have to pay for every month, so if you want me to cancel those cameras tell me now." I replied," Uh, no need. I'll keep the cameras." She said," Ok then, that's great. I will be taking my leave now. Have a great day." I said," Uh, you too." Now I'm broke again. Not only did I waste all of my earnings, I also put myself in debt of over 35 million yuan. Well this is gonna be fun. I guess I'll call a moving company tomorrow, and as for today I'll just relax in my old house."