Exclusive game gears

After the participants receive and read the contract form, Xia Lan continues her speech.

"Ladies and gentlemen, I'm sure you all already read that contract form. From now on, we will open question and answer session for the content of the contract. If anyone of you has a question about the contract, feel free to ask"

One by one participant raises their hand to ask the question. Most of them try to haggle some of the contract clauses. For instance, about no communication clause, one participant asks like this

"Miss Xia, if our friend or family can't contact us for three weeks, they will think there's something bad happen to us"

Xia Lan answers it with smile "Gentlemen, the communication banning only start when the testing game begins. You still have time to tell your friend or family that you have to work or on vacation or whatever you want to make reasonable, and can't be contacted for whole three weeks from that time"

Another participant also raise a question about this communication clause

"Miss Xia, what if our family or friends want to send us an important message? For example, my family wants to inform me that my father suddenly falling ill?"

Xia Lan answer it with a calm voice

"We will receive the message and inform it to you. If you decide to end the contract because that news that's all right"

A question about leaving prohibition also rose

"Miss Xia, I used to buy a certain weekly magazine. If I can't leave testing sites how I can get it?"

Xia Lan: "You can tell the supervisor to buy that magazine for you. Don't worry, we don't add an extra charge for buying the magazine"

The participants there laughing hearing that explanation. The one who raises the question also nodded satisfied. Then It comes to Hua Shu turn to ask a question,

Hua Shu: "Miss Xia, I read about exclusive game gears. Can you tell us about this exclusive game gears?"

Xia Lan: "I'm sorry, I can't tell you about that"

Hua Shu: "Whaaat?"

Xia Lan:"But my partner here can tell you, he is the one who responsible for technical questions. Let me introduce you to Mr. Tony Wang, he is our chief design engineer"

Xia Lan introduces the man beside her that stand quietly from the beginning of the event. After receiving the microphone and coughing a little, finally, he starts to speak.

"Hello to you all, my name Tony Wang, I'm chief of design engineer from ZO International Ltd as Miss Xia just introduce to you. I'm here because I'll the one who explains the gaming gear that will use during the testing. You all must be curious about that thing covered with black cloth right?"

Mr. Tony pointing at a spherical object that covered with black cloth on the platform. Participant nodded and waiting with the throbbing heart for further explanation.

"Alright, let's open it so you can see what behind it"

ZO staff start to uncover the spherical object. What inside the cover is a pod, similar to those pod that used in sci-fi movies, Tony Wang starts explaining that pod.

"You must be surprised right? This is our latest invention for the gaming world, The Gaming Pod"

The participant starts to emit many sounds. There's some small discussion everywhere about the pod among participants.

Tony Wang smiled and continuing his speech

"I know you'll have any questions about this pod and about what this pod can do. This pod developed by our company using the latest technology that usually used for spaceship technology and cryogenic technology, that's why we put high secrecy about this pod existence. This pod allowing the gamer to play games for whole months without any breaks!"

His last sentence brings a loud response from the participant, especially for those hardcore gamers that used to play games for a long time.

"This pod equipped with latest life support facilities that develop for medical purpose. The nutritional tube behind the pod will provide the user nutrition that needed by the body without making the user leave the pod for taking meal" Tony Wang showing some tubes that installed behind the pod.

"The temperature control within the pod, integrated with VR helmet can give actual weather sensation. For example, if the gamer playing in the desert location the temperature control will raise the temperature inside the pod gradually to the maximum safe temperature. We already set the limitation for the control so they will not raise or drop the temperature beyond the limit that can be received by human body".

"The second purpose of this game testing is also to testing this pod. That's why we give a high payment for you because we also need the response from gamer to this pod for further development"

One of the participants raises his hand to ask

"Mr. Wang, how's that machine work? Is it complicated? How to use that pod?"

Tony Wang smiled before answering the question

"On the contrary, it is very simple. You just sleep here! It's all work automatically, of course during the testing we have the staff to observe and record the process"

Commotion broke among the participant. This is really an easy work, just sleep and playing the game! Where else you can find such easy job.

Hua Shu raises his hand again to ask

"Mister Wang, this pod ….. How much is worth?"

This question makes other participants that still talking becomes quiet. They also realize this pod must be worth much because the technology involved in its design considered as top notch technology.

Tony Wang did not reply immediately, he thinking for a while before making a word

"Frankly speaking, this pod still in experimental stage and we don't know exactly how much this pod will be sold. But because of its sophisticated technology, this pod also hard to be mass produced. That why this pod will be exclusive product. My estimation of its price will be no less than one million US dollar!"