Scouting and Hunting

After exiting the old ruins Klause begun exploring the depths of the forest very carefully so that he won't alert anyone in the area, After all he can't use any skills that he had. He did tried using 1 of his previous sword skill but nothing happens and so he tried one after another but nothing ever happen, and also judging from the strength of his swing he felt like starting all over again. The only option he could do in combat are planned strike or sneak attack on the vital parts.

Klause: Why do I feel like I'm starting over again and worst part is the normal difficulty change into hell mode, Yup only hell mode would be something like this. The starting area is a ruins within a dangerous and humongous forest, no food nor water and only had crappy weapons and armor to fend for myself. I hope I won't encounter dangerous monsters as I venture out farther and farther out of here.

Crak.... crunch.... munch.. munch.. munch....snarl

Huh what is that sound up ahead? Why do it sounds familiar? I should take a look quietly to avoid detection. Is that a Bullfanged Hog? why is a lone hog out here eating alone? Wait a minute is that a meat it's eating?. This scene is really baffling, if I remember completely Bullfanged Hog may be a ferocious beast that attack anyone in its sight but they belonged to herbivores kind. As I recall I've seen a pack of them munching on a mushrooms back then, so this is new for me. Growwwwwwwwwl.... Damn it! over thinking and watching while you eat makes hungry too. Making a grilled meat out of you will satiate my cravings, so stay still and I promise it won't be a painful process.

While the hog was busy munching on its prey Klause is making his preparation for assault he tried to recall the movement pattern and attack pattern of a Bullfanged Hog. Yeah many players would hunt them for their thick hides, sturdy fangs and delish meats, After all they maybe ferocious and agile but they only know how to charge ahead and use their fangs. So it's quite easy to kill them after they missed their target by striking them in the back.

Klause: Now I'm done preparing, let's go hunting.

Slowly sneaking at the back Klause accidentally step on a twig which alerted the feasting hog. The startled hog suddenly became enrage and is getting ready to charge.

Klause: Oh crap I messed up my chance, Oh boi I guess we will do these the old hunting ways.

Hog: UeKKKKKK..... UeKKKKKKKK..... Weikkkkkkkkkkk.....

Klause: Ok here it comes, I better watch out its frontal attack and perform a rush attack after I evade it.

Rushing towards Klause the hog steadily building a momentum, everything seems going according to his plan then 5 meter before it could reach him suddenly the legs of the hog enlarge and veins could be seen from Its bulging muscle's as a result the ground receive a crack from the force of each step and boom its acceleration suddenly boost forward towards Klause impending doom. Alerting Klause of what's coming he reacted on pure instinct and quickly jump to his right side avoiding the fatal charge.

Klause: Holy crap! What the fuck just happened? When did you learn to perform a quick attack? Are you sure you're not a pokemon?. Damn it! I almost got killed back there, I better find a sturdy tree to receive its charge attack next or I'll become his dinner. Thinking about it a tree might not hold it, a huge boulder would do. That boulder over there would do the trick, Oh shit! It's coming back again I better run faster. Ok here we go, I hope these plan worked.

Hog: Ueeeekkk... snarl...........pant......Roarrrrr........

Klause: Ready.......Steady.......Jump...

BooOOOmmmmm.... Crack.... Thud. Thud. Thud

Klause: I succeeded, better hurry and finish it off while its stunned. Now Die ARRGGG YAAAAA.

Jumping up ahead and Heavily thrusting the sword downward with his two hand to the head of the hog.

Hog: Ueweeeeeeeeekkkkkkk.....eeeeck....eck...... thud.

Klause: Pant... pant ..pant.. Wooot it's a success, It's finally over.

While Klause was silently standing a warm light suddenly gathered toward his head giving him comfort and was like restoring his strength.

Klause: Did I just level up from killing a damn hog? If that is so then I really did lose my former level along with all my skills. If this is really happening then maybe the reason why I can't log out, Cant locate or call a friend or contact developer and suddenly can feel pain, fatigue, hunger, sweat like that of my real body is because these is probably a reality. The fact that I felt hunger back there and got nervous at my doom make sense. I previously thought of it as a joke while processing things out and the notion of it can only happen in fantasy but now I'm having a second thought. Wait let me try slitting my finger and see if I bleed, Huh,... well look at that I really do bleed and these is the real taste of a blood no doubt about it.

Klause: For some unknown reason I got transferred here inside a game via training hall room, did that mean I can also return if I enter back? Wait is this even inside a game? If so that would explain the white light earlier cause it only appear when you level up, but I should have seen my status panel if that is so and the fact that it is not here means another. What if it's a real world with an actual real living people and creatures in it? and the fact that I still had my level system with me proves another point. Arggg so many questions, I need to find more information's to piece my theories. It's better to find a town first after I'm out here and worry about it later. Anyway lets dismantle this fellow first and start grilling somewhere safe and after that lets do some leveling.

Meanwhile along in the northern region kingdom loud activities could be seen a two dozen of soldier clad in full body armor riding a war horse lined up near the gate, In front of them man in his late 20 can be seen, Clad in dragon armor and a huge sword on his back mounted on tamed dragon horse. These man here is none other than general Airo who the king appointed to investigate and report the strange occurrence in the great forest of lagendia.

General Airo: Alright men listen up! You've been given the details of the mission, Make sure you are all prepared the path towards the deepest forest are full of danger. If something came at you make sure you dodge it and counter, If you get caught, try to stay alive and escape, If you got killed, Walk it off. Do you understand?.

Soldiers: SIR YES SIR..

General Airo: Alright Move out.