Lost Will, Regrets and Ring

After successfully hunted the Bullfanged Hog Klause spend time dragging the prey while on a look out for a safe area to rest and recover stamina for the next journey. After almost two hours of wandering and searching he arrive at a flat area surrounded by up heaved land and massive boulder, walking in further you could see a small river path with fresh water flowing gently. Up ahead Klause noticed something unusual.

Klause: Strange, that vines over there seems not right. It's like they've been rerouted from those trees to gather in that area. I bet there is something on the other side of that area, better go near and examine it.


look at that, a hidden passage. Someone is being careful to hide this entrance to whatever it lead into, lucky I got good eyes to notice strange things.

Klause carefully check the area before entering for any dangerous trap that intend to hinder anyone who trespass or walk in unknowingly. Inside of that entrance that Klause walk into is a spacious area in which look like a living room, In there you would see a wooden chair, table, bed and wooden boxes.


This place is bigger than my apartment area. It's definitely a cave that was remodeled a bit, but caves are dark place where sunlight won't reach while here is like well lighted living room. The one who remodeled this place must used something to let the daylight in during the day, there are even a cooking area and a pile of fire woods to the left. For now let us use this hideout temporary to rest, It's better I head near the river and fetch some clean water and start butchering this fella.

After spending a few hours butchering the hog Klause manage to separate the thick hide intact, the fangs and the raw meat, as for the rest he chose to bury them so that other animals won't get attract to its rotting smell. The thick hide was left to dry in the heat of the day while he kept the fangs and meat inside the hideout and start grilling.

Klause: Ah I can't eat anymore. I never knew that grilling raw meat without seasoning them could taste this good, plus the neat is also quite juicy. The fat melt perfectly to the meat which also makes every bite chewy.


So full! It's better walk a little so my digestive system won't have problem digesting them. Now let's explore this place a bit more for clue.


There is a button on the left side of the fireplace, I wonder what would happen if I click it. Maybe a secret room will be unlock.


Let's do this. One,......Two,.........Three...

Click!! Click!!

Strange nothing seems happen. Maybe I'm just being paranoid into thinking a secret room would suddenly reveal itself after clicking it. Oh another button was on the right side, let's try this one then.

Click!! Click!!

Still nothing happen huh. Wait a minute, could it be possible to press them simultaneously?. Let's give it a try then.

One.... Two...... Three....... Click!! Click!!

Grrrrrr....Grrrrrr...Grrrr...Grrrrrr..... THUD...


I knew it, I knew I could count on my intuition. Look at that! a secret door appear at the right side of the fireplace. I wonder what's inside that room, better check them out.

Inside the room was full of dust and cow webs spread in the entire room, at the corner a small table filled with books and letter, and in its side a chair. The most shocking part of this was what place beneath the table and chair. It was the skeleton of a human wearing a what it appears to be a robe. Klause slowly approach the skeleton to find a proof of identification.

Klause: Please forgive my intrusion Mr./Ms. Skeleton for I only seek information.

Sigh! it appears to be a mage judging by its attire aside from the ring on its finger nothing else on it can prove its gender. There seems to be books and letter on the table I could fish out information from them. Thank god I could still read the writings in this world that would spell my doom if I can't understand. The books is all about magic. The fundamentals of magic, nature of magic, balancing of magic, fusion of magic and creation of magic. I think this guy is a magic researcher. Even for me who once had arc mage avatar never heard of balance of magic nor fusion nor creation. I wonder how powerful this guy was when it was still alive, to be researching magic here in the middle of nowhere instead of school or something like laboratory. Reading letter of a dead guy give me creeps but oh well beggars can't be choosers.

Hello if your reading this letter means I'm dead. I am Prime Wulfric, a primordial arc mage former instructor and elder at Tri - Magic Academy in the empire of Lauret one of the 8 allied empires in the continent.

Your provably wondering why a great sage like me died in a place like this. The answer is I died because I was poisoned by a strange and very lethal creature born from the depth this forest. This creature doesn't yet belong to any category of monster as for I'm the first to discover its existence aside from its lethal poison I knew next to nothing about its other abilities however I manage to record its physical appearance in a crystal memory which is inside my ring.

The reason why I'm here in a place like this because I'm researching the law and nature of magic. As a primordial mage nothing is more important than understanding the laws of magic and to understand the law you have to be one with nature. To hear, see and feel every part of it. Many don't know this but long ago before the empire's prosper their once a group of people who serve and follow the god of light and then they founded the temple of Aglea which has so many branch spread all across the continent to spread the will of light. One of those so called branch temple was erected in the middle of this great forest of Lagendia home to many wild and very dangerous beast and monsters.

Now back to why I'm here because I had a theory as of why they built their temple in the middle of this forest. I strongly believe that they too had understand the law of magic and wanted to be connected to learn more, because majority of the members are magicians with unimaginable power. Even as for me who are an ant compare to their knowledge and power, wanted to understand a bit of their legacy so I decided to take a stroll to the once majestic temple and brave the danger lurking within only to find eternal damnation awaits by the hand of this strange creature.

I am writing this letter fully knowing that my time is near. I only regret that I can't personally continue my work so I hope that whoever discover and read my will please let my dear friend in the Tri-Magic Academy Nolan Bermude that I don't regret leaving the academy and that I regret not convincing him to join me.

As a reward I give you this Void ring in my possession which I personally crafted, this ring can hold multiple items inside and had storage area size of this whole hide out. I already remove its binding from me so you'll only need to drip it with your blood to bind and use it at your disposal.