Passion and Sacrifice 2

After the explosion swept the entire area thick dark smoke formed and dust rise like that of snow during winter only now that cold water like particles was replaced by roughly sandy part.

Meanwhile in some other part of the forest, a man was in a complete focus and absorb in reading a book. This man was none other than Klause who was studying how to manipulate magical energy. He was distracted by a tremor generated via the explosion that happened during the battle.


Seriously an earthquake at a time like this?. I wonder if I would be alright to stay here at a place like this. After all earthquakes are like the nemesis of a caves and staying in one such as this during an earth shake would be fatal.


It seems it stop now. Ok I should go back to my study now, there is no time to waste on a small occasion like this.

Back to the area where the explosion happen. The thick smoke and dust had started to subside . clearing slowly and little by little a rabble could be seen in the area. With the where about of the monster and the general unknown, Koba, Kiba and the rest of the soldier patiently wait for any signs of actions.

After a while a pile of stone rabbles started to quake and in there the general appeared under it.

Swosh.... haaaah........ sigh....

Man that was brutal. I almost died back there, lucky I manage to interrupt its casting before it fire. I get away with only a body ache and a few flesh wounds. I wonder what become of it after that explosion.

The general then slowly get up and start to search for his foe. Far from him one of his men manage to spot him and relay the good news to his peers while still maintaining their assigned positions.

The general then move at the center where he was blown away trying to search for the corpse of the monster.

Jeez look at these mess. The explosion was so powerful it made a hole at the ground. I wonder if that monster even has a body left now.


What a waste!.... That corpse would have been a treasure, after all strong weapons, armors and items could be produced out of that body parts.

While the general was lamenting at the loss, at the far side from the center of the explosion under a big pile of boulders and rabbles a claw was slowly moving. The area still has some smoke and dust lingered on so a small movement was very hard to notice.

Then the boulders finally start to crumble and in it a figure start to reveal itself. The figure was of course the Dragonic Lion manticore. With heavy wounds all over its body it was hard to tell that this was once the scary dangerous monster they saw during the fight and the heavy pressure it emits currently can't be felt. All that was ever present was the sorry state that it was in.

With one of its Dragonic like wings crushed and broken while the other is tattered and full of cuts. With half of its Lion like face pummeled and burnt and with its majestic body now full of deep cuts anything that makes so domineering before was replace by a look of pity.

Holy shit!!!

It was still alive after that?.

The general and the others was surprised to see such a monster. Especially a monster that survived an extreme disaster. And while they are shock at the scene, the monster was gazing at them with full of hate and anger.

With its bloodshot gaze eyeing at its foe. Carving the face of the enemy who makes him suffer and imbedding every form of pain in its core the monster then loudly roar.


The angry roar was therefore directed at the general and at the same time Airo understood what was going on. With that loud roar the general perceive it as " YOU WILL PAY FOR THESE" with a vast experience on battle comes great understanding of one's action, particularly hostile gestures. This alarmed the general greatly and yell to his men to get ready.

"MEN ON YOUR GUARD POSITION" That monster will try to escape!! Block its path.

At the same time that the general was giving command to his men the manticore took a giant leap opposite to him towards one of the soldier. Seeing the monster rushing at him the soldier steel his nerve and prepare for the worst.

The soldier then prepare to aim his arrows dipped in paralytic toxin design to ensnare and capture or in this case slow down big monster. Sensing that the monster is at firing range he begun to fire a barrage of shots towards it.

The manticore charge without care at the barrage of arrows without the knowledge of are those arrows made of. Blindly ignoring the tiny itch it feels when the arrow hit its body and at the same time planning to gnaw to death the tiny insect at his front.

After firing almost half of his quivers arrow the soldier did stop. While standing opposite the rushing monster he patiently wait for the effect to kick in.

The manticore was bewildered by the actions of the insect in front of him which made him more excited to charge faster.

Seeing the monster action the soldier arc a smile.

Yea that's right.....

Run faster you monster. Burn your energy more so that my paralytic toxin effect faster.

Along to his right side and left side came two of his peers to aid him one equip with spears while the other with steel spike net.

Brother how long till the drug take effect?.

Any second now, just be patient.

I hope it really does or else were are toast.

While the manticore vigorously run towards its prey suddenly it trip and tumble resulting him crushing towards the ground. While trying to stand up again it was alarmed because the feeling of control to its leg muscles became null.

Now's our chance lets go brothers.

Rushing towards the neutralize target the guy holding a spear impaled the arm of the monster to the ground while attempting to do its other arm with his second spear. The other guy holding a net spread the net in order to cover its wings along its body.

On the back area the general along with Koba and Kiba were catching towards the target.

Men good you did a good job. We will kill it now.

Koba! Kiba! that monster is weaken go ahead of me and kill it. Due to my injuries I can't run fast, hurry up in my case.

Yes sir.....

While the manticore was pinned down it was still struggling to remove the shackles that bound it down. Even if the arms and body tide down its head and tail are still free to move, by desperately swinging its tail to swat away those who come at the back and breathing fire to side and front. The soldiers find it still hard to tie it down completely.

Arriving at the struggling monster Koba and Kiba immediately took actions.

Stand back guys we will handle the finishing move.


Kiba help me block that nasty fire breath while I find a chance to counter attack its head.

Ok Koba got it. Let's go.

Thus Koba and Kiba begun their Assault on the pinned manticore. Noticing the approaching duo the mantiore prep its head to breath fire again directed at the two. Seeing the fire Kiba grip his shield so tight and begun to revolve his energy to reinforce his defense.

Kiba and Koba both have a full Knight Job which are a tier higher that a knight. In terms of power and defense a full Knight job surpass a regular knight.

Damn it that monster may be weaken buts its fire breath is not something I can brush off completely. Koba hurry up and kill it.

Hang on brother I'll charge once it's out of juice.

Blocking the intense fire Kiba felt that his strength is slowly being sap away. These made the two realize the pressure of taking the task to kill the monster. after a few second the monster stop breathing fire. It was clearly run out of juice which taken advantage by Koba and launch a reinforced sword strike toward its head with the intent to decapitate it. upon the sword cut collide with the neck it produced a metallic sound and his sword bounce off.

Koba forget about slicing its head try piercing it through the eyes. At our current strength we can't cleave off its head.

Agreeing with Kiba's input, Koba prep for another chance while Kiba prep to block another attack.

Annoyed by the duo's assault the manticore yet breath another strong fire. While fiercely attacking the manticore the general who give the order draws near.

After blocking another attack Koba proceed again this time with an intent to pierce the head.

Realizing the incoming stab the manticore swiftly shake its head to avoid the stab resulting in grazing the part corner of its eye.

Angered by the pain the mantiore unknowingly gained the strength on its right arm and unpinned the spear that pinning it.

The soldier who saw it swiftly tried to pin another spear but to no avail. Due to its swift action the monster remove the spear that pins its left arm. Kiba and Koba who saw what happen rushed to pin back its arm.

The manticore brandished a claw attack at the two and fire breath at the soldier to the side to keep them from attacking.

General Airo who saw the dire situation rushed with all his strength to aid.

Sensing the General approach the manticore tried to run away again. Kiba and Koba who saw it fleeing rush out in order to block its path again resulting in a close combat between the three.

The manticore who don't have a full control of its arm yet due to drug tried to claw at Kiba who successfully blocked it. Koba who saw an opportunity tried to pin that arm again to the ground with his sword. The manticore charge Koba with its mouth open wide full of sharp teeth like it was waiting a free meal. Kiba then draw his sword and stab the wide mouth while Koba pinned the left arm again to the ground.

Feeling the pain cruising from its mouth and arm again the manticore swelled in anger and lunge at the two rapidly. Koba who lost his sword pick up the shield that Kiba has, and attempt to block the incoming berserk attack.

The berserk manticore right arm clawed towards Koba who intends to block it and followed it with his scorpion like tail. The berserk manticore attack was stronger than the previous attack the block. These made the duo help each other just to fend it away without noticing the hidden second attack. Kiba did not waste the opportunity to pin down his sword towards the right arm successfully. At the same time Koba was impaled by the tail in which witness by his peers at the side and the rushing general.