Farewell Koba

General Airo who saw what was happened roared in frenzy.


Feeling deep hatred, grief, anger, guilt and self blaming action he burst forth with power rushing to end the enemy with one powerful swing of his sword.

On the side of the impaled grunting Koba, Kiba was startled to a scene unfolding before his eyes.

K --- Ko----- Koba!


Oh brother what have I done?.

Kiba can't help the tears swelling in his eyes as he felt pain and suffering for his brother while looking at koba.

The impaled Koba saw through his brother and quickly snap him out of it.

Kiba brother snap out of it, quickly help me hold down his tail. I can't hold on much longer.

Kiba then regained his battle instinct and abide by his brother's plea.

The manticore who had its two arm's pinned down by the sword tried to take them free, and despite of his constant flailing and struggling and hissing because of the pain it failed. So it quickly focus on its tail which is currently being grab by the very two brothers who pinned its arms down.

Feeling annoyed by the two insect in its tail, the beast tried to shake them off by swinging its tail up and down left and right.

Hang on brother just a bit longer the general is rushing over to finish this bastard. You must not die. We still have a long journey ahead of us.

Kiba was trying to encourage his brother on to not giving up. Despite the fact that Koba had a zero chance of surviving the wound in his chest, even so he did give his encouragement.

Koba who was on death's door heard his brothers plea and only gave a gentle smile as he replied.

Do not worry brother!

After this battle I have no regrets where ever I go. I'm happy to know that my sacrifice is in service for the kingdom and for the general did not go in vain, Now brother! for our last battle together let's bring this beast down.

Hearing the resolve of his brother, Kiba no longer speak and only nod his head while releasing his full strength trying to hold on to the beast strong tail.

The Manticore who now had its two arms and tail pinned sense the approaching danger and desperately struggle while roaring.

General Airo held onto his sword with strong grip and charge it with all his energy to the point of making a sword like aura.

He then jump before where the beast stand.

Koba! your sacrifice were not in vain.

This is it for you damnable monster.

Now go and DIEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!


" SHINGGGGGGggggg" " Cat-cha"

"THUd thud thud thud"

Airo Swung his powered sword towards the head of the Dragonic Lion Manticore directly cleaving off its head making it roll and bounce off the ground.

With the beast death the rest of the squad gather towards the impaled Koba ignoring their victory against a dreadful enemy. General Airo stand in front of his injured subordinate not knowing what to say. He is still blaming himself for giving them order to confront the danger.

Koba and Kiba had an inkling on what is their general thinking.

General it is not your fault what happened. Kiba and I know what dangers lies ahead when we face it together. In fact I'm more than happy to know that I would die protecting those people in our kingdom. This victory with you sir and along with my brothers is a trophy I can bring with me when I depart. It's been a great honor serving under your command, because of you I know what it feels like to have a fatherly figure and a big brother.

Sensing that Koba was on his last breath Airo knelt down and clasp Koba's hand with his two hands and said.

Forgive me Koba for I am still a weak superior. My incompetence has cause you your life. It is my great honor to have a subordinate like you. I will forever carry your name and will in my back as I strive to become more stronger so that no one of your brothers die with me around. I will keep going for your vision of me being a strong superior and made it come true.

Koba I have known you since we joined the army, We are both orphan and I had long consider you as my real brother. We laugh together, cry, got drunk, trained on harsh environment battled together. So why the hell are you departing ahead of me you dumbass? You better wait for me in the other side, we will re-incarnate together brother.

Squad leader it's our honor fighting side by side with you, we will keep your passion and spirit with us and pass it on the others and so on.

Koba who heard everyone's blessing for his departure was move and then tears flow out of his eyes gently. With everyone he cared see him off he then slowly close his eyes and for the last moment he smiled back at them while his last breath fades away.

A brief silence occurred in the area and then suddenly weeping start to crush the silence enveloping them.

After the group finish weeping general Airo stand up and command his men to make preparations for the mission and also prepare the body of their fallen comrade by cleaning the wound and wrapping it with clean cloth.

Wrapping the body of a clean cloth is a tradition of the kingdom in honoring the diseased who died a hero or for the greater cause and bury them.

Men listen up, the old temple of our kingdom lies ahead. In there we will bury your brother and also pay respect to your fellow brothers who died there 3 years ago. May the spirit of our ancestor guide our fallen brothers.

After that Airo walk onto the corpse of the beast to store it away. After all the beast was a powerful monster so its body parts serve as a good materials. Storage ring are rare piece of accessories so only a wealthy people or someone with high authority for example a noble or a general can afford them after all only a mage proficient at void magic can imbued void spells in accessories creating space pockets. Some void mage begun to pride themselves and ask for a huge fortune in exchange for the service.

A few minutes later Airo and his men continue to march forward towards the old temple.