Mission Complete

Is the little things in life that make you have a good dream and woke up in good mood. Having a good view of the city, having a seductive voice of the receptionist desk waking you up, having them delivered their finest breakfast to bed, again with the seductive receptionist. Is she working as a catering and receptionist or is she especially working for me? I Didn't even bother to ask her, I was too distracted with a tender fresh omelet in front of my eyes.

Oh and also having 2.5Million worth of chips in your suitcase helps a lot, well technically speaking is inside my and an expensive empty suitcase to carry around. Also when I deposit his money on Matthew's account I would only need 25 years more to be technically alive. After doing my first mission I would have a super plus of 1 Million dollars. I could spend this money legally since I earned it. But I really didn't want to raise any eyebrows in the medical community. Yes, they could find out eventually. But if I begin flaunting my money so early is because I had the confidence of doing it again. And where is coming so much confidence of a person struck by a lighting just a few days ago? I didn't have a good answer for that so I would very much want to stay as normal as possible.

Maybe in the future, I can raise my charm skill to avoid certain sticky situations. I have to really gain a lot of lifespans to clear my status effect and then increase my stats. I don't know if I can increase my charisma normally...Maybe practice picks up lines or a speech in front of a mirror like some of those simulation games?

Gonna try that one earlier when I'm free from the status effect. First thing first. I have to go to the manager and ask him If he can transfer this money to the accounts I tell him.

I took one quick shower after breakfast, I would have taken a long relaxing one but my mom always nagged by me doing that after eating that It was dangerous and all that. So I subconsciously had a fear of long showers after eating.

Anyway, I went downstairs with my briefcase to the 3rd floor since the 4th floor only opens for special occasions. And found one middle-age manager that appeared to have more authority than the rest that I saw and approached him.

I wasn't even 3 meters away that he came smiling and greeting me "Good morning Mr. Parker! Congratulations on the awesome winning last night! I made the right bet at betting at you! HAHA!"

I laugh too and said "Well, in that case, I need a favor to ass as your benefactor! I need to transfer some money to some accounts, can you help me?"

He smiles was so wide that scared me a little bit, like he was seeing a huge juicy steak in front of him ready for eating "Sure sure! Come to my office please!"

I followed him and we arrived at one office with a name of the door that said "Jack Collins, 3rd Floor General Manager". I followed him and sat in front of his huge oak desk. The air here was relaxing, with some serene music playing on the little speaker on his desk. A good tactic to have the client at ease. Maybe I could implement that in my world.

I explained my situation saying "Mr. Collins, I need to transfer 1.5 Million on this account anonymously, by the Casino accounts. That account is from my adoptive father and I don't want to know it is from me. He ditched me when I was a teen, but I have to send this money as a sort of thanks for all the care he did gave me. And the rest of the money transfer to my account, pay all the hotel room debt that I have and grab a little money as your compensation for your time!" I finished that while drinking my tea in a calm manner like this was like a day at the supermarket.

He looked at me and saw me no change and said: "You know what you ask me is illegal and could have legal repercussions no?"

I lifted one eyebrow and said "So? I know you could use this kind of money and put it in your books as legally income coming to your casino. We can make a win-win-win situation, you win, the casino win and you win a hefty compensation for a daily transaction form no?"

He laughed really loud and said "HAHAHA, of course, the Pegasus Casino is always here to help our dear costumers. If you have any more you want just say it"

I replied "No, thanks. If you could only do that it would be very helpful"

After I bid farewell to the manager I started going back to my old apartment. Yes, to that crappy one. I needed to grab all my things and look for a great place to rent. Later I could buy a new one. If someone asks I would say I sold my old apartment and rent a good one because of the current building of the apartment made me feel unsafe.

I would raise this issue to my mom this week. Obviously, she wouldn't like it. Because this way I have to pay rent and pay more money. I would have to think a way to pacify her.

Anyhow, I went to my old crappy apartment and sat down and investigate on my old computer a good place to rent. After 2 or 3 hours I found a place near a movie studio, an excellent place, not a good view, but it seems that the last client left in a hurry because of their debt.

I quickly called and went checking it out. I liked it a lot. A lot of room for buying new things and an excellent ground for preys, I mean clients to give me lifespan.

What better place to harvest lifespan than the holy ground of a movie studio? Excellent.

I was 5 blocks away from there. A short distance. I then received a text message that my transactions were completed by the manager.

The next moment a blue screen popped up that said:


Mission Complete. 35 years added to the user lifespan. Client memory altered and changed to a random lucky event. Mission slot now available.


I Closed that window and I then opened my [Stats] page and saw the following:



[Name] Fergal Parker (Dead but alive)

[Lifespan] -25 years



Ability to shorten a human target lifespan and transfer the number of years to the user by receiving those years in exchange for something in return.


Level → 1

[Power/Strength → Current: 10 STR (50 KG) | +5 KG/STR]

[Intelligence → Current: 23 INT (IQ: 102) | +4 IQ/INT]

[Speed → Current: 12 SPD (6m/s) | +0.5m/s/SPD]

[Agility → Current: 11 AGI (-0.033s | -0.003s/AGI]

[Stamina → Current: 10 STA (Ability to run 10 KM without stopping) | +1 KM/STA]

[Luck → Current: 30 LUK | Max: 100 LUK]

[Charm/Charisma → Current: 10 CRM | Max: 100 CRM]

[Recovery → Current: E | Max: SSS]

[Control/Accuracy → Current: D | Max: SSS]


→ MAXLVL (A shop where a person's desire can be fulfilled)

→ LVL2 (Ability to see target's lifespan and age)

→ MAXLVL (Somewhere to store all the random junk)

→ LVL1 (What new skills will you obtain?)

→ LVL1 (Doubles the basic stats for 10 minutes. After the times concludes basic stats decrease by 50% for 1 hour.)

→ LVL1 (See everything within a 5-meter radius)


[Quest Log]

*Use 10.000 times. (Reward: Unlock LV3) {7.586 more times before completion}

*Collect 10 gold coins. (Reward: LEVEL UP) {8 more coins before completion}

*Purchase 10 stat points. (Reward: 1 x Lucky Draw) {10 more stats before completion}


[Contract Log 0/0]
