
After logging out, Sen goes to join his sister for some food.

"Are you really fine? You ended up losing a hand. Even with ten percent pain setting that has to hurt."

Lynna laughs. "Yeah, but we got the boss!"

Sen grins. "Barely though, if it had gotten off a third round of those water cutters we may have wiped. Speaking of, can the rest of you copy those? They seem really useful."

Lynna shakes her head. "Hmm, we've tried, but according to the test dummies it won't hurt anyone who has their skin enhancement skill over rank C right now."

Sen's a bit disappointed, but it makes sense, they haven't gotten their body enhancement skills up to B yet, though they're currently hunting B ranked monsters.

"So how's it going with Xue, I saw you guys seemed to be enjoying yourself in the dungeon."

Sen turns a little pink, he's still not used to this, and having his sister tease him about it isn't helping. "It's going well I guess? I'm honestly not sure how to tell."

Lynna looks at him and smiles "Well don't go too slow, or you might not keep her." She ends her comment with a wink, turning Sen's light blush a bit deeper. As Damien, his only experience had been a couple of visits to a brothel, but his lady had quickly banned him to going to them for some reason.

All the other soldiers were allowed, just not him. Even if he was her personal bodyguard most of the time, he still found that not fair. He'll just see what happens in this life. His sister doesn't bother to continue teasing him, likely not having any more ammunition.

After their meal is over, Lynna decides to question him for a bit.

"So, any tips on combining skills, I looked up the couple online, but those are pretty much useless. Yours is the first one I've seen to actual be useful."

Sen nods. "I think a lot of it has to do with your mental image. The mental image for my combined skill is a lot different than the one I use for the two individual skills."

Lynna nods. "So what mental image do you use for it then?"

Sen fidgets, a bit uncomfortable. The image he uses is pure death, and he doesn't want to share that with his sister, seeing as how he couldn't have even pictured it properly without the experience from his past life.

"I'm not really sure, I was just pretty pissed off," He deflects.

Lynna grins at him. "Yeah, I'm sure you were," She says in a suggestive tone of voice, clearly thinking of when Xue had been wounded.

Sen just glares at her. He waves her off, then heads over to his room to contact a bunch of smaller guilds. The first thing he does is research, looking up all the small to medium sized guilds in the group of cities surrounding Falan. After a while, he finds his target.

It isn't a single guild, but an alliance of a couple mid sized guilds and a bunch of smaller ones. He quickly logs onto their chat server, to see that they're all complaining about not having access to any B ranked dungeons. Sen lets out an evil grin, he'll see what King thinks when they get mobbed.

He quickly logs into their chat server, and posts a picture of the map around Falan with the dungeon King is controlling marked on it, saying he expects to be able to use the dungeon once they take it over, and preferably be included in the fight with King.

At first, it's pretty much ignored, and he's quite disappointed. Deciding to give it more time, he logs into Fifth Dimension and spends some time working on the B tier body enhancement skills.

Time passes quickly, and once dinner with the family has come and passed, he goes to check out if his picture has gotten any exposure on the chat server. Once he's logged back in, he sees that it has absolutely exploded. Someone had decided to check it out, even though most people had thought it a troll post, and confirmed the existence of both King and the dungeon.

The map is now pinned to the top of the chat server, and they're organizing a large scale attack on King. Sen joins in, and says his group will be meeting up with them for the fight. The group seems a bit dismissive of him, likely expecting him to be some noob that happened to stumble across the dungeon, and Sen doesn't bother to disavow them of that notion, as he does get an agreement that they'll let his group use the dungeon.

The raid won't be until the next day however, so Sen logs in, sees that everyone is healed up, and does a dungeon run of the wind bear dungeon with the group, this time bringing earplugs. It's far easier when the bear can't stun them with its roar, and the worst they get is a few bruises and scratches.

The group all grumbles about having to hand over one of their hard earned B rank cores once they've done their run, but it's significantly better than trying to fight Team Cloud, and the only one who really kicks up a fuss about it is Kang.

Kang spends the entire drive to the road complaining about how his great and powerful self shouldn't have to hand over a core to simply use a dungeon, and while he gets a bit of agreement in their minds, no one is willing to agree in words, not wanting to stoke his complaining.

With both of the B ranked dungeons already run for the day, and the third under control of King, hopefully only until the next day, everyone practices their skills for a while before heading off to the land of dreams. Sen checks the chat server one more time before bed, noting down the meeting time and place so his group can meet up with them for the war to come.