Alliance V King

The next day, after he's awoken by the alarm, Sen calls everyone to get them up, as the attack is going to happen in the early morning. Jennifer is very annoyed to have been woken up, but perks up when he mentions that they're going to be fighting the King guild, while Xue chats with him for a while in a sleepy tone before going to wake up her brother. Julie is already awake, which doesn't surprise Sen, she's always the first of the group to go to bed.

Sen goes physically to wake up Lynna, and she spends the next few minutes grumbling at him until she has a coffee. A few minutes later, they're all in game, and fast travel to Sylar to join the alliance that is going to be hunting King.

Once they arrive in front of the school the guilds are forming up at, they're greeted by hundreds of people. As they get out of their automated car, the hundreds of eyes turn to them, then lots of talking as they're recognized from the tournament.

Sen and the group head over to the most important looking person to discuss their plan.

"Hello, I'm Sen, the one who posted the map for you guys. You wouldn't mind us joining for the big fight, would you?"

The large man laughs. "Of course we'd allow the help of the second ranked team in the tournament. I'm surprised that you're the ones who posted the map though, I'd expected it to be some noob who'd happened to find it."

Sen isn't surprised by that considering the response he'd gotten from them on their chat server, but it's still a bit annoying. He talks about what they plan to do for a while, which just boils down to take out any patrols they can find, then assault the main group.

It isn't long until a convoy of vehicles is heading towards the dungeon, and Sen is starting to feel his blood boiling for the large scale fight to come. The convoy of vehicles soon is rumbling over rolling grasslands towards the dungeon area, and looking around the car, everyone is excited. Lynna is driving even more aggressively than normal, Xue seems focused, Jennifer has an evil smile on her face, Kang is chuckling evilly, and Julie manages to look almost evil with a smile on her face.

Sen wonders for a bit if she's found a new array to test out, but his musing on what the new array will be is stopped by the braking of the car. Everyone piles out of the car to see the entire convoy has stopped, and the guilds are forming up in their respective groups for the fight to come.

They approach the dungeon form a ways out, killing any patrol they come across, the small groups being mobbed by the mass of players, until they arrive near the dungeon, to see King already formed up and ready for them.

As the groups star each other down, Sen hopes that the group brought something with them to counter arrays, as he can see a bracelet on each of the members of King, which has to be the talisman for not being targeted by the array.

Looking over the group, he's relieved to see each of them wearing an amulet, and then the tension breaks as the guild alliance charges King. Sen lets out a bit of a laugh as he and the group start to charge in as well.

Sen hears a "Feel the wrath of the mighty DarkBlade!" as they charge, and is almost wishing he isn't holding his sword so he can facepalm. They impact the King lines, and Sen swings his sword in a wide arc.

The first opponent tries to block, and is knocked sideways into another person, both of them falling to the ground. Sen chucks a few throwing knives at their now vulnerable vital points, and continues on.

The fight goes in a rather relaxed manner considering that none of King's main team is there. They sweep through the King lines, and Sen and the group are the first people to exit the opposite side of the group of King players. Turning around, they start to slaughter into the back of the King lines until they're noticed, and an ineffective defense is put up.

They're slowed down a bit by the defense though, and Sen is relaxed enough in the fights to check out how the rest of the guild alliance is doing against King. When he gets a look, he sighs. There are only a handful of players on both sides that are even competent, but as a whole, the alliance has slightly better players, so they're wearing through the King members, if a bit slowly.

Sen is a bit disappointed by the fights, but picking on King is always a good thing, so he makes sure to give as many of them a fifteen hour time out as possible. Eventually, the King members give up, and start to run away. Some of them are chased down, but plenty of them get away, escaping into the rolling hills surrounding the dungeon.

The alliance leader simply nods to Sen as the fight is over, and they lead their top teams into the dungeon, letting the rest of the members to switch off for guard shifts and grinding time. Sen does a quick check with everyone, to find that, as expected, they're all totally fine. They may have had a bit of an issue if King's main team was there, but as is, it was a total slaughter.

Once the group has rested up for a bit to catch their breath, they head over to the dungeon entrance. The entrance to this particular dungeon looks like a giant ancient temple built into one of the hills. The triangular top is etched with a relief showing people fighting some sort of demon looking monster, the pillars supporting it wearing patterns made up of countless weapons.

They all look to each other for confirmation, then step inside to see what this particular dungeon has in store.