All the people in the world already had that desire of when they die they reincarnate in one of their favourite anime or animation.
Follow Leise as he will experience what we want to experience.I
This is nothing more than a fan-fiction. I'm writing this only for fun and to practice my English.
I'm a student so please don't hate or stop reading this novel just because I don't do regularly releases.
Well, I really like hunterxhunter, and I find it sad that not so many persons write fanfiction about it. The story good so far (13 chapter), and the MC isn't totaly a cheat for now. I hope the autor can balance the MC power with the world he's in since if he doesn't the story will probably go to fast to really enjoy it.
This is great!!! I love Hunter x Hunter but sadly not to many people write fanfic of it that's not some yuri BS so keep it up can t wait to read more.
I can tell that the story will improve as it goes, for now the writing quality is a bit iffy but the story seems to move in a good direction, hope for more updates
Please proofread your chapters. I often find extremely ****** grammatical errors like writing "wad" instead of "was" or "sigthed" instead of "sighed". These errors are much too ****** and could easily be fixed with little to no effort, all you need to do is proofread your chapters after writing them. Other than your grammatical errors the rest of the story is fine.
Here to balance the ratings, this does not deserve 4,5..................................................................................................................................
I just read the first couple of chapters and did not like it. The Mc said he wanted to be born at the same time as Gon but the author just skips over that and he is some age idk. Then five years pass randomly and I still don’t know how old he is or where the DUCK he is. Also there were a couple sentences that just made no sense
Hello its your beloved author Old Skin. An old man like me will shamelessly give my novel 5 stars and as for the ones who simply like to troll please don't rest if you don't like, ok?
Very good, I look forward to the continuation. character limit 140 character limit 140 character limit 140 character limit 140 character limit 140 character limit 140
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Reveal Spoiler
I want to give it a one star but I won’t since i only read a couple of chapters sorry if you don’t like that. The main attraction for the hunter x hunter world is it’s nen power as it’s just so versatile and can become extremely powerful if trained well and till now we have no idea how powerful one could get if he got to end on the path of nen. And for you to just throw that away for bleach powers is super disappointing to me as I honestly haven’t seen enough or any one who was actually interested in nen despite how incredible it is. Oh and a lot of reviewers say that your fanfic is full of grammatical mistakes which means that you’re super lazy to review your chapters which doesn’t bode well for the future of this fanfic so that’s another problem you should put in mind.
Really good work THX for the hard work... Will you update more or are you dropping it? P.S please don't drop i m looking forward for more chapters 😫
there will be the possibility of harem or love interest Mmmamsmmsmamamamammsmsmamamsmsmmwmsmwmwmsmsmsmmsmsmsmsmsmsmsmsmsmsmsmsmsmsmsmsmsmmsmsmsmsmsmsmsmmsmsmsmsmsmsmsmsmsmsmmsmsmsmsmsmsmsmsmsmsmsmmsmsmsmsmsmsmsmmsmsmsms