That feeling only disappeared some minutes after the system delivered the notification about Nen.
Leise noticed the new notification and looked at the new attribute added to his status.
Host: Leise
Age: 11 Years
Occupation: Jörmungandr- Unlocking the full potential in this occupation will turn you into Jörmungandr itself. Adds poison and vitality damage to all attacks.
Attack: 3250/3250
Stamina: 3790/3790
Defense: 2999/2999
Dexterity: 5000/5000
Reiatsu: 1.000.000/1.000.000
Nen: Zerstörungsformen (Destruction Forms) Lv 1/5
Inborn Attribute: Bringer of Doom (Unmei no tōshi)
SHIKAI: Obliterate- Bringer of Doom (Massatsu sure- Unmei no tōshi)
Ultimate Technique: Silent Command(Sairentokomando)
BANKAI: ??????????????
Shunpo Master [Low]
Kido Expert [Middle]
Master Swordsman [Low]
Hakuda Combatant [High]
"Hmm... An interesting name that the System gave to my Nen ability. Hmmm... perhaps it's just like the name indicates I can probably do many things with my Nen" Leise reflected about his nen.
"System advises host to go to the Library Function of the system to further explore your new attributes" the system made its very opportune entrance.
Leise knew that probably some time had passed so he needed to learn quickly about his new abilities and start to head to the Hunter exam.
"Open Library Function: information about occupation and Nen attribute"
OCCUPATION- After the user accomplished some hidden criteria, the user unlocks a specific attribute that will give a guideline and some assistance on that road.
JÖRMUNGABDRI- Jörmungandr it's a mythical snake that can cover the world. It possesses unfathomable power and also, its blood is the deadliest venom in all universes. If the user unlocks all the potential of this occupation he will turn into Jörmungandr itself.
ZERSTÖRUNGSFORMEN (DESTRUCTION FORMS)- Destruction is everything. Being everything it also can become anything. The user can, inside certain boundaries, materialize anything he can imagine from destruction. It is a combination of all six types of Nen.
Lv 1/5- It can materialize everything the user imagine but it has to have physical contact with the user.
Lv 2/5- ????????
"HOLY SH#T! SO OVERPOWERED" Leise howled at the description of his Nen. He, at level 1 could do anything he wanted but with physical contact. He couldn't imagine how overpowered level 5 would be.
Ecstatic, Leise tried out his Nen.
"Zersrörung: Form"
Leise imagines a floating board beneath his feet. Add he imagined, his black nen formed around his body converging beneath his feet. It formed a solid two-meter black floating board.
Leise didn't imagine that someday he would imitate those immortals that he had read about. Looking at the board, Leise imagined what he could do with it.
"Hmmm, I could probably conquer the heaven tower without much of an effort but it's probably the best if I don't show what my Nen can do. There are a lot of people that I would be glad to massacre with my Nen and zanpakuto but right now I don't have the power to do it."
"Hmmm... ok. It time to depart, let's go!"
Leise stepped lightly on the board and the board with Leise on it disappeared on the horizon heading to the Hunter exam.