Leise approached with a steady pace towards the glass filled with water. Leise couldn't help but be a bit nervous as what kind of Nen he would have.
Reaching the glass, Leise put the hands on both sides of the glass of water.
"Host now will have to release Nen through your hands to see some change in the water or leaf." The system guided Leise thought all the steps necessary.
Leise took a long breath calming down his emotions and after some time in silence, Leise began to release Nen through his hands. His hands began to release a black fume, unlike the normal white one that he should have because of the put injection of Nen.
Ever since Leise obtained Nen he knew that his Nen would probably be a strange mixture between Nen and Reiatsu resulting in another type of energy. To him didn't really matter as long it could do its basic functions and upgrade his power it could even be pink.
Focusing on the glass again, Leise was releasing his black Nen to interact with the water and the leaf. The moment Leise's Nen made contact with the water a very strange and sinister thing happened.
Suddenly the water began to expand but none of it flowed out of the glass, instead it shatter completely the glass. As the glass shattered in tiny pieces the water turned completely black and devoured the leaf turning into a black solid ball.
Leise stood there with a face like 😮 seeing that amazing changes of the water. But that wasn't all.
After some time the water began to expand more and more turning from the size of a bowling ball to a wrecking ball size. The mass of solid black water began to spin. At first, it was spinning slowly but as time was passing it began to speed up, at some point it was so fast that it seemed stationary.
The force of ball was increasing at an alarming rate so much that it began to affect the surrounding space that began to break. Facing that force the tiny island began to break into tiny pieces as if it was disintegrating in slow motion.
Leise began to feel alarmed because if he didn't stop that he would be the responsible for the total annihilation of the island and its inhabitants.
"System what should I do to stop it?" Leise screamed at the System.
"System don't you dare to fail me now! Hurry, answer me how do I stop that ball?"
"Calm down host, I was just confirming something with my new database. In reality is very simple host just needs to touch the ball and think something."
Leise nodded and flew up towards the ball. In fact, that attractive power generated by the ball was so intense that Leise didn't make much of an effort to reach the ball but to stand in front of it without giving any room to a force similar to the force generated by a nucleus of a planet was the hard part.
When Leise finally manage to get a foothold in front of the ball he was already sweating buckets. He began stretching his hand towards the ball but as he was a few centimeters of touching it he stopped.
"System what should I think?"
"Easy you just have to think that although its only a bit of your Nen it is still your Nen, so it has to return to your body and don't worry it will not be painful like the other times."
After clearing his doubts he touched the ball and said:
The ball didn't even stop its rotation as it disappeared in a flash into Leise's arm. Leise felt like a very cold but soothing feeling spreading into his body.
"New attribute added!"
Host: Leise
Age: 11 Years
Occupation: Jörmungandr- Unlocking the full potential in this occupation will turn you into Jörmungandr itself. Adds poison and vitality damage to all attacks.
Attack: 3250/3250
Stamina: 3790/3790
Defense: 2999/2999
Dexterity: 5000/5000
Reiatsu: 1.000.000/1.000.000
Nen: Zerstörungsformen (Destruction Forms)
Inborn Attribute: Bringer of Doom (Unmei no tōshi)
SHIKAI: Obliterate- Bringer of Doom (Massatsu sure- Unmei no tōshi)
Ultimate Technique: Silent Command(Sairentokomando)
BANKAI: ??????????????
Shunpo Master [Low]
Kido Expert [Middle]
Master Swordsman [Low]
Hakuda Combatant [High]
Leise didn't even notice the new attribute in the status as he was enjoying the marvelous feeling going through his body.