Is this really me? (3)

Chapter 18 Is this really me? (3)

"Hah… How was it?"

Lying on the ground, exhausted, aside from mana, the massage really took all his stamina. Lucien asked his applicant expectantly.

If this massage was useful to her, it would be killing two bird in one stone. Not only he could train fighting earlier, his massage skills would also level up so many times, like what happened just now. Every one of his skills leveled up at least 20 times in just 20 minutes.

The amount of PP he got was easily more than a hundred! Moreover, with higher level, Ecstasy Divine Massage also provided him more massage methods.

Using a transcendent being as a skill target was like a pie from heaven. Imagine he attacked her with all his attacking skill, haha… 'I would probably die from her slap…'

"L-Lulu, w-why did you stop?"

Instead of a normal answer, Alicia asked him back with a small voice. He couldn't see her face as she was facing the mat.

"Well, it's already been 20 minutes, Alicia. My mana and stamina are all drained. So how was it?"

"I-It was very good, n-no, I mean it was really u-useful. I can feel my body healing faster with your massage."

"That's good then."

"L-Lulu," Alicia covered her face as she said nervously. "Y-You will give me a m-massage every day, okay?"

Lucien felt a bit weird. But who cared, it was good for him too. "Sure, why not? It's only 20 minutes after all."

"N-No, can't you do it longer?" She said longingly.

"I can do it a bit longer with my leveled up skills, around several minutes more, I guess?"

"That's far from enough!", shouted her seriously. Even Lucien was taken aback by the sight. 'The hell?'

Then, a light bulb lit up above her head again. With a flash, a green cover book appear on her hand. She then gave it to Lucien.

"Here, take this. It's a potionology book Abyss edition. You will study it from now and spend all your time brewing potion, okay? So you can massage me longer! hehe" She said excitedly.

Lucien furrowed his brows at the sight. Narrowing his eyes, he stared at her curiously. "The massage must be very effective, huh. You seem so excited, Alicia."

Realising her action was 'a bit' too much, she was flustered.

"A-Ahem, w-what do you mean L-Lulu. Didn't you want me to quickly teach you fighting? I-I'm just excited that I can teach you earlier!"


"S-Stop looking at me like that, i-it's not like I want more massage because it feels good- Oops!" Alicia quickly covered her mouth. "No, no, nothing."

"I knew it, Alicia." Lucien was enlightened as he said teasingly. "You are actually a perverted, huh? You even made such a lewd noise when I was-"

Bam! <= Slap noise?

"Ahhhh!! I-I won't forgive you, L-Lulu!"

Then, he flew for the third time of a day. This time he even ended up a kilometer away, crashing all the trees.


Coming back to the cave, Lucien saw Alicia turning her face away, pouting.

'How can she be so cute? Is she even a human? Oh right, she's an angel.'

He had seen many beautiful girls from Earth through his research for 'academic purpose', but never did he see anyone as beautiful as her. Her beauty was enough to make his heart racing.

After apologizing her and said he would give her massage everyday, Alicia was more or less forgiving him.

"So I will be giving you massage and brewing potions. How should I train my other skills then?" Lucien asked her. He really wanted to get stronger.

"Well, I will give you a disciple path when I'm cured." She then took out a wooden spear from other dimension.

"For now, just train your body and get familiar with a spear."

Looking at the sword on his waist, Lucien was a bit regret. He had already unlocked paths for dagger and sword previously. And now he's changing weapon again.

Knowing what he thought, Alicia scolded him for the first time. "Just throw that piece of stick away. Remember, every weapon apart from spear is a trash."

"Woah!" He was shocked beyond word. Isn't that too harsh? Isn't it a weapon version of racist or something?

She seemed to be another person when talking about spear.

"O-Okay," Lucien quickly threw his sword away. Then he saw a cute smile of satisfaction on Alicia's face.

"Let me brief you about the fighting skills Lulu will get from me a bit." She then spread her wings as she continued.

"I'm an angel, you see? After we transcend as an angel, our skills and magics mainly revolved around light attribute. That mean we will be very strong in day time as all of our skills will be boosted in light!"

"But, doesn't that mean you will be weak at night?"

"Nope, we are still able to employ 100% of our power at night but in the day, for example, at least 150%? Depending on how bright the surrounding, you see?" Alicia even smirked proudly, talking about her style.

"Moreover, we can summon light in the darkness as a specialty of an angel. And that will be a problem for you if you don't have any light summoning skill."

She continued, "There are other ways like borrowing the sun, moon and star power, but the good ones were monopolized by the higher ups or other transcendant already."

Listening to her, Lucien had an idea. He summoned a light orb and asked her. "Is this okay?"

"Oh, light orb? This is actually a rare skill because only one from 'first generation' get it for free. No one even wants to learn this skill so it's quite rare."

"Yeah, I think this skill is quite useless too but is it usable?"

"Barely, I guess. You might need to level it up a lot more to increase the area of effect and brightness."

"Okay, I will." He put Light Orb into his training list as he asked her more. "About that contacting with stars. My world knew a bit about astronomy so maybe I might find a good ownerless star."

"I'll let you try it later then, Lulu."

"Alicia, what path should I go with for now?" Lucien showed her his available paths. An advice from an expert is priceless, you know?

"Umm, Lulu, the paths are endless and different people have different path. Just go with what you think suits you the most. Even my disciple path will just be one of your numerous paths. I-I can't help you with this."

"Hm?" Lucien contemplated a bit and he furrowed his brows. "It's not that you aren't confident to teach me, right?"

"W-What do you mean, Lulu? Although I never had a disciple, I know at least how to teach, okay?" She seemed a bit agitated.

Well, Lucien felt like anymore than this would likely touch her nerve again so he decided to stop his teasing. It was in his blood. He couldn't stop bullying anyone he knew.

'But- Sigh~, is she even an expert? She should be, right?'

The sky was already dark so he decided to ask his last question.

"Right, Alicia. I've got this feeling of exhaustion before. It's like I'll die from starving if I get stronger."

"Umu, it's Aether Starvation."

"Aether Starvation?"

"Yep, you see, aether is a fuel that maintaining your skills and stats. So the stronger you get, the more aether is needed."

"Then, how can I get more of it?" This question was very important as that feeling was unbearable.

"The system will give you more as you level up. The main point is to help your world, you see? To get your first class and start leveling up, it can only be done in your world."

She continued, "It's a kind of population registration, marking that you're from that planet. Portions of aether and mana you get when killing monsters will be sent to power up your planet."

"Hm? Why does it seems like this process is made to prevent someone from getting stronger without a class?"

"Well, as you know, you can get stronger just by taking path, right? But if you don't take a class, it won't help your planet as you were consuming its resource for free." Alicia answered the questions thoroughly.

"But taking class and level up will be faster if you want to get stronger, right?"

"You might not know but the class available to you will be based on your skills and paths you have taken. So, people wanted to get as strong as possible to get the best class they can.Moreover, there will be a limit on the number of skills you can learn after taking class."

"That make sense." Still, Lucien felt it was unfair. It's not that he didn't want a class but he couldn't get one! Now, he had to suffer this injustice. "Sigh~"

"It's fine, Lulu! I have way more than enough aether to even supply my skills. I can easily supply you!" Alicia gave him a bright smile.

"Thanks! I will try my best to massage and make sure you reach the peak of ecstasy!" Lucien gave her a smile back.

Alicia blushed as she said angrily, "S-Stop talking like that, I'm not a perverted!"


Thanks to Alicia, he didn't need to worry about aether. 'Now, I'll focus on the plus stat per level then. Hehe, I will have a head start and become the strongest!

After receiving a mat and sets of girl clothes from Alicia, it was time to check his stats before sleeping. Right, girl clothes, at least it's better than his racked cloak, alright?

Lucien actually felt like he was losing something wearing a girl clothe, something called a man pride....

Well, whatever, he tossed the inedible pride away as he looked at his Path menu. He had a total of 436 PP right now.

Available Path: Abyss Traveler Path 0/50, Surpasser Path 0/250, Apprentice Path 0/50, Dagger Mastery I Path 0/50, Burning Pain Path 0/200, Psychiatric Path 0/100, Blood Trail Path 0/100, Sword Mastery I Path 0/50

First of all, Abyss Traveler and two Weapon Mastery paths were ruled out. Apprentice was also ruled out as he felt like taking bigger paths.

His first choice will be Supasser path and then the other 3 heartbreaking paths. They were paths he got from the torture so he felt like erasing them from the lists already.

'Sigh~ I need to move forward.'

With that, he poured his PP into the rewarded path, Surpasser Path.

[Congratulations! You have received 4 stat points.]

[Congratulations! You have received 4 stat points.]

[Congratulations! You have received 4 stat points.]

[Congratulations! You have completed Surpasser Path! You, a weakling, have overcome the concept of leagues and tread on the path of the Surpasser. Your path is destined to be above other of the same generation and no one can block you from going forward.]

[Only by killing those who are stronger can satisfy you. +3 free stats per level and +3 all stats. ]

Is this a rewarded path? Too amazing! This path gave him 4 free stats every 10 PP. Coupled with the one from his Soul Skill, the free stats he had were abundance.

He decided to keep the free stats for now and used them when Alicia could start teaching him.

Next, he would go with Blood Trail and then Psychiatric path.

[Congratulations! You have received 10 health points.]

[Congratulations! You have received 2 endurance.]

[Congratulations! You have received 10 health points.]

[Congratulations! You have received 2 vitality.]

[Congratulations! You have received 5 health regen.]

[Congratulations! You have received 10 health points.]

[Congratulations! You have received 2 endurance.]

[Congratulations! You have received 10 health points.]

[Congratulations! You have received 2 vitality.]

[Congratulations! You have received 10 health points.]

[Congratulations! You have completed Blood Trail Path! Although your whole body is bleeding, you keep moving forward, leaving a long trail of blood. +10 health regen and +5 vitality. You have learned Foster Blood lv1 and Blood Reciprocation lv1]

Foster Blood lv1 : The more blood you loses, the more blood your body will generate. Slightly decrease the rate of losing health as you bleeds. Passive

Blood Reciprocation lv1 : You can absorb your blood that you are in contact with back into your body to heal yourself. Slightly increase the health regen rate. Passive

The Blood Trail part was really good as both skills it gave were surviving skills.

Then, Lucien poured his 86 PP in to the last one, Psychiatric path.

This path also gave him congratulations every 10 PP.

[Congratulations! You have received 2 mental stats.]

[Congratulations! You have received 2 indomitable.]

[Congratulations! You have received 2 reaction.]

[Congratulations! You have received 2 perception.]

[Congratulations! You have received 2 dexterity.]

[Congratulations! You have received 2 mental stats.]

[Congratulations! You have received 2 indomitable.]

[Congratulations! You have received 2 reaction.]

Yep, all pure stats. Lucien was quite curious what skill he will get from this path. Maybe a mind controlling skill? Worth anticipating, hehe.

'Well, the stats and skills I got from today will really gave the author a headache. Don't forget a +1 dexterity from today massage too, haha!'



Lucien Santosa

Class: N/A

Level: 0

Title: 'Will of Survivor', 'One Who Surpass', 'Little Divine Masseurs'

Legacy: N/A

Health(/r per hour): 650(299.25)

Mana(/r per hour): 881(197)

Stamina(/r per min): 588(153)

Strength: 64

Agility: 84

Endurance: 49

Vitality: 73

Perception: 69

Reaction: 36

Dexterity: 72

Intelligent: 83

Wisdom: 53

Control: 69

Indomitable: 118

Luck: 18

(188 free stats, 4 mental stats)


Cute White Dress

Skill: Acting lv38, Magic Arrow lv7, Heavy Blow lv43, Running lv19, Pain Resistant lv112, Dagger Mastery lv39, Climbing lv5, Appraisal lv8, Light Orb lv6, Mana Shield lv6, Paralysis lv6, Meditation lv3, Physical Fitness lv28, Air Burst lv5, Wind Reinforcement lv41, Gale Manipulation lv20, Empower lv55, Sprinting lv23, Leap lv20, Sneak lv26, Grace of the Wind ® lv19, Bliss Severing lv24, Misleading ® lv26, Hoodwinking ® lv13, Bargain lv4, Dodge lv15, Sword Mastery lv38, Concealment ® lv28, Eyes of the Truth Seeker ® lv9, Killing Intent ® lv1, Burn Resistance lv142, Mental Fortitude lv102, Relentless Heart, Epiphany (S), Euphoria Touch of the Divine Masseurs (U) lv25, Breath of the Divine Masseurs (U) lv24, Insight of the Divine Masseurs (U) lv19, Rapture Pressure of the Divine Masseurs (U) lv24, Ecstasy Divine Massage (U) lv28, Foster Blood lv1, Blood Reciprocation lv1

Soul Skill:

Stillness in a Cold Breeze lv646

PP: 0

Completed Path: Newbie 5/5, Trainee 20/20, Wind Magic 30/30, Basic Physical Fitness 20/20, Heavy Blow 30/30, Wanderer 20/20, Wind Reinforcement 100/100, True Acting 50/50, Empower I 100/100, Luck Path 60/60, Hope Path 1/1, Ecstasy Massage Divine Technique I 150/150, Surpasser 250/250, Blood Trail 100/100

Current Path: Psychiatric Path 83/100

Available Path: Abyss Traveler Path 0/50, Apprentice Path 0/50, Dagger Mastery I Path 0/50, Burning Pain Path 0/200, Sword Mastery I Path 0/50