Is this really me? (4)

"Hah, what a fresh morning!"

Lucien, with a cute white dress, woke up from a deep sleep. He stretch his body a bit before climbing down the tree-

"Eh? How do I end up on the tree?"

Yep, he found himself sleeping on the tree. If he remembered correctly, he was sleeping on a mat Alicia gave him in the cave.

"Whatever, it's not like it's a bad thing."

Reaching the cave, he gave Alicia a massage. Of course, her moaning sound rang throughout the entire cave.

"ha...ha…", panted Alicia. Her face was beet red, so as Lucien's. He felt the situation was more lewd than yesterday.

Maybe he was too focus last time? Or his massage skills leveled up a lot?

'This is so erotic. Damn! Look at her face and voice, how the hell am I supposed to endure this?'

Lucien turned his body away as he didn't Alicia to see his fully stretched pants, no, dress.

"I-I will do study how to brew a potion, okay?"

"G-Good luck, Lulu."

With that, Lucien quickly exited the cave. He was so embarrassed.

'What's with that misty eyes!?'


Sitting on the tree branch where he found it the most comfortable, he took out the book given by Alicia yesterday.

The book was titled 'Basic Potionology, Abyss edition' by Ministry of Medicine of Heaven. He slowly flipped through them for 5 minutes.

The language was foreign to him but he somehow understood it. It must be the assistance of system.

The information written in the book wasn't complex at all. There was a long list of potions in the summary.

When he opened to the potion of his interest, there written names of the necessary herbs and how to make a potion from them.

It looked simple at a first glance. One only needed to find the required herbs, turning then into liquid and mixing them in a right portion.

However, what's hard was the procedure, including order, duration and temperature. Some needed to be boiled and some needed to be frozen.

The size of the book was of a university textbook. He felt like dying if he had to read the whole.

Thankfully, he only needed to brew mana and stamina potion which were basics among all of them.

Maybe it was his higher intelligent and wisdom stats, Lucien found it was easier for him to memorize the information.

His mindset also experienced a huge change. Back on Earth, there was no way he would read a book, even for the school test. However, he felt fine when he started reading this huge book.

The introduction to potionology even captured his interest. From what the book said, potionology was only a part of alchemy. There were pillmaking and more.

Like that, he spent 3 days comprehending the basic of potion making.

Alicia also happily taught him what she knew about potions the best she could, especially after she heard about a 2 hours course massage.

Surveying the surrounding jungle, he looked for the necessary herbs. From what Alicia told him, 10 kilometers around here was void with beasts as her aura had already scared them away.

Placing 13 herbs around him, Lucien placed a bucket of water and and glass vials from Alicia to the front.

Making sure he remembered the procedure of mana potion, he attempted his first potion making.

First, he squeezed all the herbs, berries and fruits into their respective vials. Then, he carefully mixed them in an order. With Alicia guiding, there was no problem.

"Wait, Alicia, you know how to make a potion so why don't you do it? It'll probably be faster and better than mine." In the midst of brewing potion, Lucien tilted his head curiously.

"I'm recuperating here, you see? Moreover, my potionology skill is not that high. It won't make different in quality! Also, Lulu, you can get extra PP too!"

"Right," Lucien nodded. "However, if we both make it at the same time, won't we have more quantities?"

"..." Alicia was silence.

"Oh my, big sis Alicia, to think you would be this lazy." Lucien mocked her jokingly.

"N-No! I-I'm not lazy. I-I'm a warrior so I won't do these production things!" She seemed agitated a bit.


"Just shut up, Lulu! Do you want another slap?" Then, she pouted again.

'Sigh~ I just can't get tired of this.' thought Lucien.

After 10 minutes, his first potion was a success! He got Potion Making lv3 and Alchemy lv1.

[Mana Potion]

Recover 100 mana

The potion had a nice light blue color. It looked delicious as well, making Lucien feel proud of his work.

"You've got a talent, Lulu!" Alicia congratulated him happily. Her eyes contained a pure joy. She was really craving for his full coarse massage after all.

To store his personal stuff, Alicia gave him a spatial pouch. She said it was the one she used before.

"Thanks!" Lucien gave her a small hug. This was the first artifact he had ever seen and he was really attracted to it.

There was a separated dimension with the size of 100x100x100 meters inside. It was even bigger than his house.

He was sure that even among all the spatial pouches, this one was of higher quality.

The pouch was silky white with a light pink embroidment, looking expensive at that first glance. Moreover this pouch was compatible with the white dress he was wearing. Excluding his face full of scar, he was like a little angel with his small body.

Looking at himself, he really felt like he was losing something…

From that day, his routine was simple, brewing potions, massaging, swinging spear and casting light orb.

His massage skills level didn't increase explosively like the first time anymore. Maybe it was because he was massaging the same person. However, they were still increasing steadily.

Well, it's not like his massage was less effective. Just how Alicia's moaning kept getting louder and louder everyday was already enough of a prove.

Beside making potion, Lucien also planted the ingredients as he used a lot of them. One day it might get depleted after all.

Moreover, he didn't want to wander too far from the cave. This also netted him Farming lv1, decreasing the time his planting needed to grow.

Most of the herbs only required a week or so to mature enough to be used as potion ingredients.

With his spared time, Lucien emptied his mana casting Light Orb. It took him a month reaching lv30, much longer than he anticipated, giving him a Light Orb Path 0/30.

Other than Light Orb, he didn't train much skills, so they didn't increase much. He spent most of his time making potions after all.

With his PP right now, he would finish Psychiatric and then go with Light Orb and Potion Making I Path.

Congratulations! You have received 2 perception.

Congratulations! You have received 2 dexterity.

Congratulations! You have completed Psychiatric Path! +15 mana regen and +2 mental stats. You have learned Sense Disruption ® lv1.

Sense Disruption ® lv1 : Oppress the target's mentality with yours, disrupting his/her five sense for a short duration. The effect depends on the difference in mental capability. Cost : 100 mana

"Hah~ Am I too OP already?", sighed Lucien with a profound light in his eyes.

Well, he would try it later. Next, I choose you, Light Orb Path 0/30!

[Congratulations! You have received 5 mana points.]

[Congratulations! You have received 1 control.]

[Congratulations! You have received 10 mana points.]

[Congratulations! You have received 1 intelligent.]

[Congratulations! You have received 1 magic stat.]

[Congratulations! You have received 10 mana points.]

[Congratulations! You have completed Light Orb Path! +10 mana points, +2 mana regen and +2 magic stats. You have learned Firefly lv1.]

Firefly lv1 : Summon a group of light motes scattering around in an area. Cost : 30 mana

"Sigh~ It's not like I held much expectation after all." He couldn't say he was disappointed. This skill was deemed useless to him since the start anyway. Still, he would have to train this skill anyway.

Last one, go! Potion Making I Path 0/30!

Congratulations! You have completed Potion Making I Path! +5 mana regen, +2 dexterity and +2 control. You have learned Mana Brewing lv1.

Mana Brewing lv1 : Mixing your mana into the potion, increasing its effect and purity. Cost : Depending on the type of potion

Aside from the completion reward, Lucien got 20 mana points, 2 dexterity and 2 control from the path.

He tried Mana Brewing to his potion and the result was amazing. His potion's effectiveness was increased by 105% and that was just a level 1 skill.

After spending 74 PP, Lucien just saved the rest and continued to spend his peaceful time.

And like that another 7 months had passed since then. 4 months earlier than expect, Alicia was fully cured.