

That's how Rune found me.. ugly crying. I only noticed him when I felt him lower himself into the water behind me as he wrapped me in a strong embrace. He didn't ask me what was wrong.. didn't ask me about what happened while with Ryder, nothing. And for that, I'm grateful. He just held me tightly and at the moment it felt like the only thing holding me together.

I vaguely remember Fig waking up and one of the healers taking him soon after. They nearly had to pry him out of my hands, I only let him go when Rune placed his large hands over mine. Whispering that "He was okay and in good hands". After they took Fig, Rune scooped me up and shifted us to his large room.

I felt his magic wash over me in a warm embrace as I suddenly become dry. Rune lies me down and quickly wraps his arms around me, pulling me against his strong chest. He leaves soft kisses all over my face and head as he gently rubs my back in a soothing manner. I try to control my emotions but it seems that the dam responsible for holding everything back has broken. Everything came rushing out.


I wake up to sunlight pouring through the large window and I quickly shut my eyes. My head hurts.. Probably from all the crying.. I go to sit up but feel Rune's arms tighten, refusing to let go. I let him and snuggle in closer taking a deep breath. I missed this so much.. his warmth, smell and the sense of "home" I have with him.

There for a while I didn't think I'd ever get to see him again.. and when I realized that, I realized just how much he means to me. The thought of going back to the human world is quickly disappearing. "Are you okay?" He ask softly and I sigh in content. "Yes.. I'm sorry." I say in a small voice.

"Never apologize for needing me, for needing us. I'm the one who should be apologizing.. I told you that I would keep you safe and yet.." He tightens his arms and I feel a pang of pain in my heart. I quickly cut him off and say "You did, you saved me from him and you saved me again last night." He hmmms but doesn't say anything else and I decide to drop it. I guess neither one of us should really be apologizing.

"Is Fig okay?" I ask pulling away and sitting up, this time he lets me. "Yes, he's still with the healers. We will go check on him after you've had something to eat." I wanted to argue but I knew better. I jump out of bed and do my best to ignore the growing headache as I power through my shower. I'm pretty sure I choked more than once in a very un lady like manner while scarfing down my food just so that I could see Fig sooner. Something deep down was telling me that something wasn't right... I just hope I'm being paranoid.