43 "Fighting with Wang Batian 2"

Wang Batian Again Gathered up his courage and said in stammering voice "y... you can't be this much strong... you are just a Trash... I will kill you and feed you to dogs."

Wang Batian Attacked again and again but Ling Tian Flawlessly dodged all of his attacks.

Wang Batian felt more and more stifled as he fought on, and he was on the verge of going insane. Wang Batian who had just furiously declared that he would teach Ling Tian a lesson leaped backward as soon as Ling Tian lifted his legs on the three occasions, and on top of that, he even spurted a mouthful of blood each time...

As soon as Ling Tian raised his leg, Wang Batian would jump backward. It was as though a human was toying with his own dog, and at the same time, it resembled a dancing couple as well. You advance while I retreat... and an occasional spurting of blood for a touch of intimacy...

(Didn't you furiously declare that you would kill me?) Ling Tian

(To be jumping around the area... Are you sure you aren't trying to flirt with me?) Ling Tian

(when did this wang Batian become so weak?) Ling Tian

"Pu! Pu! Pu!" Blood Spurted.

Wang Batian was already severely injured before, but after hearing those words and he nearly failed to catch his breath and almost fainted on the spot.

The more he thought about it, the more furious wang Batian became. As a core disciple, a prestigious and respected figure in the soaring dragon sect, if he doesn't kill the Ling Tian now, he would surely regret in the future.

"Today, it'll be either you die or I die..."

Roaring furiously, he whipped his sword like Sharp Claws around once more. his sword like Sharp Claws gleamed, as though creating a spherical light force field around him.

With such a swift sword like Sharp Claws, even if a pail of water were to be splashed over one, one would be able to completely deflect it.

Just as wang Batian thought that the Ling tian would be completely helpless before this Attack, he lowered his head, only to see a foot leisurely being stretched over toward him. Just as the several times before, it shot straight through the gaps in his Sharp Claws.

"Damn it, damn it!"

"This... Impossible! How can this be possible..."

(Ahh... Damn it!... What the Fuck is this? How in the world can he find the gaps in every single of my claw attacks... I display...) Wang Batian's Monologue

"You won't know who's the victor until the very end..."

Recovering from his shock, a savage expression reappeared on Wang Batian's face.

Knowing that attacks even after bloodline transformation was already useless, he threw a jade seal on the floor. Then, clenching his fists tightly, he propelled his cultivation and cloaked his hands with a layer of Spiritual qi.

"Dark/Secret Battle Arts "Shadow Demon"

Wang Batian was only at Level 2 Martial King Realm, but through this battle Arts, he was able to take the top 3 place in Core disciple's battle tournament. This showed how formidable this battle technique was. soon after that, he ate a pill to supplement this battle art.

{Dark Arts are being cultivated by Demonic cultivators.}

Wang Batian's cultivation jumped up to Level 2 Martial king Realm to direct Level 2 Martial Emperor Realm.


Knowing the Ling Tian was a tough adversary, Wang Batian drove his cultivation to his limits and took the initiative.


The air was tightly compressed under his might, causing a deafening sonic boom. In the blink of an eye, his fist was already right before Ling Tian, headed for his chest.


Ling Tian felt a stifling sensation in his chest, as though someone had struck it forcefully. His face paled and he was forced to retreat several steps backward to ward off the force. He spurted mouthful of blood.


Upon seeing the massive strength the Wang Batian displayed, Ling Tian was Temporary stunned. He came back to his sense and he slowly stood up and said.

"That was your Ace? you could have won if you had launched that attack on my head. you know." Ling Tian

Wang Batian thought that Ling Tian would be unable to hold his ground against His Attack, but Ling Tian only Spurted mouthful of blood.

"I Didn't want to use this here but you left me with no choice." Ling Tian

Ling Tian Activated his Bloodline Transformation.

Ling tian's body Start changing after he activated his bloodline. Ling tian's body started to cover with golden fur and he grew a long tail. He just looked like a monkey of human size. Slowly His face and hair were veiled with a layer of frosty Ice and he turned into an Ice Sculpture.

Slowly cracks formed on Ling tian's Ice sculpture and with a big burst Ice sculpture was shattered into pieces and a human-size monkey came out from the shattered Ice sculpture that was Ling Tian and his golden Fur Turned into Snow white fur.

Transformed Ling Tian with eyes closed gave a loud roar that shook the whole chamber and his voice echoed in whole old ruins.

Upon seeing the Bloodline Transformation Ling Tian displayed, wang Batian was Temporary stunned.

(Wasn't his bloodline related to a golden Stone? what is this pressure I am feeling from his bloodline Transformation?) wang Batian's monologue.

Ling Tian Slowly started opening his eyes. when Ling Tian opened his eyes Wang Batian shivered to look into the eyes of Ling Tian because This time Ling Tian's eyes were completely white there was no Black irises in the white part of the eyes.

Ling Tian Heard a metallic voice in his head.
