44 "Master, Save Me!!!"




{ELEMENTAL PHYSIQUE - user of this physique will able to gain fast insight into basic elements}

Ling Tian Ignored the notification from the system and he began walking up Toward Wang Batian. wherever Ling Tian Landed his foot on the ground below froze. He was leaking cold freezing from his body.

Watching Ling Tian walking toward him. Wang Batian knew that running before Ling Tian is futile so he couldn't help but clenched his fist with his full power and sent his punch toward the Ling Tian who was walking toward him.

Ling Tian flexed his fingers and grabbed forward, as though capturing a rabbit trapped in a cage.


Wang Batian's fist art was dispelled in an instant. Then, as though Wang Batian was a little chicken, ling tian grabbed his neck, lifting him up.

Narrowing his eyes, Wang Batian's face reflected his disbelief.

"Yo-You..." wang Batian

Having his neck grabbed, a mix of shock and fear surfaced on Wang Batian's face.

Wang Batian thought that by using the Dark Battle art and his most powerful move, even if he wasn't a match for the Ling Tian, he would still be able to stand his own ground. He didn't even consider the possibility of being subdued as soon as he made a move.

"Don't kill me!. I was blind to have made a move on you... As long as you don't kill me, I'll give you whatever you want." Wang Batian

The Ling Tian before him had killed his other 3 fellow brother disciples and even his final ace was crushed that easily. This time, Wang Batian truly felt frightened and helpless.

"Anything I want. I just want to know where is Little white..." Ling Tian.

Wang Batian interjected before Ling Tian could finish his sentence.

"That wolf cub is with Master" Wang Batian

"Wang Batian... Wang Batian... Wang Batian... you didn't even let me complete my sentence before... I was saying that 'I just want to know where is Little white... I promise you if tell me where is Little white is I will give you a painless death'. I can't let you live after what you have done to me. Do you know how much I suffered in the *Bone corroding nether yin river*. Since I said that I'll kill you, then pardon me... Only one fate awaits you!" Ling Tian

Ling Tian's eyebrows shot up as he exerted more force through his fingers.

"AH... Master, save me!"

Seeing that Ling tian was about to really make a move, Wang Batian's face paled and he hurriedly shouted for help.

"Let him go!"

As soon as Wang Batian shouted for help, a loud bellow reverberated across Chamber.

It sounded as though the rumbling of a thunder, shaking the ground and ruins in the area.

Frowning, Ling Tian glanced over.

The voice came from the depths of the Ruins right in front of him. Deep and steady, those words seemed to wield an immense pressure.

Even despite Ling Tian's recent massive breakthrough, he found himself on the verge of caving in from the pressure.

"So... Strong..."

Ling Tian clenched his fists tightly.

Ling Tian was in his Bloodline transformation Yet, the other party was able to induce such a sensation within him with just words. Without a doubt, the other party's cultivation definitely exceeded that of his by a large margine. He didn't know that his former master was this strong.

The elder wu rong spoke slowly and deeply. "Ling Tian I order you let Wang Batian Go and leave one hand and leg behind. or, you'll face my relentless pursuit for revenge then. You are a wise man, so I believe you should know what to choose!"

The Wu Rong's voice may seem calm, but it was laced with threat.

If ling tian truly intended to make a move, Wu Rong would surely step forward and kill him.

Hearing the other party's threat, Ling Tian clenched his fists tightly together.


With a slight exertion of force, his grip tightened and a crisp sound echoed. Before Wang Batian could make a single sound, his head tilted and he breathed his last breath.


The corpse was thrown to the ground.

"You... Audacious!" Wu Rong

Not expecting that this young fellow would actually kill Wang Batian despite all that he had said, Wu Rong couldn't hold back his rage anymore. The restraint present in his voice previously vanished, and his bellow reached even the heavens, threatening to tear the sky apart.


Ling Tian Vanished from the Chamber and appeared before Wu Rong.

"I gave you a chance; it's a pity that you didn't grasp it well!" Wu Rong

Clenching his jaws tightly, Wu Rong stared down at Ling Tian coldly.

He doted on that Apprientice disciple of his greatly. Otherwise, he wouldn't have made him his Legacy disciple.

Yet, this fellow actually dared to kill his beloved Disciple right before him... Unforgivable!


The voice reverberated from the heavens, falling down upon Ling Tian like a plummeting massive hammer.

Deng deng deng deng!

Ling Tian felt a stifling sensation in his chest, as though someone had struck it forcefully. His face paled and he was forced to retreat several steps backward to ward off the force and spurted mouthful of blood.